More beautiful shirts I need! 😍♥️😍♥️😍

Daniel would look adorable in a conspiracy theorist shirt.


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Thank you Heidi. ❤️ Yes he would. My favorite one is one that says Natural Born Conspiracy Theorist, but I love the font on the one that just says Conspiracy Theorist. Trying to decide which one I'm getting next for myself.

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Ooooooh ....natural born. 😍

You made me think of a shirt with a pregnant woman, her hand up, refusing a jab. Or the baby's hand up in the womb.

Say no to spontaneous abortion...autism.

PubMed ID # of the rat study showing the new jabs cause autism

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I doubt big A would let me do that one. They reject anti vax a lot. But yeah, good idea.


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Thank you for the link! It's in my shopping cart. 🥰💞

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Thank you!

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yes, I get it. I read Judy Wood's book. ❤️

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Great observations...! I remember all the construction at the airports prior to, as well. Of course, all of it is scripted out and orchestrated. And they will take out thousands for a new grift - or to cover a crime.

Great stack - great shirts...!

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just ran across this...haven't looked at it, but should be interesting...


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We have a 9-11 segment in our upcoming doc... great post! 👏🏾

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You say “controlled demolition” correct? Unfortunately I am not very knowledgeable on the subject of explosives. That being said, I certainly agree that if explosives were involved with the collapse of those buildings it would indeed be considered “controlled.”

So now I ask what do people who believe in this theory (controlled demo) actually think what happened? How was this achieved? Seems one would at least be curious and have looked into the matter. Again my lack of knowledge on the subject but from what I understand controlled demolition involves the firing off charges at certain time intervals.

There is a former CIA Analyst Larry Johnson sonar21.com and he knows a bit about these sort of things. He believes the planes brought them down. Before chatting with him I sort of did too but he pretty much confirmed it for me. He has a friend who runs a controlled demo company.

I would urge anyone who believes the towers were brought downed by CD talk to one of their engineers. Ask what it would take to wire up those towers in a normal setting. Larry’s friends said 2 months. That was working around the clock mind you. Now imagine pulling it off in complete and utter secrecy. AND how many LOOSE ENDS would need to be accounted for. People always end up talking unless there is only a few. Most conspiracy theorists seem to miss the LOOSE ENDS aspect of the event.

I have mentioned this before and after the person rethinks it comes out with “vans were packed with explosives and parked next to the main support structures.” I then remind them that if those buildings were downed by explosions then you can bet your ass it was indeed CD. Vans parked next to support structures would NOT cause something like we witnessed. The buildings could have gone any number of directions.

And then the final question is why would they need to demolish the building anyway? Fuck the damage had already been done; message dutifully delivered. I think all of us were in awe as we saw 2 planes full of people crash into the towers on loop mode followed by the Pentagon and the field in PA.

The real conspiracy here is how the FBI/CIA/Mossad US & Saudi & Israeli governments paved the way for this to happen. They undoubtedly greased the skids and allowed for it. This (failure to stop the event) method has provided the best False Flags in history. Same with these mass shootings. For everyone that goes down you can bet your ass the mentally weak shooter has some secretive friends that hide in the shadows and encourage their would be hero.

I say this because we have to bring people to our side. Alex Jones was recently sued for saying that the Newtown shooting never occurred from what I understand. Though I do believe the judge acted properly he deserved a defamation lawsuit. All the windbag needed to do was hop his lazy ass in the car and take a ride to Connecticut or send another reporter. It’s not like it happened in North Korea for Christs sake. But nope, he kept telling people the whole things was put on by crisis actors and never occurred. If I was one of those parents of those 20+ kids who were slain I would want to bash that mother fucker’s skull in. Btw I’m not comparing the theory of CD bringing down the buildings to what Jones did. There’s nothing wrong with this theory but it’s probably not possible is all……LOOSE ENDS 😉

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I have read many many articles including from Architects and Engineers for Truth. And Judy Wood's book exposing that it was dustification. Many engineers don't believe this was only demolition. I didn't go into everything I learned. But my conclusion is demolition (there were weapons in the basement and in some of the rooms, with photo proof) along with DEW which produced dustification. There were photo's of the beams being cut like with a laser too. And also, other steel buildings burn for weeks and don't fall down like that so there was something more. Then there's the anomalies regarding the planes themselves. People who were there said they saw but didn't hear the planes at all. People who were there said the planes didn't have markings like a normal plane. People had funny photos where it looked like holograms, not real planes. For sure we don't know the whole story. The point of my post was that this had to have been pre planned. Many factors point to this. Thank you for commenting.

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Thank you for not getting upset with me Heather. My own best bud did. You have read a lot on the subject.

One thing I was not clear about when it comes to these sort of things is that the manner in which they occur makes a big difference. In this example 1000’s of people were directly killed. Most people I believe have a conscience. This can be manipulated and bent to a degree. However that gets a lot more difficult when it comes to violently destroying human life in a lightning strike of some fashion.

Covid and the covid vaccines come to mind. There was no urgent need to speak out and it was quite easy to keep doctors and other medical professionals quiet with money and fear of lost livelihood. Again I go back to Loose Ends because there wasn’t many. The Fauci crew at the top or above I suspect are all that knew. I’m sure many sensed something was not right but why not just make the extra money and keep your career instead of challenging the overwhelming consensus.

To figure if the planes were simply a mirage I would look to the manifesto to see who was on board. Large planes like that had to be carrying a combined total of a thousand passengers give or take. Those people all have families and friends. They could tell you if their loved one was killed that day. Again IMO it’s just simply too big too cover up.

With covid it’s too big to uncover. As bad as it pains me to say this it might not even be wise to do so. If the lawsuits started and the masses began to believe they were poisoned God only knows the fallout that might ensue. The fact is we need these hospitals running and we need Joe Normie working. It’s nice to have a hospital in most areas of the country. Not only might the healthcare industry take a dive but it’s so large it could possibly bring down the entire economy.

I for one am sacred of that happening. My friends and family actually vote me the most likely to love thru Mad Max world believe it or not. And I am dead set on ever having to find out. Lots of jackasses tell themselves it would be ok. The truth of it is most of them would be dead in 3 months and the ones who weren’t would wish that they were because they will be dead inside from the things they had to do in that short amount of time.

I do contend however the only thing worse than mad max world would be a giant technogulag run by technofaggots. That would suck the most IMO. Both however should be avoided at all costs. I have changed my thinking on that to some degree.

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To me, this is just another chapter in the same op to wipe out all us useless eaters. Started way befrore the Kennedy assassination and will continue unless the trajectory gets knocked off its path . But I still have hope.

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Most of our existence the elites have needed us. Their lifestyle could never be maintained let alone achieved. I don’t believe (anymore)they want us to die quick unless it’s them or us. But let’s face it life would not be much fun for them if we all croaked.

Now I can certainly see that being the case if we get to the point when a large number of people are worthless because they contribute nothing. That makes plenty of sense. I dare not kid myself for a moment that once we get there they will want us all hanging doing nothing. In many respects that makes for the most dangerous of humans. Those with no purpose.

Idk maybe the AI is the turbocharger for that. But from where I sit today it doesn’t appear to be remotely close. Something people should remember about the elites is this. Their only priority is to remain at the top. It’s more important to them than individual wealth I suspect. At the very tip top it’s about those who control the money supply (Central Banks, etc). Those who control that stand the most to lose. Most everything we see is a reaction to it.

But as this point I don’t see these clowns volunteering to climb to the top of their own buildings and replace the roof. Until they can do all the tasks humans do their won’t be any mass kill off unless it’s caused by a nuclear strike. A strike that might even be initiated because of fear or carelessness.

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Robots can do a lot of things though. Have you seen the Deagel charts floating around? Projections have 2/3 of the USA and England populations gone. I wish I could upload it here...

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Yes am well versed in the Deagle report. It’s a prediction not a revelation. The guys that made it are quite talented and smart. They realized that the West had done soft and would be ill prepared to deal with adversity.

All the Western Nations lose a roundabout average of 50% of their peeps. Many countries outside the West hold steady or close. This would mostly be brought on by civil arrest and major financial calamity. Shit gets ugly from their. This was the reason for their forecast according to two Deagle employees. I used to have that comment saved dammit. From a survivalist instinct it made perfect sense.

It concerns me greatly. Am afraid once the dominos fall they may not stop. It’s very worrisome and I should say must worry the elites sick. Civil uprising and collapse have plagued those on time since the dawn of civilization I suspect. They’re not going to significantly hurt themselves to get rid of the useless eaters. Unless there are robots they haven’t shown us (possible maybe but would be hard to hide Loose Ends) it appears they are nowhere close to be able to fix a roof or repair an airplane.

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Funny that you said Loose Ends. There was a CD that floated around called Loose Change that documented all the stuff I already mentioned in my answer. It had many engineers explaining that it was impossible for those towers to go down like that if they were hit by planes, With all the engineering receipts. 😊

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Interesting to look at who didn’t turn up to work on that fateful day. Also who didn’t have breakfast on the top floor that day

Funny how the BBC reporter said building 7 had collapsed live on air while it was still standing in the background etc etc

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yes I forgot to add that in. Lots of anomalies for sure.

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Right. A couple others: Steel melts at X degrees, and jet fuel burns with normal asperation at X-30% or near.

Thermite (military, nanoized) dust was found saturating the other dust/debris on the streets afterward when it was analyzed. Hmmmm.

The melted steel at the basement level was determined to be over 3000 degrees by way of temperature gun, like the ones they used to detect a "fever" at the entrance of many stores of late. Thermite is used in professional demo jobs to slice through (at an angle, so they'd slip off.) huge steel H girders and Beams; turning a portion of them to hot liquid in micro-seconds. This is what could be easily seen at ground Zero LONG before any clean-up was being done. Pictures prove that. They looked like sections were angle-cut with a cutting torch.

The firefighters attending heard a series of explosions: "Boom boom boom boom boom" consecutively.

The bldgs would have toppled, if their structures were compromised midway.

The vice pres. Chenney took control of the military "Exercise" which was conveniently scheduled for that fateful day, and had all the fighter jets flown to some other location, and had the couple remaining to "Stand Down" and not shoot the plane/s down.

There are probably over a hundred weird things that can only point to an Anti-Narrative outcome.

I remember the day very well. It was one of tears for fears! And I hadn't even learned of the TRUE story yet!

God has not forgotten, nor will He Justify the wicked. Their day is coming. You can count on that prophetic assurance.


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Epic comment. You have been going down the rabbit hole too.

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That's correct Heather. That 'ol Rabbit Hole investigation sure took quite a chunk of time out of my days. You see, I'm a "mechanic" in every sense of the word. Perplexing, confounding situations or things (and there's a barge-load of them, because I'm not all that smart) cause me to look into the questions demanded by them. The who, what, and most importantly the "why's" are question beggars in order to help guide ones actions. In my opinion.

One of the "guideposts" along the tunnel, marked, "Keep going straight ahead, down deeper, and pay no attention to any distractions" helped with the journey. Also, about that time, there were a plethora of truly miraculous occurrences, which strengthened the resolve to investigate the Prophecies of God's Word, and to be more mindful of a "relationship" through prayer and obedience. It was over a decade in its outworking.

During that time, also, 9-11 was the news. That became quite obvious to me that it was a set up deal. And on and on it went, this and that popped up and when looked at, one couldn't miss that it was a false-flag event or some play-act to secure the "handlers" more power and position. Entire wars were fomented and resulted from these manipulations of engineering.

Looking backward in time, one can now see the premeditation of chaos and ill-health promoted to undermine the morality and strength of the USA. From the lies circulated by the health/medical industry, to their bed partners, the "food and drug admin." it becomes evident that "accidental" mistakes were hardly ever made.

I get the feeling I'm preaching to the choir here, but it does pay sometimes to reflect on the things of the past, or we're prone to repeat harmful things. That's especially true for yours truly!

Yours, Truly,


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I love that version too. Almost used it instead of Peter, Paul, and Mary. Thanks for the link. ❤️

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People like my two ostrich sisters, have a few questions to present to the "theorists" who rightly know that there was a cover-up in the works. I don't get it. Truth has no accord with anyone's opinion, unless their opinion corresponds.

Just ONE of any of the anomalies has the capacity to condemn, how much greater all 100 or so making that mountainous evidence heap? If military grade nano-thermite was discovered when the dust was chemically analyzed, there should be the sound of the Judge's gavel heard and the case thereby duly decided. Folks that can't face the Truth should find another country to inhabit; one that does not reject rejects.

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As soon as I saw it on TV that morning I knew it was an inside job and I was one of the first 9/11 truth street activists in San Francisco.

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The Brits were constantly doing false flag and blaming the IRA.

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Worth clarifying, since it is orders of magnitude in difference: Rummy’s press conference on 9/10 pointed at not millions unaccounted by the Pentagon, but trillions. Million millions. 2.3 trillion, to be precise.

“One trillion pennies stacked on top of each other would make a tower about 870,000 miles high—the same distance obtained by going to the moon, back to Earth, then to the moon again.” x2.3 = a stack over 2 million miles high.

(It’s only gotten worse)

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Thank you for clarifying. Good catch. I fixed it. ❤️

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Have you looked into WTC building 6 collapse? It was control demo'd just like building 7. I dont have links handy but Sam Tripoli of Tinfoil Hat podcast talks about b6 often.

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one of my readers sent me info about it so yes, recently...

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I always knew the whole thing was sketchy. Now it makes a whole lot of sense.

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Well, 9/11 was one of the biggest crimes ever committed and they got away with it with flying colours. Bush and co-conspirators should be in jail. Instead, no one did anything about it. 9/11 opened the gates and gave a clear message: if they could pull this one off they could do anything. Now look where we're at. What a joke, huh?

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🎯Yes, the Op is still live. 🙃

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