I don’t know when the trend started with the meme of Julia Roberts with a very perplexed look and an overlay of calculus. I think it’s from that Movie “Conspiracy Theory” which she starred in along with Mel Gibson.
At any rate, I used to belong to a group on Facebook that was dedicated to making memes as a way to alert others to what is actually going on all around the world that many are blind to. The premise was that memes might work better than words to spark an “aha” moment.
We would put ours up for consideration, and people would then jump off of those and make more. Some days there were hundreds of new memes. I have to admit some of them were a little edgy and Facebook took down our group and kicked off many of us. That was the second time I got kicked off.
Since we were just doing this as a labor of love, very few of us ever put our names on them. I didn’t, but I have seen many of mine around the internet and it always makes me smile. I also see many from my fellow anonymous meme makers. I’ll never tell which ones are mine. (Because I’m on my third Facebook account. 😂)
Here I’m showcasing some of the Julia memes, as we called them. Enjoy, and feel free to share everywhere.
Edited to add: A reader, Pirate Studebaker pointed out to me that the person in the memes is not Julia Roberts, but a doppelganger by the name of Renata Sorrah. Pirate even gave me a new meme idea to use in order to clear it up. So, hats off to Pirate. I told a bunch of my Facebook meme friends about it and no one had ever heard of Renata, and were shocked it’s not Julia. Good to learn things every day, I always say! Thank you Pirate!
A song by Julia Michaels. “Any wish from your heart is a wish worth making.” Let’s wish for more people to wake up. ❤️
That's not Julia Roberts. It's Brazilian actor Renata Sorrah and the scene that the meme is from is from an episode of Senhora do Destino.The South American telenovela ran from 2004 to 2005 and the specific moment of confusion comes when Renata's character is in a prison.
MEME : Me trying to figure out how many millions, perhaps billions, of people have been writing and looking at these memes and not realized this is NOT Julia Roberts...
How are we all still alive? after that devastating list.