The Perpetrators
This list of perpetrators is not meant to be exhaustive, but it can help us begin a conversation that should lead to indictments for treason, in addition to other crimes. The harms these perpetrators are doing must be stopped. Survival is at stake.
If COVID-19 was a laboratory-created disease for which people were denied palliative treatments and forced to receive harmful injections, then that was treason.
If global warming is occurring because of refusals by coal, oil and gas producers to curb those uses and switch to renewables, then that conduct was treason.
If coal, oil and gas producers knew of new energy technologies that could have eased our environmental crisis and stood in the way of their implementation, then that was treason.
If anyone in authority knew of new or unique energy technologies that could have eased our environmental crisis and stood in the way of implementation, then they were guilty of treason.
If harsh weather patterns and damaging weather events are being created that are destroying regions and parts of this country, then those manipulations of the weather are acts of treason.
If earthquakes, tsunamis, and fires are being created by weapons of war, like HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) and DEW (directed energy weapons), then bringing about that devastation is treasonous conduct.
If high-flying airplanes are spraying nanoparticulates of toxic metals and harmful materials upon the population, then those bombardments, which sorely affect physical health and mental acuities, are acts of treason.
If the communications industry persists in expanding wireless technology without allowing governmental oversight to make reasonable regulations for safety against harmful EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) exposures, then that conduct is treason.
If World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7 came down, not as a result of airplane collisions, but by controlled demolition, then that was treason.
If the Pentagon was struck on 9/11, not by an airplane but by one of our own missiles, then that was treason.
If U.S. weapons-grade anthrax was used against Congressmen who were holding up passage of the USA Patriot Act after 9/11, then that was treason.
The American people are now beset with harms from an extraordinary array of toxic chemical exposures that began four generations ago. If the large agricultural and industrial interests continue to harm our significantly burdened population with toxic exposures, then that will be treason.
The American people are now experiencing extensive health deficits, including physical, mental and behavioral declines. Our health-care system was created in the early 1900s. It was and continues to be dominated by allopathic medicine to the exclusion of a great number of safe, effective and inexpensive healing modalities. Pharmaceutical companies are the major beneficiaries of an insurance-funded allopathic system that’s incapable of bringing about adequate and preventive health care for all. Continued resistance by the pharmaceutical companies to necessary changes that must be made can and should be considered treason.
What Is Treason?
The crime of treason is set forth in the U.S Constitution. “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” See Article III, Section 3, Clause 1. A number of states have identical treason provisions.
The punishment for those who owe “allegiance to the United States” and commit treason is death or imprisonment for not less than five years and a fine of not less than $10,000. See 18 U.S. Code, Chapter 115, Section 2381.
People often make the mistake of believing that we need to be at war for there to be an indictment for treason. That is incorrect. To commit the crime of treason (the levying of war part), one need only use force to prevent the carrying out of laws or to affect the public policies of the nation.
For example, our history books are filled with charges of treason that were leveled against those who used force in efforts to stop the capture and return of runaway slaves before the Civil War. Defendants were charged with treason because they interfered with the Fugitive Slave Acts. Abraham Lincoln, as a young lawyer, participated in those cases.
And the case of United States v. Aaron Burr, Circuit Court, D Virginia, 25 F. Cas 49 (1807) is most instructive. Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the trial of Aaron Burr who was charged with treason. Marshall carefully instructed the jury that they could find Burr guilty of treason only if they had proof that he used force in an effort to interfere with laws or public policies of the United States. Planning alone was insufficient, said the Chief Justice. There had to have been some force—like actually having soldiers marching with weapons to do harm.
The perpetrators listed above went far beyond planning. They used force to poison us, to kill us, to make this Earth less habitable for us, and to take us into unnecessary wars. They trampled upon our most sacred public policies of respect for due process, the expectation of health protections, and the basic right of reliance upon representative government to act on our behalf.
Misprision of Treason
Prosecutions for the crimes of treason will be relatively easy as a result of 18 USC, Chapter 115, Section 2382, which provides: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.” A few states have identical misprision of treason statutes.
There are millions of upstanding and brave witnesses to the ongoing crimes of COVID-19. Thousands of them have been unfairly vilified and falsely charged with lying.
And so many witnesses know the details about how global warming was allowed to occur and how weather has been made into a weapon of mass destruction.
The bombing of people with nanoparticulates of poisonous materials requires meteorologists, air traffic controllers, and pilots to abide by the official story that trails in the sky are merely water vapor, even though the trails remain in the skies indefinitely. Anyone who has ever used a humidifier knows differently. Water vapor evaporates quickly.
Anyone with an eighth-grade science background can see through the falsehoods of the official story of the 9/11 attacks, especially the way in which Building 7 came down. It came down in its own footprint, seven hours after Buildings 1 and 2, having experienced nothing more than a few sporadic office fires.
Similarly, anyone who has any observational skills knows that an airplane with wide wings, massive engines, and a tall tail could not have hit the Pentagon on 9/11, leaving no aircraft debris and only one circular hole in the outside wall and circular holes in a succession of interior walls.
Everyone involved in the anthrax investigation knows that the anthrax used against U.S. Congressmen to assure passage of the USA Patriot Act was manufactured at a particular U.S. Army base.
And scientists who continually create new versions of things like forever chemicals are firsthand witnesses to how agricultural and manufacturing interests continue to knowingly make the world more toxic by the day.
Finally, the medical profession is filled with practitioners who have come to understand that there are gentler ways to assure that their patients survive and thrive. And millions of us have been successfully treated by alternative methods which are safe and inexpensive.
A Last Line of Defense
There are thousands of federal, state, and county prosecutors across the United States. All have a sworn obligation to investigate and bring crimes to the attention of grand juries in their jurisdictions.
They should be thought of as our last line of defense. We might have only a decade before this Earth reaches the point of no return concerning habitability. Vested interests have largely captured both state and federal regulatory systems. The two major political parties are incapable of bringing forth adequate responses and leaders capable of quickly making necessary changes for our protection.
Meanwhile, public health continues to deteriorate. In 1970, René Dubos, a world renowned microbiologist, in an essay titled “The Limits of Adaptability,” pleaded for us to stop the toxic exposures that are so far beyond human tolerance. Not stopping the exposures, he feared, will lead us to the development of “a form of life that will retain little of true humanness.”
The evidence all around us makes it apparent that we are fast approaching that point. Certainly, the skills to bring about major analyses of current affairs is slipping away, as are the abilities to bring about large societal changes. Indeed, human consciousness itself is waning. So now, as never before, we need the prosecutors to fully investigate and prosecute the crimes of treason, while there is still time to turn this world around.
The treasons that are now being carried out are interfering with and violating our basic rights. The perpetrators are making a mockery of what should be the blessings of life, liberty and justice.
~Originally published at Sept 7, 2023.
Michael Diamond received his Law Degree from Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey and a BA Degree in Political Science from Rutgers University in Newark. His trial work included being both an Assistant County Prosecutor and a Public Defender in New Jersey. In addition, he served as the Chief Environmental Enforcement Administrator at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Thank you, Michael, for sharing your wisdom with us!
Enjoy a rousing blue grass version of My Country Tis of Thee by Dolly Parton. She altered the lyrics of the traditional song a tiny bit. ❤️
… My country 'tis
This wee sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim's pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring
My native country, thee
Land of the noble free
Thy name I love
I love thy rocks and rills
Thy woods and templed hills
My heart will rapture fills like that above
… Let music swell the breeze
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song
Let mortal tongues awake
Let all that breathe partake
Let rocks their silence break
The sound prolong
… Our Father God to Thee Author of liberty
To Thee I sing
My country 'tis of Thee
Sweet land of liberty
For all eternity
Let freedom ring
Let freedom ring
My country 'tis, my country 'tis of Thee
Songwriters: Dolly Parton / Traditional
My Country ’Tis lyrics © Velvet Apple Music
It seems that all the people who call Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, "bad actors" should be looking closer to home.
Before 2001-09-11 there was treason when the Rose law firm and Whitewater evidence was destroyed by bombs set by the BATFE to blow up the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city in 1995, which was also where the evidence of the treason at Waco was kept. Treason.
Before 1995 there was treason committed at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Americans were murdered.
Before 1992 there was treason committed in the Iran-Contra scandal.
Before 1986 there was treason committed in the attempted assassination of president Reagan.
Before 1981 there was treason committed in hiding the truth discovered by the select congressional committee on assassinations for 50 years.
Before 1977 there was treason committed in the murder by the fbi of Malcolm X and MLK Jr. The cia murdered RFK.
Before 1968 there was treason committed in the murder of JFK by the cia, fbi, and military.
Before 1963 there was treason committed in the deliberate war crimes at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Before 1945 there was treason committed in deliberately refusing to inform commanders at Pearl Harbour and the Philippines and allies in Batavia, Malaysia, and Singapore of the Japanese intentions to attack Hawai'i and invade the other places.
Before 1941 there was treason in subverting American freedom without constitutional amendment in the narcotics trafficking treaties.
Before 1922 there was treason in arresting Americans for their political views and deporting them to countries they had never lived in.
Before 1921 there was treason in the refusal to challenge the British and French overseas empires at the Versailles treaty leading to the deaths of Americans in the Vietnam war.
Before 1919 there was treason in the deceitful lies told to congress to bring about a declaration of war against Germany.
Before 1917 there was treason in the unilateral declaration of secretary of state Philander Knox that the income tax amendment was ratified when it had not been.
Before 1916 there was treason in the passage of the Feral Reserveless Act.
Before 1913 there was treason in the assassinations of Garfield and McKinley, among others.
There was treason in 1898 with lies to start the Spanish American war.
There was treason in 1871 in the creation of the corporation of the United States.
There was treason in 1861-65 in the declaration of war against the several states by the president, closure of newspapers, arrests of editors, and exile of a sitting congressman.
It was treason during the war of 1812 to let the British capture Washington DC and destroy the records of the proper ratification of the amendment punishing acceptance of titles of nobility with political exile.
The constitutional convention of 1787 was treason against the government of the articles of confederation, as were the acts of war against Rhode Island to force ratification.
You are correct that there has been much treason. The possibility that law enforcement authorities including prosecuting attorneys might bring about justice and resolution in these matters is worthy of exploration. But at some point, Americans have to choose what it is we seek to build.
Clearly we cannot build a house on the shifting sands of expedience. The evidence of the consequences of building a house upon the sand is all around us.
There are solutions. God provides. Praise God. Amen.