The Bug Food PsyOp is just another mechanism in the relentless quest by TPTB to make life on earth as uncomfortable as possible for us peasants, all in the name of Climate Change and Sustainability.
Here’s a handly little graphic of the Sustainable Goals of the Agenda 30 from the United Nations.
It all sounds so wonderful doesn’t it? Kind of like a Utopia. Not at all like they want to control you from birth to death in a 15 minute city where you can’t do anything without permission, decided by some committee above you.
And that includes where you are allowed to go, where you can work, how much money you can have and what you can buy, where you can live, who you can associate with, and what you are allowed to eat. Not to mention what you are allowed to think or say! A world wide prison where you can’t check out! Hotel Prison Planet.
So here I’m concentrating on the Bug Food PsyOp.
For some strange reason there are actual government departments who decide what’s healthy to eat, in what proportions. Wonder how we ever figured out what to eat before beauracracy?
Anyway, they change it up every so often. Wonder what makes them change? It could not possibly be anything that benefits food manufacturers. Or the giant food research industry. No I’m sure they are really trying to help us stay healthy and not help the pharma/medical complex have more customers. It’s just that the speed of food science is slow, unlike vaccine science.
In my life I noticed with my three babies that the pediatricians changed the order of giving real food to babies. First child, the first food was supposed to be cereal. Second child, the first food was supposed to be fruit. Third child, the first food was supposed to be protein, like pureed chicken or beef.
I remember thinking I wish the pediatritions would get their act together. Because if one of those was correct, that means two of the kids did not get optimal nutrition sequence. And what if none of them were correct?
Also in my life it seems like the food pyramid has changed a few times. I haven’t ever paid any attention to it, so not sure how many times. So this science sure seems movable with data, right? Well, no, it seems it moves with what the food manufacturers find easy and cheap to process their products. Who cares if it’s good for health?
In the 80’s there was a concerted effort to get soy into all the food. It was touted as healthy when it is not at all healthy for humans. It is terrific as a soil additive. But the tobacco farmers were hurting from the drop in cigarette sales so the government provided literature and subsidies to convince farmers to switch to soy production.
Soon soybean oil and soy flour and soy meal were all over the food supply. I’ll have to cover the disaster this has caused at another date. Too much info to add here. I’m just making a point that the food manufacturers and the government work together to control what is actually available in the food supply chain.
So now TPTB have decided to make us eat bugs instead of meat. They’ve already begun to push this. Catherine Austin Fitts says that all the big food corporations are moving toward bug food manufacturing and investors are pouring money into it.
I guess their moral outrage over eating animals doesn’t extend to all the creatures, just mammals. But okay, they’ve got an ostensible reason, let’s not be mean to animals. Unless they’re insects. Here’s a video that explains it. Less than 5 minutes.
But it’s another 2 hits in one operation. Because it’s all about climate change and food scarcity too. Animals use too many resources. And by extension, us humans who consume meat use too many resources. They’ve got fancy charts showing how much of a carbon footprint all these animals and us useless eaters leave by eating meat.
Can’t have us producing CO2 for the trees now can we? That would mean they would grow faster and bigger. Like they have since we started measuring in 1989. Yep, the earth has greened 15% since then because trees love CO2 and turn it into Oxygen for us and the animals to breathe. Which also helps all the plants and herbs we eat grow faster and bigger. Maybe we should just leave Nature alone.
But no, instead they want to kill all the cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens. (They already poisoned a lot of the fish via Fukushima and the Gulf oil spill and yes, those were unnatural but that’s another post for another day.) This will hasten famine. Because there won’t be enough meat for all of us, thus the need for depopulating the planet. And feeding us bugs in the meantime.
As usual, they cause the problem and then offer the solution.
So in this PsyOp, we kill the cows and the sheep, and the chickens and pigs, and the fish, and then there’s nothing left to eat but bugs. And since bugs are not good food for humans we will die off sooner too…win/win for TPTB. Not to mention, according to them we don’t need all the farms either. So they are nationalizing stealing farm land, which also hastens the move of citizens to those 15 minute cities. Win/win/win.
Regenerative agriculture practices have worked for thousands of years. Instead of confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) like the big food corporations use, cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens coexist on regenerative farms. Animal fertilizer is actually good for the soil making it have better nutrients which makes healthier vegetables. A true win/win/win. Better for the animals, better for us, and better for the trees.
And besides all the other nonsense, the government of the USA actually pays farmers to stop planting crops to keep the price of food higher!!! Release the farmers! We don’t need to eat bugs to survive. Just let farmers farm.
Truth: Chitin is not good for the human body. We were not made to eat bugs. There are many studies that show this.
I’m not going to eat bugs, I’m just not. I don’t care if that means I have to go vegetarian and be diligent about food combining to get my protein. I refuse to eat bugs. So here’s a list of ingredients to check for if you want to avoid bugs in your food.
I’m from Texas. We don’t want to give up our steak. Or other meat either. I mean, how are you going to have Tacos and Enchiladas and Chimichangas without meat? Bugs in our tacos???? Not just no, but Hell No.
This is a pretty accurate chart, by the way. Everything on this chart has been on the menu at my house this past week.
“But you’re an Herbalist, Heather, aren’t you vegan or at least vegetarian?” (Afraid not) “No, I’m not that kind of Herbalist” I answer. (Because I paid attention in nutrition class.)
For anyone who feels guilty about their food choices, I would argue that even that sugar filled candy treat is better for you than bugs. Just say no to bug food.
Here’s a couple of T Shirts to wear if you want to spread the word. Start a conversation. Write to the food companies. Tell them you refuse to eat bugs. It actually has worked before. Consumer demand got the companies to add soy free foods to their product lines, for one example. Just don’t buy bug food!
I can’t get enough of Dan Vasc. You’ve never heard Amazing Grace quite like this!
We all need grace right now, and always. Stay sane, friends!
Ignore for a moment that the climate crisis is clearly a hoax, and that the idea that “carbon” ( the most plentiful element in our planet) poses ANY threat to the planet or humanity is utterly ridiculous and dismissible on its face. Consider the “carbon footprint” of a cow or a pig or any livestock animal population versus a typical jet setting billionaire like those WEFies that are pushing the Agenda 2030 nonsense, juxtaposed to that of the later, consider also the “usefulness” of the first to the later. The livestock provides healthy and natural nutrition source while providing fertility for agriculture. The WEFies, on the other hand, destructive totalitarian ideologies and the imprisonment and literal poisoning of humanity in pursuit of their depopulation dystopian dreamland where they rule over humanity. I would posit that the elimination of the later would overwhelmingly benefit any consideration of the former.
Since I’m on the Texas coast, I would add in the meat category: trout, redfish, flounder, crab, shrimp and frog legs. For y’all in the panhandle, rack of lamb and cabrito.