Ignore for a moment that the climate crisis is clearly a hoax, and that the idea that “carbon” ( the most plentiful element in our planet) poses ANY threat to the planet or humanity is utterly ridiculous and dismissible on its face. Consider the “carbon footprint” of a cow or a pig or any livestock animal population versus a typical jet setting billionaire like those WEFies that are pushing the Agenda 2030 nonsense, juxtaposed to that of the later, consider also the “usefulness” of the first to the later. The livestock provides healthy and natural nutrition source while providing fertility for agriculture. The WEFies, on the other hand, destructive totalitarian ideologies and the imprisonment and literal poisoning of humanity in pursuit of their depopulation dystopian dreamland where they rule over humanity. I would posit that the elimination of the later would overwhelmingly benefit any consideration of the former.
For now, see if you can find local farmers markets. Talk to your vendors, find out how committed they are to growing organically or biodynamically. I say this to those who are unable to grow their own food, like me, living in a north facing apartment in the city. I have known most of my vendors for ten years or so, and I call my market summer church, as I am there for the summer season (May-October) every Sunday morning at opening, to get the best choice of produce. They are mostly aware of pricing needing to be on equity with local pricing in stores, so those who say the farmers markets are too expensive are not looking at the bigger picture: we support them, they support us. I am happy to pay a bit more if necessary to keep them going AND NOT EAT THE BUGS! (My winter market is across town, and I do not go every week--summer market a 25 min lovely walk or 10 min bike ride...)
Yes I agree! I live more rural surrounded by ranches and farms so it's easy for me. But even when I didn't have that proximity I have always found the weekly farmer's market in the area.
do you eat eggs or chickens? they eat bugs. If they don't , they get "feeds" so that the eggs have enough protein in them. The protein in eggs comes from "ze bugs".
Hmm. Same same for fresh water fish. You like them? And the land has no fertility without "ze bugs". Hmmm. Kinda like "carbon" huh?
It's a bit difficult for this person who supported organics since 1977 to get any to eat anymore. I can't afford the rents, so even where the organic is passed out for free, as it is in so. Oregon by one group. well, I can't afford to live there, see?
So, I eat commercial crap in a country where I can afford a one room shelter. Fun, huh? I impoverished myself for fifty years so that you can eat organics!! Cool Enjoy.
Good for you. If you are thriving then that’s what counts
Also avoiding ultra processed junk food : essential for 2 reasons
1/ For health
2/. To not support the companies that produce this garbage, often aimed at children, and the medical/ pharmaceutical complex that thrives on on the it’s victims
I gave up a Six Year Medical Program Scholarship track at Boston University in 1970 because I did not want to learn from dead bodies and pharmaceutical dictionaries. That didn't add up to life for me.
Raised six in poverty with organics and herbs. Great grandma here, with no place to live, cause money, not health, rules.
Being a Great Grandma is an achievement in itself and no doubt you will have been a positive influence on many lives that you may not even be aware of. That said, yes, the debt / usury money system is behind most of the worlds problems; from homelessness, wars, billionaires and the unseen power of TPTB and I know how you feel.
Since I’m on the Texas coast, I would add in the meat category: trout, redfish, flounder, crab, shrimp and frog legs. For y’all in the panhandle, rack of lamb and cabrito.
Thank you for writing. They clearly want to hit us from every direction. I really think they want to wear us down, and attempt to provoke the people (that just want to be left alone)...over & over.
I feel like the new wording on labels: " contains bio-engineered food ingredient" is a precursor for them to put farmed "bio-engineered" bugs into anything they want incognito.
I remember seeing a video clip years ago about a farm/ dairy cow or cattle family in N. California that was losing their decades long family business. They were being financially knee capped. The son decided he had to become an attorney to save the family farm by fighting the bureaucracies hammering them with new regulations. He converted the farm's methane emissions into "clean" renewable enery.
I think the reason they have to put that on the labels now is because they lost a court case. They already had those GMO ingredients for years now. But now they have to list them. You could definitely be right about bio engineered bugs too. They have no end to their torture agendas. Dan Vasc is one of my fave musicians. Glad you liked it!
Hahaha. You "paid attention in nutrition class". It was wrong, it was right.
Well, then you're all set. Hahahahaha.
Them, the great evil them, and what they are going to do to us , the great innocent us.
Seriously? No wonder we get nowhere. Nowhere at all.
"My diet's better than your diet. My diet's better than yours." Sung to the tune of that childhood ditty. We all know it..."My ...whatever ...is better than your ...whatever. "
So it goes. I think we're eating a lot of microwave. A lot of lies. A lot of insanity. Yes, a lot of "bugs". Everything that "bugs" folks comes from "them" and ends up here.
Hi Heidi ........ I don't get many likes nowadays after (imo) having the gumption to offer a comment or two not fawning over SH . Even on that forum there is the hierachy and expressing unwelcome opinions is met with displeasure. I do believe your "dialogue" with Yeardon ( if my memory is correct) did not go well . Ended when your questions were not welcome .
I read with an open mind ..........and express my thoughts
Well, his female enablers are sure jealous of Naomi's Wolf"s "perfect hair", and render opinions on what she "should and should not" wear, according to their opinion of her "age".
So, yeah, waste of time in my "opinion", as I've actually read Naomi's excellent classic. "The Beauty Myth. "
Like you, i do not want opinions or disagreements to get personal . A very very difficult line to walk...... and imo one of the main "issues" nowadays is the almost instantaneous defensive reaction people have ... to almost everything !
Having said that.... my inferring that SH is groupiefied ( my word ) does not merit a "snarky" comment from said person . I did receive one or two before i just took the hint.
You are welcome to delete my posts here and i would not be offended. Heidi waa nice enough to give me a like .... and i do her as i relate to her right to express.
Know what? This "you'll eat the bugs" story is so good at distraction that I even forgot to mention the probable reason behind it.
While you're being revved up to hate hate hate...oh, those awful undomesticated "wild:" and full of disease bugs!! Like natives everywhere!!....the truth is that much of what you prefer to eat eats "bugs" and guess what? They're gone. Gone gone gone.
Except in sub tropical and tropical areas, there's no more insects. Ditto for fish and birds, who depend on them for survival.
So yeah, focus on the bugs online that you may someday die eating. In the meanwhile, everything else is dying because the geoengeneering has destroyed terrestial and aquatic insects.
Funny how no one pays much attention to this. Somehow only scary disneyland fantasy SELLS, but never reality.
When you need to be praying for "ze bugs", you're easily manipulated into hating and fearing .
Amazing. How it never ends. No matter how many times, again and again.
I woke up singing "Everybody Plays The Fool". It may be practical, it may be cruel. /but there it is, so many ways to play the fool.
I speak as a well seasoned FOOL.
"And while we're riding down these highways this life of ours
Just especially for you, mama. This is a Bharani Moon day, one aspect of the Bharani/Swati axis...which I could easily describe as "bliss and blisters". I've seen paradise/swati meadows, and it was ex-cruciating, and that I cannot fully explain yet. Here in Bharani...as I was reflecting to myself this morning, first thought/best thought...we are restrained in the Womb of Time.
Listen along with me, if you like. Break on through to the other side.
Ignore for a moment that the climate crisis is clearly a hoax, and that the idea that “carbon” ( the most plentiful element in our planet) poses ANY threat to the planet or humanity is utterly ridiculous and dismissible on its face. Consider the “carbon footprint” of a cow or a pig or any livestock animal population versus a typical jet setting billionaire like those WEFies that are pushing the Agenda 2030 nonsense, juxtaposed to that of the later, consider also the “usefulness” of the first to the later. The livestock provides healthy and natural nutrition source while providing fertility for agriculture. The WEFies, on the other hand, destructive totalitarian ideologies and the imprisonment and literal poisoning of humanity in pursuit of their depopulation dystopian dreamland where they rule over humanity. I would posit that the elimination of the later would overwhelmingly benefit any consideration of the former.
🎯🎯🎯 Right there with you! On all of it.
Ya think? Them, not them. Black and white. Have you ever wondered why you, as a mammal, eat other mammals? Do you recall why?
I asked once. Didn't get an answer until the question was stated correctly.
You'd be surprised.
For now, see if you can find local farmers markets. Talk to your vendors, find out how committed they are to growing organically or biodynamically. I say this to those who are unable to grow their own food, like me, living in a north facing apartment in the city. I have known most of my vendors for ten years or so, and I call my market summer church, as I am there for the summer season (May-October) every Sunday morning at opening, to get the best choice of produce. They are mostly aware of pricing needing to be on equity with local pricing in stores, so those who say the farmers markets are too expensive are not looking at the bigger picture: we support them, they support us. I am happy to pay a bit more if necessary to keep them going AND NOT EAT THE BUGS! (My winter market is across town, and I do not go every week--summer market a 25 min lovely walk or 10 min bike ride...)
Yes I agree! I live more rural surrounded by ranches and farms so it's easy for me. But even when I didn't have that proximity I have always found the weekly farmer's market in the area.
do you eat eggs or chickens? they eat bugs. If they don't , they get "feeds" so that the eggs have enough protein in them. The protein in eggs comes from "ze bugs".
Hmm. Same same for fresh water fish. You like them? And the land has no fertility without "ze bugs". Hmmm. Kinda like "carbon" huh?
It's a bit difficult for this person who supported organics since 1977 to get any to eat anymore. I can't afford the rents, so even where the organic is passed out for free, as it is in so. Oregon by one group. well, I can't afford to live there, see?
So, I eat commercial crap in a country where I can afford a one room shelter. Fun, huh? I impoverished myself for fifty years so that you can eat organics!! Cool Enjoy.
Your perfect lifestyle is such an inspiration.
You will thrive on ground beef, sea salt and mineral water
Eat that and a few eggs and problem solved
I do not eat my family members, aka mammalians.
I eat plants. I thrive on plants. Just like other mammalian do.
Good for you. If you are thriving then that’s what counts
Also avoiding ultra processed junk food : essential for 2 reasons
1/ For health
2/. To not support the companies that produce this garbage, often aimed at children, and the medical/ pharmaceutical complex that thrives on on the it’s victims
I gave up a Six Year Medical Program Scholarship track at Boston University in 1970 because I did not want to learn from dead bodies and pharmaceutical dictionaries. That didn't add up to life for me.
Raised six in poverty with organics and herbs. Great grandma here, with no place to live, cause money, not health, rules.
Being a Great Grandma is an achievement in itself and no doubt you will have been a positive influence on many lives that you may not even be aware of. That said, yes, the debt / usury money system is behind most of the worlds problems; from homelessness, wars, billionaires and the unseen power of TPTB and I know how you feel.
So well said, Heather.
Who'd have thought it would all come to this... cyclic fake pandemics, pregnant "men", and "let them eat bugs".
🙏 Thank you Joanie! Truly Dystopian nightmare. and clown world. 🤡
Since I’m on the Texas coast, I would add in the meat category: trout, redfish, flounder, crab, shrimp and frog legs. For y’all in the panhandle, rack of lamb and cabrito.
🎯 lots of venison and elk too. We can get trout from Colorado which we are closer to than we are to you.
Yes! Forgot about the venison. We’ve also got an endless supply of wild hogs.....Enjoy your stuff, Heather, keep it up
Thank you so much Judge! ❤️
Sounds glorious although I have no idea what cabrito is
goat meat
Baby goat, BBQ
Farm fresh eggs 3 miles down the road. Fresh from the chickens ......uhh, where does the egg come out ? well, its warm.
we grow lettuce and kale and papayas and guava and squash and loofa, and long beans and herbs and other greens. just a small garden can grow a lot .
the neighbors do seem to like some bugs .. lol .. fried and crispy
Yes, I lived in the Philippines and travelled all over Asia and I saw a lot of bug food. That's why I lost weight when I lived there. 🤣
🤣 We are eating eggs with homemade bacon (well, we bought the pork ) for breakfast. homemade sourdough and of course .... coffee
I wonder what the "ingredients" label will say.
It will say “proprietary additives “
Don't they have to list ingredients from "most" to "least"?
Thank you for writing. They clearly want to hit us from every direction. I really think they want to wear us down, and attempt to provoke the people (that just want to be left alone)...over & over.
I feel like the new wording on labels: " contains bio-engineered food ingredient" is a precursor for them to put farmed "bio-engineered" bugs into anything they want incognito.
I remember seeing a video clip years ago about a farm/ dairy cow or cattle family in N. California that was losing their decades long family business. They were being financially knee capped. The son decided he had to become an attorney to save the family farm by fighting the bureaucracies hammering them with new regulations. He converted the farm's methane emissions into "clean" renewable enery.
That version of Amazing Grace is awesome! ❤
I think the reason they have to put that on the labels now is because they lost a court case. They already had those GMO ingredients for years now. But now they have to list them. You could definitely be right about bio engineered bugs too. They have no end to their torture agendas. Dan Vasc is one of my fave musicians. Glad you liked it!
tastes like….
Hahaha. You "paid attention in nutrition class". It was wrong, it was right.
Well, then you're all set. Hahahahaha.
Them, the great evil them, and what they are going to do to us , the great innocent us.
Seriously? No wonder we get nowhere. Nowhere at all.
"My diet's better than your diet. My diet's better than yours." Sung to the tune of that childhood ditty. We all know it..."My ...whatever ...is better than your ...whatever. "
So it goes. I think we're eating a lot of microwave. A lot of lies. A lot of insanity. Yes, a lot of "bugs". Everything that "bugs" folks comes from "them" and ends up here.
Happy Full Moon in Ashwin.
haha sounds like one of my rants/chants as i change my pants in the morning .
if we use the word bugs a few times ......... their algorithms gonna start beeping .
"beep those little beeps !"
Thanks for adding the "as i change my pants" giggle to my morning rants!
Hi Heidi ........ I don't get many likes nowadays after (imo) having the gumption to offer a comment or two not fawning over SH . Even on that forum there is the hierachy and expressing unwelcome opinions is met with displeasure. I do believe your "dialogue" with Yeardon ( if my memory is correct) did not go well . Ended when your questions were not welcome .
I read with an open mind ..........and express my thoughts
hierachies be damned hahaha
hope you are well !
I think this SH sub is something else than what it presents itself to be. And y es, it's very "groupy", and his sob story is perfect for that.
But, if he's so damned smart about it all...why'd he take the jab?
It certainly doens't make people geniuses overnight.
I think he's/she/it is not what it appears to be.
He has stated several times that he did not take the jab. No comment on the rest of it. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.
wow, interesting. I read the opposite.
Well, his female enablers are sure jealous of Naomi's Wolf"s "perfect hair", and render opinions on what she "should and should not" wear, according to their opinion of her "age".
So, yeah, waste of time in my "opinion", as I've actually read Naomi's excellent classic. "The Beauty Myth. "
Like you, i do not want opinions or disagreements to get personal . A very very difficult line to walk...... and imo one of the main "issues" nowadays is the almost instantaneous defensive reaction people have ... to almost everything !
Having said that.... my inferring that SH is groupiefied ( my word ) does not merit a "snarky" comment from said person . I did receive one or two before i just took the hint.
You are welcome to delete my posts here and i would not be offended. Heidi waa nice enough to give me a like .... and i do her as i relate to her right to express.
I haven't seen any reason to delete yours at all. 😊
Know what? This "you'll eat the bugs" story is so good at distraction that I even forgot to mention the probable reason behind it.
While you're being revved up to hate hate hate...oh, those awful undomesticated "wild:" and full of disease bugs!! Like natives everywhere!!....the truth is that much of what you prefer to eat eats "bugs" and guess what? They're gone. Gone gone gone.
Except in sub tropical and tropical areas, there's no more insects. Ditto for fish and birds, who depend on them for survival.
So yeah, focus on the bugs online that you may someday die eating. In the meanwhile, everything else is dying because the geoengeneering has destroyed terrestial and aquatic insects.
Funny how no one pays much attention to this. Somehow only scary disneyland fantasy SELLS, but never reality.
When you need to be praying for "ze bugs", you're easily manipulated into hating and fearing .
Amazing. How it never ends. No matter how many times, again and again.
I woke up singing "Everybody Plays The Fool". It may be practical, it may be cruel. /but there it is, so many ways to play the fool.
I speak as a well seasoned FOOL.
"And while we're riding down these highways this life of ours
is slip sliding away. "
I do hope you are writing from a rural area..... looking out at Nature .
i will be disappointed if you are on the 7th floor in an apt in Milwaukee .
"we gotta get outa this place........ if its the last thing we ever do ................"
Don’t fear. Nature has a habit of recovering
Look at Bikini Atoll- blown to smithereens with nuclear bombs but left unmolested for decades is full of terrestrial and aquatic life
Just especially for you, mama. This is a Bharani Moon day, one aspect of the Bharani/Swati axis...which I could easily describe as "bliss and blisters". I've seen paradise/swati meadows, and it was ex-cruciating, and that I cannot fully explain yet. Here in Bharani...as I was reflecting to myself this morning, first thought/best thought...we are restrained in the Womb of Time.
Listen along with me, if you like. Break on through to the other side.