This Meme-A-Thon is about politics, one of the things you aren’t supposed to talk about. At least that’s what I’ve always heard while growing up in the South. It wasn’t considered a good thing to bring up politics or religion in polite conversation. Probably because it can quickly turn toxic.
But my parents and all the neighbors did talk politics often at the neighborhood Happy Hour and it seemed like they were enjoying the conversations even when there was disagreement. Lots of joking and mockery laced their conversations and no one seemed to mind. Wish it were that way now.
Sadly, it isn’t. Society has turned toxic and angry, in many places and especially online.
But I like to mock all the sides and all the ideas and all the politicians. And I’m not a Republican or a Democrat either one. I just like to laugh at the follies of both parties. It can still be funny even if your hero is mocked! If you think the whole political arena is one big shit show of a circus, you might enjoy these memes.
But if you get upset when one of your candidates or party or religion is mocked, this post probably isn’t the post for you. I’ll return to covering Big pHarma, corrupt governments, conspiracy theories, ridiculous ideas, and various PsyOps soon.
What follows are just some of the ones I found over the last little while. There are quite a few about our soon to be ex-President. I feel like I need to post them now before they get stale when he leaves office. And there are a few about other ex-Presidents and (maybe) future Presidents too. Enjoy! ❤️
First a little 2 minute video to get you in the mood.
In case you think it makes any difference whatsoever for your investments…
Enjoy a classic rock anthem about our American experience. You can see more of my shirts at the SHOP tab on my home page. Happy Friday! ❤️
It's one big shit show! Keep mocking it 😂
I have to say it but possibly the people in control of this weird thing are reading memes and going wow that is a great idea....:-?