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Sep 7, 2023
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Sep 7, 2023
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Some of the victims were actually murdered soon after. They knew too much. I kept tabs on this story for quite a while. Who knows which ones were crisis actors? It all got hushed up right away. That's why I stuck to personal details that I know instead of the many stories that were floating out there. I still have friends in Vegas and they say it's been erased from the consciousness. No one even thinks about it any more. Now in the video I believe it goes into who owned the hotel where the gunman stayed (Saudi royal family member) and where a helicopter landed and took off. And a lot of strange airplanes and helos that night and strange flight logs.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Thanks for stopping by.

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I am reminded of my friend UnsweetDee on Twitter who has a meme of Alice (of Alice in Wonderland) wearing her blue and white pinafore and leaning into the back window of a limousine. You can see she also has on a garter belt and stockings. The caption says, "Except for the rabbit hole. That costs extra."

The Vegas massacre of 2017 is like the New York City massacre of 2001 and the Oklahoma City massacre of 1995 and the Pearl Harbour massacre of 1941. Everything we are told is meant to push an agenda built on lies. The truth will set you free.

Jesus Christ is the truth, the life, and the way. Amen.

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I wish I could post a photo in the comments. I designed a t shirt that says exactly that: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MKVY68V

Thank you for your comment ❤️

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God bless you, Heather. God loves you and wants you to be happy. Amen.

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God Bless You too. "May God The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you." ~Numbers 6:24

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Excellent, Heather B.

I think you may be "breaking news" here - by connecting lots of dots.

That memory-hole is deep and packed-to-overflowing.

But they will surely find room for more.

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Thank you Marvin! They are actively working to memory hole Maui so yeah...

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If there were academy awards for the most heavily censored events in US history, this Vegas shooting would surely be among top contenders. I remember this well, trying to peel back the WTF layers and sites kept disappearing, POOF and gone! Same chief of police as Maui, too, what a coincidence, eh? Whatever actually happened was surely the opposite of the media's BS narratives. Shots fired? What shots? Helicopters? What helicopters? Broken glass and any other evidence immediately disappears and ... SNAFU!

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Thanks for reading.

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Nice video. I hate myself for enjoying the evil Ballagio fountains. And Tiesto.

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The fact that the same police chief is leading the Lahaina psy-op speaks loud and clear. Everything is an illusion. Thank you for this great piece🙏🙏🙏

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Yes. What are the odds that guy ended up in Maui in Lahaina???! Something is not right

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More Inconsistencies In The Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Incident

This Vegas cab driver caught on camera a SECOND GUNMAN on the FOURTH FLOOR, you can see it as clear as day. You can see the sound matches with flashes of the gun fire. This disappeared from the news permanently


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What freaking nonsense. Who gives a plug poker chip about vegas? It's a cesspool of crime and corruption.

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The shooting was (supposedly) from the Mandalay Bay. But the top floors of Mandalay Bay were actually the Four Seasons, owned by Bill Gates and Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.

But nothing to see here.

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Ok I got this article from Sage Hana as a repost on Sage's substack and I remember seeing something about this taking place in Las Vegas after it happened on that day! What I'm going to say and question is in no way me showing disrespect for the victims! I just found this article about the shooting interesting with the people describing the events of what happened and how things took place!

The article said that some people were staying at the Bellagio hotel and witnessed all of the chaos with broken hotel windows, debris and all kinds of broken things with disorder going on! Well then the next morning the people staying at the Bellgio hotel went to check out and everything was back to normal! Nothing out of place, the hotel windows had been replaced, the chaos and debris had been cleaned up and everybody was acting normally like nothing happened! These people commented to the clerk at the counter about how everything had been cleaned up so quickly! Well the clerk at the counter gave a fluoride response, and probably look too, back to the people just like she didn't know what happened! Then the manager also gave these people a blank fluoride response back too denying that anything happened! Well these people had videos of the event just like many other people did too! These people staying at the Bellagio were asked to wipe the videos off of their phones in exchange for a free stays at the hotel! Different people were describing what they witnessed, getting shot at and chased by bullets as they ran from the crowd! The police and people in charge denied everything! Later many witnesses soon died after the event, I'm sure that was just a coincidence, and the police wiped the videos from the phones of these dead witnesses! So the hotel management, the police and all of the people in charge in Las Vegas were all denying that any shooting took place! The people in charge pretended that the shooting never happened! Which comes to my question! If this shooting never took place at the Route 91 concert in Las Vegas and 58 people didn't die and many more injured then dying later then why does Las Vegas need a memorial to the victims and survivors of the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history featuring 58 candle-like beams getting built on the Las Vegas strip??? The article said that police accounts didn't add up! Well of course it doesn't add up if the people in charge in Vegas are denying that the shooting took place! So why do they need to build a memorial to the victims that allegedly died there then if this shooting didn't take place on October, 1 1017?? We all know that the people who were in Las Vegas on that day and saw what happened and how it happened remember everything and that the people in charge denied everything back then too! I would love to ask those people today myself that were in charge on October,1 2017 "So if this shooting didn't happen then why do you need to build a memorial?" "So you're all now admitting that the shooting took place then on October 1,2017 because a memorial is being planned for the victims of the shooting that died on October 1, 2017!" OK! Now things are starting to add up! So it's my understanding that the police chief in Las Vegas in 2017 during that shooting is now the police chief of Maui when the wildfires took place in August! Hmm, ok! But all of this is just a coincidence I'm sure, sooo there's nothing to see here folks! They really do believe that the public is that fucking stupid and that we don't have sense enough to piece these events together! I'm going to Rumble to watch that documentary story! It's just interesting how much the "powers that be" gaslight the public!

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I'm sure you'll find it fascinating. 😊

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Wow! Yeah I saw on TV the reports on the news, maybe Fox? Of that happening! In going down the rabbit hole and learning about different things and about mind control(MK ultra) that shooter had to be mind controlled! I had no idea that the people in charge tried to hush,hush that up! Ain't it funny how a shooter like that always winds up killing him or herself! They don't want anybody to talk and spill the beans! I hope that when people read my comment that they don't think I'm being disrespectful to the victims! I'm definitely not being disrespectful, I'm pointing out in my comment how the people who were in charge in Las Vegas back then are disrespecting the victims and their families by them denying that this shooting took place! Like 9/11 these horrible events take place and then the "powers that be" lie to us about everything!

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Some believe that their exist a Saudi connection to the massacre. "Conspiracy Theory" I'm sure, but I do recall that Prince Mohammed bin Salman had around 11 billionaires arrested less than a month after this event.

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Yes that's a big thread in the fabric of the story. I believe Mindy covers it in the video I posted.

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John Cullen has done incredible work on the Saudi/MBS angle, which sounds plausible to me. His video explaining his hypothesis to Dave Collum is worth watching.


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thank you

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Love the new rabbit hole t-shirt but would be even better with a little bunny going in a hole in addition to the words.

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Wow. Where do we even start to wake people up.

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I wish I knew! 😂

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Great Post...and yes, it has always been Mob Inc. Nothing is as it seems...ever...

Love the shirt!!!

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Thank you!

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It seems like it was all planned in advance, no? Or does Vegas have an insane amount of 24-hour glass businesses?

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Good point! But also, they do. It's a 24 hour town. And no broken glass is ever allowed to stay for very long. Yes, it had to be planned and coordinated. Mindy lays it all out in the video. 😊

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Nothing really happened down the Strip from the festival although there was supposed to be an insane amount of gunfire. This whole thing smells.

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