Nice post. I grew up with guns but had no clue there was a holiday for it. I used to be fairly moderate after some of the mass shootings. Newtown was very tough for me to stomach. I thought maybe it might be wise to compromise on magazine size. Me and my brother who is an absolutist on the matter would have spirited debates.

Then 2020 rolled around. That year and the year after or so scared the hell out of me. At the time I did NOT suspect the Left and the media were capable nor willing to provoke riots on such a massive scale. Then they turned around and laughed in our faces over it. Then the election heist followed up by the covid vax mandates.

Like I said it scared me to death. Those were some hard years for me. It’s why I feel so blessed now. At least there’s an opportunity. That’s all anyone can ask for! And now I will NEVER entertain the idea of ceding ground on the 2nd.

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I had never heard of National Gun Appreciation Day either, but always have celebrated 10/22 day in honor of my Ruger's.

Anybody know what day I should be honoring Sig, Smith &Wesson, CZ, Springfield Armory,

F-1 and many others ?

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CZ day is 12/31 in honor of Czech independence! Love their guns. And their country. Prague is a world class city! Also partial to Smith & Wesson and local gun ranges here celebrate Smith&Wesson days a few times a year....

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CZ .40 TSO is my fav and will be on my side when the SHTF.

Among others but have too many to carry.

But I really love plink'n with my Volquartsen, and if you're not familiar it is a souped up Ruger Mark IV which I also have and shoot em both like Steve in the video on many of occasions. Like he said God gave us a trigger finger...errr two of em.

And how could I forget my fav shotgun, Beretta. Browning's excellent too.

I had to include my B's (knowing whose post this is) along with the CZ's.

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B's 😂 Have a Beretta Outlander shotgun in the collection...several CZ's and S&W's. 💕

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I must tell you this one.

I bought my first shotgun (Remington Model 1100) at 17 years old after graduation from high school back in '75.

Yup, pulled into the local 'Holiday Gas Station', purchased a tank of gas, bag of Old Dutch potato chips, 2 boxes of 12 gauge shells and my new semi-auto duck hunting gun.

That was in Hibbing Mn.

I now live behind enemy lines in Southern Ca.

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How awesome! MN, what a fantastic place! Those were the days... My heroines were Annie Oakley and Dale Evans, and I started going hunting and fishing with my Grandfather when I was 8 or so but was a complete failure because...Bambi. Ater that I just shot at targets. 😂

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IIRC, Mission Viejo? Love that area. Lived in Lake Forest and San Clemente for a while.

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I didn’t know that either. My bro has CZ Scorpion. He’s a CPA and we all know they are the biggest gun nuts. 🤭

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Epstein client list invisibility… 🤓

Happy Gun Day, Heather!

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I'm fairly sure spoons and "alphabet soups" are a much bigger problem in this country. 😆

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guns make sense for protecting from lowlife scumbags but not very effective against organized government scumbags equipped with high tech weaponry, a corrupted “justice” system.

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Guns make it very expensive for the high tech weaponry people to impose tyranny. If you didn't have guns they could send just one person to invade your home and force tyranny on you, as it is now they send entire squads to impose tyranny.

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entire squad or a drone with a laser?

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Soon a push of a video game button.

Me thinks that's here already.

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For now it's intimidating humans, but armed drones may not be far in the future!

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I meant "deployed to a neighborhood near you!"

Keep in mind these are not lasers mounted on drones roaming around freely:

"in his research paper – who have successfully tested the use of a 1 kilowatt, 1080 nanometer wavelength laser from a small drone." (note the key word "from")

"Mind you, kilowatt-class lasers are still far too heavy and bulky for a compact drone to carry. So how can Xiao and his team make these kinds of claims?" (of course it sounded impossible)

"They don't; the laser isn't kept on board. Instead, the drones are equipped with a simple-yet-effective vibration-damping gimbal with two telescope-like tubes. One of these collects the near-infrared laser light issued from a mobile ground station, and relays it to the other tube which reflects the powerful beam" - Basically they are using the drone as a "mirror".

So yes, it's hype for now.

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by the time it’s made public it’s old news (really old news)

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This is the big elephant in the room. They are behind most of the hate, pitting us against each other, the feeling of powerless against the machine, the poverty, the starvation, the gluttony and greed in which they steal everything from us. Laws for thee not for me.

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hah funny.

I did a meme where it was 2nd Amendment.

and a bicep...

dad joke meme

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I be like Mr. Lee, our friend from down under.

Twice on Sunday.

Let's hope he still possesses his collection.


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OMG if I had known about this song I would have used it. SO funny!

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I hadn't heard it in years, so in honor of Steve, I saluted it in it's entirety before I posted.

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While I support the fact that, as sovereigns, We are free to arm Ourselves as We please (I have practiced the art of sending bullets out to targets...), I do want to point out that there has been no Bill of Rights active since 1871, nor the original constitution. In that year, a for-profit corporation became the controlmind (government) and the BoR was not included.

But They give lip service to the BoR and the constitution, keeping Us thinking We have a say in what that corporation does.

And really, it is a planetary problem, because virtually ALL controlminds, from towns to countries, are for-profit corporations owned by the same Ones, who use them to create wars to Their profit, and to control the People.

And... We might want to solve for the moneyed psychopaths that "own" the corporations.

It IS a Planetary Problem! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/it-is-a-planetary-problem

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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🎯💯 I like to celebrate what little right to breathe, defend, and enjoy life we have left.

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I take back what is Mine. My rights as a sovereign on Our planet…

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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will read. Thank you...💕

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Thank YOU for the payment of attention in reading!!! Love always!

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National peace maker appreciation day. I like it a lot!

They're so hell bent on gun control, that they even took our gun emoji & replaced it

with a water gun!

It's not the gun, It's the person behind the gun that's willing to make the right decisions.,

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😂 the water gun emoji. Like an emoji is so dangerous!!! 😂 I went to HS in Tx and we used to run out to the parking lot to see whatever new shotgun or rifle our classmate got for Christmas or birthdays...many of them had gun racks in their truck window with loaded rifles, and no one thought a thing about it. We had a gun club and a hunters club too. I thought everyone had guns until I moved to CA.

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One of my son's classmates brought a gun to show and tell in Kindergarten too. Not loaded. My son was so happy and asked me when he was getting one. (Not till you're old enough and responsible enough, son.)

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Cuuuuute :)

Times have changed! Now they bring a pervert to skool to tell stories & little boys want a new dress for Christmas!

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🤮 Insanity!

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More Insanity... Remember THIS? ....

"I like taking their guns FIRST & due process LATER" - Donald Trump

He quickly took our bumpstocks too after the Vegas shooting fiasco.

Careful what you "register".

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YES! Exactly Heather. I made a custom gun rack for Dad's old Chevy in shop class.

I find it hard to recall exactly what happened, but there was a sudden radical movement & all of a sudden they made new laws telling us that we had to travel with guns in the trunk & it went all downhill from there. There were loopholes for muskets for a while ... but it's all nonsense. Now we can keep guns in our glovebox, but no long rifle displays. Madness!

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Had guns never been invented, I wonder if governments (such as ours in Canada) would've outlawed all manner of steel blades. Neighbourhood outlets to go get your bread and meat sliced. Anyway, long live America, rebel nation of planet Earth.

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Rebel nation. YES. Long live Canada too. ❤️💕

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Hide your gun in an Epstein Client list, they will never find it.

Breakfast with a Gun never tasted better. --- ;-)

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as serious as this whole topic is, I couldn't stop laughing at some of the memes.

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The 2-pistol breakfast reminded me of the chicken soup drowning fatality in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, but then I remembered that one could, if one were careful about it, eat the bacon & eggs without actually drowning...however, overly hydrated grits could be a dangerous side. Dangerous mind coming to an area code closer to you in the next few months...be prepared. 😀

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Grits are really tricky to get right and if you don't, then 🤮! I'm probably moving south of Dallas so will be closer to Austin so maybe you should be the one preparing. 🤣

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I have a friend in Dallas, and sometimes we meet up at the On The Border restaurant in Waco and tank up on their chile rellenos. If you're going to be south of Dallas then it would probably be a good midpoint meetup spot with a modest (by TX standards) drive for each of us...only thing OTB lacks are chiles en nogada, but you should be able to get those year-round in Dallas and I'm hoping somebody has them all year in Austin (so I don't have to endure SA traffic when Nogada Jones comes knocking). 😋

If Sis is still in SA, you're invited to drop in and say Hi to Lake Travis in either or both directions. Kid brother says there was a freeze plug issue on the boat engine, so until he gets that taken care of, no need to pack your favorite water ski(s).

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😂 My water skiing days are over. Waco is also a consideration for future house...so might be even closer! Will keep you posted. Surely someone in Austin will be able to make the Chiles....Hope so for your sake as SA traffic is horrible, more like LA now...

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'A well-armed militia' is different, however, than an armed individual, vigilante gang, impromptu riot. A militia protects a community and actually trains in self-defense and strategy. It has some type of leadership, and maybe also protects against fires and disaster.

They already did away with community, and left people merely living in proximity to each other. That's all that's left. People are just defending themselves now. That seems, to me, to be an even deeper level of the problem.

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This awesome post takes no prisoners...love the snark too!!!

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