Why are there so many 6’s on logos everywhere? Logo designers say it’s just that the number 6 is considered lucky in Feng Shui, because it means ‘flow’ in Chinese. The number 6 also represents happiness and blessings in their culture. Hmmm, not sure I buy that.
The globalists love numerology and believe there is magic and power in numbers. And they seem obsessed with the number 6 and especially double and triple 6’s.
Here’s the chrome logo. See the three 6’s? Google is not exactly a benign company. A long time ago their motto was “Don’t be evil.” I think we all know how that went.
On the other hand, Christians hate the number 666. They point to the New Testament of the Bible, as it reads in the King James Version (13:18):
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The idea of the “number of a man” or “beast” may refer to the practice of gematria in Jewish numerology, where every letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to a number (e.g., aleph=1, bet=2, etc.), and words and names correspond to the sums of these numbers.
Whatever the reason, there sure are a lot of 6’s everywhere in logo land.
Here’s another NGO logo. Spot the 6’s?
So why do all the globalist companies use so many 6’s in their designs, logos, etc? Of all the designs they could have chosen, why use one with 6’s for a company called Cern? I don’t think it’s for good reasons but what do I know? I mean, Cern just wants to find the God particle. (ostensibly) What could go wrong?
Here’s the new Threads logo, from the company called Meta. WTAF? How many 6’s? Both positive and negative spaces have 6’s. Why??? Of all the designs in the world, why do they want to use a bunch of 6’s? For a company called Threads? I took logo design classes. It is not normal to use something completely unrelated to your name. Just bizarre, in my opinion.
As I was growing up, we drove across the country several times on Route 66. And we stopped to get Cokes at Phillips 66 gas stations. I always wondered why they used so many 6’s in designs and didn’t even know anything about the 666 stuff.
Here’s A bunch of 6 logos. Many TV stations use a 6 in their name and logo. And television is definitely a psyop box that programs you…
You might say Motel 6 had to have a 6 in their logo. But why choose that number as their name anyway?
Even the Chanel logo has 6’s. True it’s 2 C’s but they didn’t have to interlock them to make 6’s. These big companies go out of their way to add 6’s. One reason why I don’t think it’s coincidence.
Here’s the logo for a creepy, but well made TV series, True Detective, which is about Satanic child abuse. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Also very reminiscent of the Pedo logo for Man Boy Love posted under it. (According to the FBI, pedophiles use this symbol for man-boy attraction.) So that made me wonder why did they use a 6 for sodomy? Is sodomy somehow connected to 666? Do the Satanists want all the men having sex with other men instead of women? Is that what 666 is about? Sex is awfully close to six. And they are famously attracted to children. So sex with children is 666? (just spitballing here but I find it fascinating in not a good way)
Disney has been outed as a Globalist company. You can see it with all their woke agendas. And for many years they have put hidden sex symbols in their cartoons. Besides the 6’s outlined in Red here, there are 6’s in the T of Walt, and backwards in the W, and backwards in the D. So a total of six 6’s. Wow, 6 is really a popular number with all these globalists. I don’t think it’s about happiness and blessings.
Well, well, well, the WEF has them too. Who would’ve thought? The organization that wants to enslave us has 6’s in their logo. They want to take God out of everything, and turn us into cyborgs. Anyone still think that all the 6’s are because of Chinese notions of happiness, blessings, and flow?
Some people say the 6’s are related to the six sides of a box in 3 dimensions. Or a hexagon in 2 dimensions. Back before Christianity the Romans worshipped Saturn. Here are photos of Saturn at its North pole.
And the symbol of Saturn is a Black box. For some reason there are Black box sculptures all over the world. Here’s a few of them.
Check out the Black box in the Star of David. Wonder why they want the six sided box all over the planet? And here you have a 6 pointed star too. Double 6’s. Six almost seems like their favorite number. Of course many have noted that the word “Saturn” is very closely related to “Satan.” So maybe all the Black boxes are devil worship? And maybe the 666’s and 66’s and 6’s in the logos are devil worship too.
And here’s the symbol of Walmart. They tell you it’s only a little spark at the end of their name. Just a fun little symbol, totally benign. They came up with this in 2004.
Here it is with the name.
I superimposed the red lines on it. Well, would you look at that! Not the all American company that sells mostly Chinese products! Yes, that one. Sorry to burst your bubble.
The next time you see a company logo with 6’s, you might want to look a litte further into what they are selling. Whatever the reason for the 6’s, they might be sending a message of alignment with the WEF and the satanists (globalists.) Remember, whether we think the 6’s mean anything or have any power, the satanists believe in their power and they use them everywhere. And their agenda for us is not good. What a dystopian nightmare!
Click on any shirt to buy. Many more sizes and colors of both styles are available. Just click the brand name to see them. There are no 6’s on any of my shirts.
Here’s a song about what the WEF and the satanists want. All about the 666. Just say NO to the globalist agenda!
To be fair it was Sergei Brin who said "don't be evil." As far as we know, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt are evil af
Kusher's building is at 666 Park Av. NYC