My first memory is of riding my Grandfather’s shoulders in Galveston Bay when I was two. I remember the way the water felt as it splashed on me when the waves hit. And I remember my Grandfather laughing and throwing me around in the air to hear me squeal. He was so much fun. I loved him immensely. He always said I was his favorite Granddaughter and he treated me like an adult even when I was very small. Always interested in what I had to say.
My parents were both US Army officers so we moved often. Then I married a Navy officer and moved again and again. In fact I’ve moved 48 times in my life and that doesn’t even include short term assignments where we didn’t actually move our stuff, just put it in storage for a while. And I managed to stay in California for 29 years all together. But I always come home to Texas. All my relatives on my Mom’s side are either here or buried here. It’s the only place that feels like home to me.
So it has bothered me for a while that our border is not secure. If you don’t live here, you probably don’t know that the invasion is not a new phenomenon at all. I found out in 2009 that there was a route to the USA that started in Panama and ended at our border. There were camps set up all along the way to house and feed these migrants coming from all over the world. Mostly they are military aged single men. Many of them are from countries who hate us. It has only gotten worse.
Just this week Muckraker released a video showing some of these camps and the route they take to get here. It’s all paid for by your US taxes by the way. Using our taxpayer money to fund our own demise. Madness!!! Click the photo to watch.
I don’t care that some people think it’s fine to let them invade. “Give us your tired, your poor…” Do those people leave their doors unlocked??? Do they think it’s fine to let gangs invade their neighborhoods and not defend themselves??? I have relatives who used to live close to the border. (McAllen) They had to leave because of the crime. People who enter illegally don’t care about other laws either. Duh.
I am fine with legal immigration, by the way. Just do it legally. Like I did when I moved to Ireland for 3 years. We had to execute mountains of paperwork to be allowed to live there. Pretty expensive too. Totally worth it though! But no way would I just show up and expect them to take me in. Vetting is necessary unless you have a death wish. Just ask all the dead people in Europe that took in “refugees” and ended up murdered for their kindness.
Before I moved to Europe, I checked all the immigration laws of every country we considered. France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the UK, Monaco, Uruguay, Panama, Ireland, and Denmark (my husband is 60% Danish and his Father immigrated to the USA from Denmark when he was a baby, so we thought it might be easy there, but no, it isn’t.) What I discovered in this investigation is that the USA is actually the easiest country in the world to immigrate to legally. By far! So don’t fall for the story that it’s hard and that’s why they come illegally. No, it’s just that they don’t want to follow laws.
Back in 2017 we had a horrible hurricane here in Texas that did much damage, Hurricane Harvey. I designed these shirts during that time. Over the years they have been some of my most popular shirts. It’s not just a slogan, it’s a way of life here. We stick together, in good times or bad, come Hell or high water, or invasions.
Click any shirt to buy. Many styles and colors available.
I probably first heard this song when I was two. We used to sing it in the car driving to see my Grandparents. I’ve heard it all my life and it never gets old for a Texan.
God Bless Texas ❤️ This is our Alamo.
We KNOW what THEY want....are we willing to give them more blood over their intention?
I stand with Texas. I LOVE all my Texan Frenz, known & unknown. I just can't help but wonder IF they are baiting us into more civil unrest & how much of this is posturing? I'm just asking questions.
These criminal actor psychopaths have duped us before into fulfilling their ritualistic blood sacrifices.