Dolly Parton doesn’t know anything about “freedom”…https://youtu.be/j61G4enZT_s?si=TxVFhQ-dcXP7QS1w

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That was disappointing for sure!

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So many people were/are disappointing. We’ve learned A LOT!

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Thanks for the Link! “Dolly want a cracker?"

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Makes ya wonder who was on that Epstein blackmail list huh? 🤔 She spent her career NOT taking sides on political and popular issues. What a shame 😞

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It’s absolutely amazing what true deception does to people. Deception can make some people believe and do anything.

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It seems that all the people who call Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, "bad actors" should be looking closer to home.

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I think all 50 states attorneys general should ponder this writing!!

‘Keystone Kop’ defense doesn’t wash. Truly treason, for sure.

If your next door neighbor did to your family the personal harm that these Sabattean Frankist/ secret society have, we’d witness action.

‘None Dare Call it a Conspiracy’, I read ~40 years back; a yard sale book. All I could do is shrug my shoulders and hope it wasn’t all that bad. No way for a non ‘researcher’ like me to verify much. But now, so much is exposed. Now,... we can see that ‘all wars are banker wars’. All federal spending is usury leveraged on our grandchildren!


Eustace Mullins

George Racey Jordan

Antony Sutton

Benjamin Freedman

Myron Fagan

Patrick Wood

Ralph Epperson

Can we callously say:

‘What happens in Gaza, stays in Gaza’ ?!?

The ‘mafia’ that built Vegas, is ever expanding. Our three divisions of ‘government’ are seemingly beholden

Jefferson and Jackson did their part. (True democrat leadership).


White Star line had too much to lose on the crippled Olympic. Next sister ship was to be the Titanic. Enough has come out about the perpetrated insurance fraud switcheroo. Yes, a limping Olympic, rebadged was sent out. The severe handling of surviving crew (sequestered for days-no comments allowed) and behavior of those who refuse to work and bailed in Southampton and why.

Oh, and quietly, the critically damaged “Olympic” carried on functioning in a surprising manner for years.

And White Star Line investors got what, nearly a century later, Luckily Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy got in mega insurance payouts for WTC and Westfield Mall Nairobi.

Treason, and then some. Surely there must be a hell for these miscreants. But, can justice prevail sooner?

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Wow, so many nefarious things going back so far. Thanks for adding to the conversation!

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Wow, I never heard such a thing regarding the Titanic being an imposter. It certainly might have been, knowing how things are manipulated so widely.

Thanks for the darkness! lol

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Yes the fake Titanic also caused the demise of 3 different men who were not going along with the Federal Reserve too...

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Before 2001-09-11 there was treason when the Rose law firm and Whitewater evidence was destroyed by bombs set by the BATFE to blow up the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city in 1995, which was also where the evidence of the treason at Waco was kept. Treason.

Before 1995 there was treason committed at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Americans were murdered.

Before 1992 there was treason committed in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Before 1986 there was treason committed in the attempted assassination of president Reagan.

Before 1981 there was treason committed in hiding the truth discovered by the select congressional committee on assassinations for 50 years.

Before 1977 there was treason committed in the murder by the fbi of Malcolm X and MLK Jr. The cia murdered RFK.

Before 1968 there was treason committed in the murder of JFK by the cia, fbi, and military.

Before 1963 there was treason committed in the deliberate war crimes at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Before 1945 there was treason committed in deliberately refusing to inform commanders at Pearl Harbour and the Philippines and allies in Batavia, Malaysia, and Singapore of the Japanese intentions to attack Hawai'i and invade the other places.

Before 1941 there was treason in subverting American freedom without constitutional amendment in the narcotics trafficking treaties.

Before 1922 there was treason in arresting Americans for their political views and deporting them to countries they had never lived in.

Before 1921 there was treason in the refusal to challenge the British and French overseas empires at the Versailles treaty leading to the deaths of Americans in the Vietnam war.

Before 1919 there was treason in the deceitful lies told to congress to bring about a declaration of war against Germany.

Before 1917 there was treason in the unilateral declaration of secretary of state Philander Knox that the income tax amendment was ratified when it had not been.

Before 1916 there was treason in the passage of the Feral Reserveless Act.

Before 1913 there was treason in the assassinations of Garfield and McKinley, among others.

There was treason in 1898 with lies to start the Spanish American war.

There was treason in 1871 in the creation of the corporation of the United States.

There was treason in 1861-65 in the declaration of war against the several states by the president, closure of newspapers, arrests of editors, and exile of a sitting congressman.

It was treason during the war of 1812 to let the British capture Washington DC and destroy the records of the proper ratification of the amendment punishing acceptance of titles of nobility with political exile.

The constitutional convention of 1787 was treason against the government of the articles of confederation, as were the acts of war against Rhode Island to force ratification.

You are correct that there has been much treason. The possibility that law enforcement authorities including prosecuting attorneys might bring about justice and resolution in these matters is worthy of exploration. But at some point, Americans have to choose what it is we seek to build.

Clearly we cannot build a house on the shifting sands of expedience. The evidence of the consequences of building a house upon the sand is all around us.

There are solutions. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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What a history lesson. Thank you for stopping by. ❤️

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Thank you, Heather. God bless you and your family. God protect you all during these difficult days ahead. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

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I think you have toppled the existing top commenter! What a list of evil doings! And I'm sure you could keep going back further in time for more!

'Glad to know you are a Brother in Christ, our only dependable hope for actual Justice someday. He will come as a firestorm and as a shockwave which causes Hiroshima's fate to pale.

I hope I'm one of the blessed survivors come that terrible Day!

In the Battle for Souls,


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I pretty much agree with everything you say here. but some horrible things that are happening are pegged as nefarious when they are actually just business as usual. For example. directed energy weapons, DEW, are being blamed for out of control forest fires - while the indiscriminate spraying of herbicides by forestry companies, topped up by aluminum barium Etc which is naturally present in the kerosene that is burned by commercial jet flights every day in large amounts, acting as a desiccant as well as just being toxic and poisoning everything directly - these things are happening legally and in the open. Just business as usual, destroying everything in nature in order to increase profit margin.

The Grassroots organizations fighting all of this legal destruction are frustrated by people being sidetracked by rhetoric that bypasses the major perpetrators, the forestry industry and the airline industry.

Here Jim Lee makes the case about forest fires, based on a massive FOIA result obtained by Del Bigtree of ICAN.


here is the sub stack version for people who prefer to read:


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So awful. Thanks for the links. ❤️

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hey Heather,

I have a meme idea if you feel like making it - it's a four quadrant wrong wrong right right , or , you know, the red circle with the bar, or the check mark for the good ones whatever...

- wrong - jet with a contrail

wrong - jet with no contrail

right - blue sky with fluffy clouds

right - passenger train

thank you so much for the last one!

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yes I will work on it. 😊

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We need memes because polite discussion not very effective :

Karen Kingston replied to your comment on RFK Jr. is Committed to Saving America's Children and All of God’s Creations16h

Thanks. Just FYI, I am not going to research all of Dane's work. I only reported on what he said in this recent interview. Everything Dane said in the Maria Zeee interview checked out against what other experts have confirmed.

me: gotta love the experts....

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yes exactly why I got into making memes. Arguing with strangers wasn't cutting it.

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hey Heather, I don't know if you can use this for a meme but I was pleased with myself for this analogy in favor of a train travel:

I am currently touting the benefits of rail travel. The difference in stress levels between air travel and rail travel is like the difference between having a colonoscopy or spending the day at the hot springs and massage spa.

Sure, the colonoscopy doesn't take as long, but I would still go for the massage spa any day

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will think on it...maybe something will pop up Good idea btw

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It sure seems odd that such an expense is made in order to slow the "warming" of the earth. And it also seems odd that the chemtrail ordeal is kept so secret. Why not just tell the public that barium is just an additive in jet fuel, and is nothing to be concerned about.

Personally, I feel there must be some covert operation behind the planes spraying early in the day and causing a grayness to spread across the sky. These are not contrails caused by condensation. These are not coming from the jets' engines. That is confirmed. So that leaves only a couple of potential reasons: To deflect the sun's rays, or to poison the earth.

Spending an insane amount of dollars in a spraying campaign, just to reduce CO2 is absurd, since the gas causes plant growth to flourish and that in turn will cool the surface of the planet. Creating a desert-like landscape will do the opposite. And who believes they don't know that?


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" Why not just tell the public that barium is just an additive in jet fuel, and is nothing to be concerned about. "

Because it is something to be concerned about, and it's naturally present in jet fuel, and the industry does not want to be hit with the expense of refining it out. Jim Lee and others testified to EPA about this in 2015, and EPA caved to industry assurances that they would take care of it without regulation.

Not to say there is not a lot of other stuff going on, but that part is just crony capitalism as usual.

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For sure! Agreed fully. Barium (bury 'em) like all the chemicals, is doubtlessly an offender of biology. I do not know where it fits into the category of detrimental substances, but it sounds ominous.

The industry that is utilizing it in their concoction of spray, could just lie, and say it is a non (health)-issue, or as the facts likely manifest, they could lie about it having been removed. Who would know?

Agencies are all in the same bed. Public outcry (when heard) is deemed to be non-threatening in their ears. So it's a rigged game and if played out, will prove to be disastrous.

We've been warned by history and many other things as well.



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This has been going on since the beginning of human history.

People have never brought the perps to justice. Nothing has changed except perhaps one is aware of it all now. Which is a good thing, but doesn't mean anything other than oneself has become aware.

Why would anyone be surprised about Dolly Parton or any other celebrity? They are all prostitutes in the temple of evil. That is their talent. That is what they're rewarded for.

If it isn't apparent by now only God can and is changing the world, well....there's no more to say.

Thanks for the article.

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God can do anything except lie or go against His own will. He COULD change things for the good, and it seems that incidents are altered by an unseen hand at times, but God will allow evil to manifest itself as a government that is NO GOOD. By doing so, His Government and subsequently His Character (obviated in His Law) will prevail and peace and tranquility will forever reign supreme, so the Bible says.


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Amen to that, my brother!


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So good Heather! You covered all the things that I think about… 🙏🏾

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Heather B: I am trying to help support you, but your Kofi page only takes PayPal and I don't have a PayPal account.

Any alternative?

(SH sent me.)

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Hi Marvin, thank you so much! I don't have Stripe which is the only other way they accept payments. But I think you can maybe pay on paypal without having an account and just using a credit card. Not sure but in the past I did that...otherwise, thanks for the emotional support. That means a lot! ❤️

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You are welcom.

I will figure something out.

(I have been able to buy Kofis for SH just by putting in my debit card info. We just tested it.)

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