Is it even allowed to grow hemp? I know it is forbidden in Europe, since hemp is also the plant that produces marijuana. When a kid we had hemp ropes, very strong and natural. Later we went to sisal, not as strong, way thicker, sore on the hands... then it went to plastic, but by that time I was out of the rope age LOL. Another page to save, forwarded the diesel fueled electric car loaders to a friend who is thinking about buying one.
Lots of places grow it here in the USA. Just depends on your state's laws. It has to be extremely low or non existent THC. But about half of our states allow it medicinally too, so they get to grow it under strict conditions.
I hear you... I can't shut up either, I could never turn my back on the suffering in this world. and can't understand how so many people can go on their merry way. Sometimes I really do think we all live in our own perception bubbles. I try very hard to find the beauty in this world, but it never takes away the suffering I also see.
As a conscientious observer I have a question: Why would the elite poison their own environment intentionally? Doesn’t it seem they should be wearing gas masks at all times?
I am totally on board with the fake climate change bullshit. I believe CO2 does cause a warming effect but the trees offset it. I know because I used to grow “hemp” (wink) some years ago. Turns out if you really wanted to increase yield you would have been wise to deploy CO2 tanks in the budding phase.
Yes a lot of greenhouses pump in CO2 to increase speed of growth and yield both. As to why the PsyOperators would do this, they ARE building underground bunkers all over...and maybe they have super filtraton systems...or mitigation strategies we don't know about? For sure they poison the soils, plants, water...but they eat organic and drink filtered water. Same principle probably?
I was just commenting on John Carters newly released piece about the hurricane. He was very tempered in his article and made sure to make the point some of the stuff in there had not been verified. As conspiracy theorists (we all are now and he lists why) I believe we have to resist forces that drive our own theories from fact and into the realm of crazy. I know for a fact that Cas Sunstein leftists pos is quoted as saying just that. He essentially said make the whole thing sound ridiculous as possible. The goal to make it unpalatable to the masses.
Good to see ya too JM!! Been trying to get on PJ's stack again for a few more laughs:-) Still working on it. Yes, indeed turn, turn turn ...get to the picks!!!
I believe you also slipped thru the cracks ...without a doubt! Thanks so much! Will try and send you a nice pic now thru your notes relevant to this topic:-)
Ya . Pics thru notes. Went to your place and you have no notes. But don’t listen to me as I have no idea what I am doing on this SS ….:-) I will post the note on my notes. Its a children’s book. Ahhh. frequency and vibration….the root of the jibby jab . For another time as I want to respect Heather’s Stack :-)
And theses guys make a mockery of the idea that Helene was augmented by cloud seeding, which is what Alexa and Siri (the voices of the deep state) claim...
So you have to wonder if some steering was in effect, since the same flooding occurred in 1916, so they know where the flooding would happen.... get the peasants talking about cloud seeding, which we can disprove, get them off the trail of steering...
Thank you... I was in the middle of reading Reinette when I took a break to check SS dashboard. 😂 One of my best friends has a BS in meteorology and weather. So she sends me EVERYTHING about every weather event, starting with HAARP events and just plain cloud seeding and laser steering of storms...I think Agent131711 did a stack on the steering too. She sent me a video but don't have link or I would drop it here...anyway it showed how the steering happened with Helene. Plus just logically hurricanes normally dissipate when they hit land and instead the opposite happened. 💯it was steered. 💕
Great collection and the final musical addition is perfect. Thank you! xx
"Climate Change is Safe and Effective" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's hilarious!
Is it even allowed to grow hemp? I know it is forbidden in Europe, since hemp is also the plant that produces marijuana. When a kid we had hemp ropes, very strong and natural. Later we went to sisal, not as strong, way thicker, sore on the hands... then it went to plastic, but by that time I was out of the rope age LOL. Another page to save, forwarded the diesel fueled electric car loaders to a friend who is thinking about buying one.
Lots of places grow it here in the USA. Just depends on your state's laws. It has to be extremely low or non existent THC. But about half of our states allow it medicinally too, so they get to grow it under strict conditions.
depressing as ever, very informative too!
Just the messenger, memeing into the void. Because as a meme somewhere says, I tried shutting up. It's not for me. 😂💕
I hear you... I can't shut up either, I could never turn my back on the suffering in this world. and can't understand how so many people can go on their merry way. Sometimes I really do think we all live in our own perception bubbles. I try very hard to find the beauty in this world, but it never takes away the suffering I also see.
Great work ! Thanks for including the quartz/lithium . More need to know about this ...dirty scumbags they are.
Thank you! 💕
Oh wow, THANKS HEATHER !! It was worth the wait!!!
As a conscientious observer I have a question: Why would the elite poison their own environment intentionally? Doesn’t it seem they should be wearing gas masks at all times?
I am totally on board with the fake climate change bullshit. I believe CO2 does cause a warming effect but the trees offset it. I know because I used to grow “hemp” (wink) some years ago. Turns out if you really wanted to increase yield you would have been wise to deploy CO2 tanks in the budding phase.
Yes a lot of greenhouses pump in CO2 to increase speed of growth and yield both. As to why the PsyOperators would do this, they ARE building underground bunkers all over...and maybe they have super filtraton systems...or mitigation strategies we don't know about? For sure they poison the soils, plants, water...but they eat organic and drink filtered water. Same principle probably?
I was just commenting on John Carters newly released piece about the hurricane. He was very tempered in his article and made sure to make the point some of the stuff in there had not been verified. As conspiracy theorists (we all are now and he lists why) I believe we have to resist forces that drive our own theories from fact and into the realm of crazy. I know for a fact that Cas Sunstein leftists pos is quoted as saying just that. He essentially said make the whole thing sound ridiculous as possible. The goal to make it unpalatable to the masses.
Notice all the problems that money/control create. The reason JP Morgan shut Tesla down is very clear:
Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article):
THIS should be mandatory teaching material!
◦•●◉✿ Super Groovy Memery! ✿◉●•◦
Hey there Groovy girl :-) I agree,
Hey Doc!! Good to See ya :)
IF I had groovy MEMEs in school, I woulda stuck around!
We KNEW as little children, to turn the book pages until we came across pictures.
We were so smart, Til ... THEY got ahold of our minds!
Well, You slipped thru the cracks :)
Good to see ya too JM!! Been trying to get on PJ's stack again for a few more laughs:-) Still working on it. Yes, indeed turn, turn turn ...get to the picks!!!
I believe you also slipped thru the cracks ...without a doubt! Thanks so much! Will try and send you a nice pic now thru your notes relevant to this topic:-)
Wait! Whaaat? You can send pics thru notes? That's uber groovy! I just scrolled thru your notes & I was over here HOWLING! You make me <smile>
PJ has been TRYING to learn me about Freq. Vibration & the like. I feel a whole stack in the works! :) Stop by anytime. We ♥ You :)
Ya . Pics thru notes. Went to your place and you have no notes. But don’t listen to me as I have no idea what I am doing on this SS ….:-) I will post the note on my notes. Its a children’s book. Ahhh. frequency and vibration….the root of the jibby jab . For another time as I want to respect Heather’s Stack :-)
No worries. I welcome tangental discussions. Especially about frequency and vibration. 😻💕
Thank you! 💕
indeeeedy…total scam
Reinette has some great info on how to help Helene victims...
And theses guys make a mockery of the idea that Helene was augmented by cloud seeding, which is what Alexa and Siri (the voices of the deep state) claim...
So you have to wonder if some steering was in effect, since the same flooding occurred in 1916, so they know where the flooding would happen.... get the peasants talking about cloud seeding, which we can disprove, get them off the trail of steering...
Thank you... I was in the middle of reading Reinette when I took a break to check SS dashboard. 😂 One of my best friends has a BS in meteorology and weather. So she sends me EVERYTHING about every weather event, starting with HAARP events and just plain cloud seeding and laser steering of storms...I think Agent131711 did a stack on the steering too. She sent me a video but don't have link or I would drop it here...anyway it showed how the steering happened with Helene. Plus just logically hurricanes normally dissipate when they hit land and instead the opposite happened. 💯it was steered. 💕
Give it here!
The pears in plastic... OMG!
Truly!!! ❤️💕
Red Rain is the song that began my awakening process in's appropriate now...