So many ways TPTB (the powers that be) fucked with everybody’s brains to keep us all in anxiety during the world wide MK Ultra event known as the COVID pandemic.
I’ve been thinking about the mass psychosis of intense anxiety we’re all seeing and feeling since they rolled out the COVID PsyOp. Besides the horrible effects of the mandates and lockdowns themselves, for many there are lingering mental effects of the relentless assaults on our spirits. Just like TPTB like it.
Either you believed their narrative in which case you were anxious and seeking a reduction in anxiety, or you didn’t believe it and were anxious from dealing with being demonized by the media and your fellow citizens. Or you didn’t believe it but you still know that they are trying to kill all of us useless eaters so you’re anxious too.
Or because you were forced to take a vaccine* you didn’t want, to keep your job. Or in some cases, by other family members so you could continue to interact with them.
*What I am calling the COVID vaccines are really bioweapons. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have written extensively about them. They are actually military countermeasures by the government’s own admission. Read Sasha and Katherine’s Substacks to learn more.
And if you were a truth teller about all this madness, you might have had your professional credentials stripped and/or you might have been de-banked, or even murdered. It would take a strong person to not feel anxiety about speaking up after seeing that!
This was Mass Guilt Shaming.
Here’s some of the ways they did this.
Fearmongering about a pathogen. The only groups who were really in danger from this COVID pathogen were the elderly and immunocompromised. But they bamboozled the whole world into being afraid of it.
So afraid that many of them became raging authoritations against their fellow citizens. Or maybe they always were and just hid it. Times have certainly changed.
Fear mongering into masks and social distancing. Even though masking causes oxygen levels to drop. (not good) And viruses can travel more than 6 feet. And viruses are smaller than the mask holes so they can get through anyway. Masks are a failure as a mitigating factor for COVID.
But if masks worked or 6 feet social distancing worked, then why did we need lockdowns anyway?
Fear mongering into forced vaccinations. If vaccines work, then those who took them were protected and did not need to worry if someone else didn’t take one. Their vaccine would protect them and it didn’t matter if others didn’t have one. Somehow this got turned around into a false narrative that the unvaccinated were a threat. What? I thought you said vaccines work.
For the ones all this fearmongereing worked on, they were living in anxiety hoping to feel better by complying. But that was short lived because the statistics didn’t match up to the narrative.
Here’s a little timeline of the shifting WHO narrative about the vaccines.
Old people were isolated in nursing homes and forced to die alone. And they were injected with an untested vaccine. It killed many of them.
We were forced to watch this.
Thousands were killed by hospital protocols. Isolated from family. The hospital protocols were actually deadly and no one was allowed to intervene for the patients.
Lifesaving protocols like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were demonized because legally the only way to get approval for the vaccines was if there were no known interventions that would help. So they lied to help Pharma have a massive pay day, and control over the earth. And this caused more fear and anxiety.
We were forced to watch this.
Kids were forced to isolate at home or masked up 6 feet apart within circles at school. This caused them to slide backward in learning.
People were forced to take jabs or lose their jobs. This caused massive economic distress. And anxiety!
(Health care workers, Doctors and Nurses , Pilots and airline personnel including Air Traffic Controllers, Teachers, Grocery clerks, I don’t even know all the sectors but every day I would hear about people being forced to inject themselves to keep their jobs.)
Anyone in these industries who dissented from the approved narrative of Jabs Good was targeted. Many of them were fired.
When the deaths from vaccines started being tracked, people who took them began fearing side effects* of the vaccines. And fearing losing a loved one who took the vaccines! It seems every day in the news there are stories of people dying suddenly. No one wants to call out the elephant in the room, but this causes mass anxiety too!
*Side effects like Turbo Cancer, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Strokes, Heart Attacks, Kidney damage, Liver damage, Nerve damage, etc.
It’s a weird double psyop going on about that. For the most part the media ignores and/or downplays the incidents where people are dying or being incapcitated right in front of their eyes on their TV screen in real time. I mean, gosh, they don’t want people to become “vaccine hesitant.”
But they still have to address those incidents when they happen on the screen, like say, the Damar Hamlin event, and of course it’s going to give some people some pause to think if they themselves are vaxxed. They can’t hide all of these incidents. More and more people know someone who died suddenly after being vaxxed. More anxiety!
Many who would not comply had fear of being cut off by family members for not taking the vaccines. Many were.
People who fly became afraid to fly, because the pilots were forced to be vaxxed. We’ve already seen several pilots die on the runway or in the air. Now there is a shortage of pilots so the airlines want to man the planes with only one pilot! An air disaster in the making.
Those who understood the danger were fearful of invasion because our military is weakened by the vaccines. Many left the ranks and many of those left are injured. Not battle ready!
People put off needed medical procedures due to fear of going to the hospital. Many feared the forced deadly protocols. Or vaxxed blood.
And there’s a shortage of Doctors and Nurses. Many died. And many left the medical field rather than take untested vaccines.
Now there is mass fear of a fake pathogen coming along and being used for all the same crap all over again. Or a new engineered pathogen coming along for the same reason. Please people, for the love of God, DO NOT COMPLY!
(Click Shirt to Buy)
Many now fear social ostracizing for speaking out about what they see.
And if they didn’t before, many now fear their rulers’ brains were fried by the vaccines. (as if they weren’t fried by Power) More stupid policies are on the way.
And they fear targeting by their own governments for non compliance.
It’s all enough to drive a person mad if they aren’t really strong.
This madness happened all over the world. All the governments went along with all of it. A world wide MK ULTRA event.
And besides all of that abuse, they gaslighted us too. After mandating vaccines and killing off patients in hospitals, and insuring that many small businesses closed, and people lost their jobs, they then lied and said they never coerced us. Liars!!!! We remember!
So all of these COVID specific anxiety producing actions happened during the PLANDEMIC. I probably left some out. But these actions are/were keeping everyone anxious 24/7. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World wrote about it too. They want to scare us into psychosis. For some people that’s not a far reach.
They’ve got lots of other ways they’ve been using for a while. I’ll be writing about some of those in the future. It’s all orchestrated to induce mass anxiety on top of everything else. Please don’t comply with that either.
I hate to leave without giving some good news, so here it is. There are herbs that calm the nervous system. Ashwagandha, Kava Kava, and Passion Flower are my favorite ones for stress and anxiety. I would take herbs over any pharma drugs. But some people get relief from anti anxiety medications. Hard to get off of though. Just FYI. Music helps too. So does exercise. And so does talking to other like minded individuals. So hang with your buddies who get what’s going on. We need each other now more than ever .
Stay sane, friends!
Great collection of memes and thanks for the Enya song... I've not listened to her music for ages (had many of her CDs). Very soothing and healing.
Such a great post and a critical reminder that the ghoulz are coming out of their pits to run the hideous Op all over again. I feel the deep anxiety returning, and the anger, which I never seem to keep at bay without constantly reminding myself that it is hurting ME much more than them to feel this way.
It is absolutely another roll-out of their trauma-based mind-control program of democide, worldwide. We know that most of us here always knew the drill, we immediately saw through the lies, side-stepped the ghoulz, as best we could, and somehow we will rage on and navigate it all over again.
Sadly, so many are already masking up and lining up for their next jab, still completely oblivious to the carnage all around them. It gives me little faith that we can ever stop the wreckage of this mass extinction event, but this time around we have each other for support and vigilance. We do have our amazing celestial tribe to help us navigate this next onslaught of sheer madness and control. Swords and keyboards up.
Thank you for this timely and stellar post - the Sage meme is priceless, your anxiety herbs are most appreciated, love the shirt, and of course some great music to soothe our frenetic and broken hearts.