What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas Especially If It's a Massacre
Boots on the Ground Reports
It happened Oct 1, 2017.
When I heard about the shooting in Vegas I immediately called my brother. I wanted the boots on the ground reports and he was a limo driver there. Everyone knows that limo drivers have all the juicy gossip. Backbone of the strip!
Turned out that mutual friends of ours were in town and he was showing them the sights that night. He sent me a video they had sent him after he dropped them off at the Bellagio. In the video, they are in the lobby sitting on the floor next to a wall because they were not allowed to go up to their room.
They panned to a scene of broken glass that was shot out of the doors and windows at the front entrance. They said the casino had been blocked off so they couldn’t get in, but someone said they heard shots in there. They were sill waiting for permission to go to their room a couple of hours after the windows were broken.
He told me there was all kinds of chaos and that limo drivers were quickly sending stories of shots fired at a bunch of the hotels, all the nice ones. He was listening to the police scanner too. For a few hours he sent me different videos that witnesses were quickly posting to social media depicting very strange stuff. Not only at the scene of the massacre, but around the strip at various hotels.
Here’s the screenshot he sent me that he took while it was happening. 5 different hotels are listed here. Note: None of this was ever mentioned in any of the Press Conferences. Or the newspapers. Just memory holed like it never happened.
As for our friends who were staying at the Bellagio, the next morning they went to check out and everything was back to normal. No broken glass. Casino operating as usual. Everyone acted like nothing had happened.
My brother told me that the hotels all cleaned up the messes by morning. Can’t scare the marks tourists.
At the checkout they remarked to the clerk about how fast everything had been cleaned up. She pretended not to know anything had happened. They kept pressing her about it and she kept denying. They mentioned they had video. So then she stepped away saying she needed to talk to a manager. A few minutes later she and the manager came back and asked the couple about the videos on their phones.
Then the oddest thing happened. The manager said if they would wipe the videos and promise not to talk about it, their room would be comped and they would get passes for free rooms in the future. Of course they wanted a free room! So they wiped the videos and went to the airport.
Meanwhile, he heard this account from another limo driver. A couple were on their way into the Tropicana through the back entrance. They saw a man with a briefcase just inside the door. He had a strange accent and looked as if he could be Middle Eastern. He told them to get into the casino.
Instead they turned around and ran to a dumpster in the alley and hid in it. A few minutes later, they heard many gun shots inside the casino so they stayed a couple of hours before they got out and drove to a different hotel.
Later they heard that several people had been shot in the casino.
Then the strange stories about what happened at the concert started getting out. Like people being sure they were shot at from ground level. And stories of people being chased and dodging bullets as they ran away from the crowd. And people swearing they were shot at by guns from a helicopter. There were also very strange airplane takeoffs and landings.
But what happened later was even more odd. Multiple witnesses died very soon after. People had their phones wiped by the police. And the police accounts didn’t add up. The police chief seemed to be lying and obfuscating. He stuck with the usual lone nut gunman theory they always use for mass shootings. Despite proof that others were in his hotel suite. But who’s counting?
It took multiple FOI requests to even get copies of the police reports. Then the whole event was basically memory holed. As little coverage as they could get away with. At press conferences, they never even mentioned the shots fired and all the glass that had to be repaired in other hotels. Just pretended like it never happened.
Here’s a really good account by someone who lives there and noticed all the weirdness going on around this event. I have to link it because Substack won’t let me embed it. It’s 2 hours of real reporting. YouTube took it down, so quite a glowing endorsement. Mindy Robinson covers a lot of anomalies that night and the response to it. After what my brother told me and after listening to her, I don’t believe a single thing in the official report. Very eye popping stuff! I just wonder if we’ll ever really know what happened that night.
This was a lot like a 9/11/01 event in that none of the facts add up and lots of things were buried. I think it helps to remember that Vegas was started as a Mob town and the Mob didn’t really ever let go of their property. Protecting it required bribes and corruption. I doubt it’s changed at all. Maybe they just hide it better.
I actually lived in Vegas for 4 years and I’m glad I did, but don’t really recommend it. I had visited it over and over in my life with my family because my parents loved to visit there and gamble. And my sister and I both got married there. I always thought it would be a fun place to live. But I found out visiting there is not the same as living there.
Still, I hate that this event happened there. And I always wonder who made money from this event? Turns out there were big sales of stock in the hotel industry on the strip a few weeks before it occurred. What did they know? And when did they know it? Also other stock market anomalies and insurance company anomalies occurred. Just like all the financial oddities in NYC on 9/11/01. Just a coincidence, right? I mean, what are the odds?
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The fact that the same police chief is leading the Lahaina psy-op speaks loud and clear. Everything is an illusion. Thank you for this great piece🙏🙏🙏
I am reminded of my friend UnsweetDee on Twitter who has a meme of Alice (of Alice in Wonderland) wearing her blue and white pinafore and leaning into the back window of a limousine. You can see she also has on a garter belt and stockings. The caption says, "Except for the rabbit hole. That costs extra."
The Vegas massacre of 2017 is like the New York City massacre of 2001 and the Oklahoma City massacre of 1995 and the Pearl Harbour massacre of 1941. Everything we are told is meant to push an agenda built on lies. The truth will set you free.
Jesus Christ is the truth, the life, and the way. Amen.