National Gun Appreciation Day is celebrated every year on January 17 since 2013 when the day was first proclaimed by the 2nd Amendment Foundation.
It was started as a way to celebrate our great Second Amendment and to honor the history, legacy, and impact of guns in American culture.
It also recognizes the role firearms have played in protecting freedom and the importance of guns to a democratic society.
I get a lot of emails from the National Association for Gun Rights. They are full of horrible stories of assaults on our right to protect ourselves with guns. You know, the right that is enshrined in our 2nd Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Sounds pretty clear and simple doesn’t it? People can keep arms to protect themselves. But…President Joe Biden declared war on the Second Amendment by making BANNING FIREARMS the centerpiece of his 2024 re-election campaign.
Then after he was cast aside stepped down from the race, Kamala amped it up. I know she said in the big debate with President Trump that she wouldn’t take our guns away, and told him to stop saying that. Then the next day she repeated her promise to force a buy back of “assault weapons.” Thank goodness we dodged a bullet, so to speak, on that one!
No guns for anyone but her bodyguards. And all the elites’ bodyguards. You peasants don’t need guns, or for that matter, protection. We’re defunding the police too! She’s not the only one who thinks this, unfortunately. All the gun grabbers think like this. I’m just using her as an example because she’s still Vice President.
Meanwhile, Kamala and Joe Biden have been importing millions of unvetted military aged men into our country and the two of them and leftist judges and district attorneys have let criminals run wild. But they think we should not have guns to protect ourselves. Madness! This is a violation of our Bill of Rights that are part of our Constitution!
In 3 days we’ll have a new President and he’s Pro Second Amendment. So maybe we’ll get a reprieve for a while. But there will still be calls to get rid of the 2nd Amendment after every planned mass shooter PsyOp event.
They will do this even after governments around the world forced people into quarantine camps for not injecting a bioweapon vaccine. And arrested people for walking maskless on a beach. Or trying to get into a grocery store unmasked. How dare you want to eat! Germ Spreader!
But sure, give up your guns to tyrannical governments. I’m sure they won’t do anything tyrannical once the guns are gone. Ask Australia or Cambodia, or China, or (add endless list of horrible tyrannical governments) how that worked out for them. All the other dictators who took away their citizens’ guns became tyrants, but this time is different! Our dictator won’t! The definition of insanity springs to mind.
And besides, no one will assault anyone or commit any crimes if they don’t have any guns. Get real. Last time I checked England has a terrible knife problem. Weapon of choice for a lot of their immigrants. It isn’t the guns!!! It’s the heart of the perpetrator. They even use cars to kill people now.
So no, don’t even think about giving up your guns! Just be sure you know how to use them. The criminals will never give up theirs. People who don’t care about other laws don’t care about gun laws either. They will get guns. Just be sure you can get one too.
And remember, the 2nd Amendment wasn’t written for hunters. It was written for protection against a tyrannical government! Given what just happened during the Plandemic, and what they say they have planned, it seems like we need them now more than ever!
If you’ve studied any history or have been paying attention to the news for very long, you will notice that it never ends well when the citizens are unarmed.
The ones who want to take away citizens’ guns want to be protected. They just don’t want us to be protected. It’s all a big clown world shitshow. They want only criminals and some police to have guns. (Their bodyguards and private security.)
Not correlating the way they want it to, is it? 👇
The PsyOperators aren’t really against guns though. Just us citizens owning guns. (Unless a citizen shoots someone they hate, like a Healthcare CEO, for example, then it’s suddenly fine. In fact they openly celebrated it in some cases. )
But, it’s perfectly fine for soldiers to use guns on other countries’ citizens. Ukraine was not a big enough war. We need one in Israel too. And we have to kill all those Iranians who hate us for our freedoms. While we take away all your freedoms over here. That way they won’t hate us any more. 🤪
And, might as well tick off Russia and start a real war there too. The proxy war in Ukraine isn’t scary enough! We need a real nuclear war! Lots more guns involved. The arms dealers are licking their chops. Especially the Cheney and Bush families.
Investment tip: Buy some arms trade stocks, y’all! And some guns and ammo for your protection while you’re at it. (*This is not real investment advice, just a friendly suggestion.)
Meanwhile, only 3 more days till the new boss takes over. At least he’s pro Second Amendment. We’ll see about the rest. Seems pretty aligned with Israel but aren’t they all? And Israel likes us to fight their wars protect them from their neighbors…. I wouldn’t sell those arms dealer stocks just yet. Again, not investment advice. 😂
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The legendary Eric Clapton sang a Bob Marley and the Wailers song that was only mildly successful and then he shot it to the top of the charts. Bob Marley had said he wanted to say he shot the government but then he would have been targeted so he said “sheriff” instead and that either way the song is about justice.
Stay vigilent, friends! It’s a jungle out there. Three more days till the new Sheriff takes over. ❤️
I shot the sheriff
But I didn't shoot no deputy, oh no, oh
I shot the sheriff
But I didn't shoot no deputy, ooh, ooh, ooh
Yeah! All around in my home town
They're tryin' to track me down, yeah
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the killing of a deputy
For the life of a deputy but I say
Oh, now, now, oh
I shot the sheriff
(But I swear it was in self-defence) oh no, oh, oh, ooh
Yeah, I say, I shot the sheriff oh, Lord (and they say it is a capital offence)
Yeah, yeah! Hear that
Sheriff John Brown always hated me
For what, I don't know
Every time I plant a seed
He said kill it before it grow
He said kill them before they grow, and so-and-so
Read it in the news!
oh, Lord!
But I swear it was in self-defence
Where was the deputy? (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
I say, I shot the sheriff
But I swear it was in self-defence, yeah! (Ooh)
Freedom came my way one day
And I started out of town, yeah
All of a sudden I saw Sheriff John Brown aiming to shoot me down
So, I shot, I shot, I shot him down and I say
If I am guilty I will pay (pay, pay, pay, pay...)
but I say but I didn't shoot no deputy
I didn't shoot no deputy, no (ooh, ooh, ooh)
(I shot the sheriff) I agree
(But I didn't shoot no deputy) oh
(Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Reflexes had got the better of me
And what is to be must be
Every day the bucket a-go a-well
One day the bottom a-go drop out
One day the bottom a-go drop out
I say
I, I, I, I shot the sheriff
Lord, I didn't shot the deputy, no
I, I (shot the sheriff)
But I didn't shoot no deputy yeah
So, yeah
Songwriter: Bob Marley
I Shot The Sheriff lyrics © Fifty Six Hope Road Music Ltd., Blackwell Fuller Music Publishing Llc
guns make sense for protecting from lowlife scumbags but not very effective against organized government scumbags equipped with high tech weaponry, a corrupted “justice” system.
National peace maker appreciation day. I like it a lot!
They're so hell bent on gun control, that they even took our gun emoji & replaced it
with a water gun!
It's not the gun, It's the person behind the gun that's willing to make the right decisions.,