You captured the lunacy and the illogic. You are one of the Sanest! ✨

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“A request to voluntarily comply...”? Ha, more like “We demand you do this otherwise no life for you.”

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I was already very wary about Kennedy, then he chooses that woman as running mate, and then found out he is a Zionist. Above all, he is from a rich family, life long dem, how is he going to change?

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Jun 23
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the best of the 3 known candidates for sure. from the 3 'unknown' candidates I would think Pasteich is not so bad. I don't think the green or the libertarian are a good choice. Apart from barely anyone knowing there are 6 candidates... I think they all should get a chance to defend their running

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Thank you so much! Glad to be part of the Sane group! ❤️

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Brilliant summary of all the madness!

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Thank you! ❤️

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I lost my job of 23 years. And I’d do it again no problem!



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So proud of you! Thank you! ❤️

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I like the cut of your jib.

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"Days of Future Past".

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Great album! ❤️

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Hardest thing was the mass effect. Living next to people who happily complied.... That broke the real social structure. But that's the deal right the money or the gun decision. The hive is broken under its own egragore of convenience. No blame... Cycles rhymes swings and roundabouts. Let's hope reincarnation works and everyone gets a second chance at rebellion in true non compliance

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Haven't decided if I hope for reincarnation or I hope to be out of this world forever. Thank you for stopping by. Always love your comments! ❤️

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if reincarnated I want to be in one of these isolated villages in Dagastan, Russia. If the language were not so difficult, I might move there now. Fervent knitter, love herbs, cakes, company of like-minded people. I would fit right in

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Russian is very hard. I took a semester of it in college....but otherwise, I'd go happily too...

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there is a tube channel with all people who moved there, already watched several American families, who describe it as the US in the 50s. One English-Russian couple moved there after the Russian wife was harassed. Several told that the trans movement made them leave the country. There is also An Englishman in Moscow, very informative ! Still struggling with the alphabet after 2 months LOL. This is going nowhere, but maybe one of these days I can at least decipher the names of the posters.

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I chose a warmer climate , with warm (simple) people , and a language many foreigners say is difficult. Once one leaves the box which is western slavery .... in mind as well as body , then language just comes along. Slowly but surely . My body and mind left over 30 years ago ..... I can now ask directions to the bathroom flawlessly .

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twenty years ago I moved from a crowded European place to a spacely place in the US. I already left my stuff behind twice, because I also moved corss country here in the US. It would take some hardship to move yet again, now being 67. But if need be I will do it. Only problem is, from all the countries I looked at, hardly any seem to be much better than the US boonies LOL

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Yeh. Only axiom I know is energy doesn't die. So yeh where it manifests is anyone's guess. I think if reincarnation was a belief system it would cut personal hubris in half hah. It would also teach people more self reflection in a fractal universe. This could be beneficial in ego mastery rather than ego slavery. But yeh all speculation 😂

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The lies humans tell with no conscience has been a painful awakening.

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Yes, humans can be horrible. Thanks for stopping by! ❤️

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The meme "We weren't crazy ... Were right" is truly EXCELLENT. Bravo!

And now i must MEMORIZE it, so i can spew it forth at the dinner table word-for-word, where a few unthinking obedients in my circle need to hear it said right to their dumb faces!

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🤣Good luck with that! I haven't had much luck educating normies! Thank you! ❤️

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Yes, Monsters. This was planned in the fifties. They already had the tech then.

This was planned when they insisted on alternating current, which no others wanted. The US has always been an "experiment" of the Monsters.

The grief of these tyrannies that stripped all facades of civility and love and respect is overwhelming, and more so every day as it settles in without remorse or redemption. The only thing that keeps me hanging on sometimes is the rage, and the determination to unmake them forever.

It's not the "work" or "jobs" that folks were trapped in, but the money. The false security of the way it's done.

And yes, it's ugly how so many who now know they FdUp big time only hate us more for being right.

There are seven deadly sins, as there are seven visible planets. And pride is a super biggie. It's energy is from the Sun, the largest object in our visibility in the sky. Especially when attached to falsity, as the money system is., pride is guaranteed to result in a "fall".

There are two things that are taboo so that nothing will change. Two things that no one wants to hear open and truly look at. And that is money and sexism. Religion has been sliding down the drain it came from slowly for a long time, and is making its last hypocritical stance in my opinion.

However, it's true as Icke pointed out recently, that as a fear -based system just like government, a protection racket I call them, when folks get real afraid they revert. As Katherine Watts did. When all her pegs fell off the wall, she ran back to mother church, and now , truly mind blowing given she's looked to as a constitutional-law paralegal, she's going on about "the Divine Right of Kings". Holy Shit Sherlock. For reals? Back to feudalism, where the lovely clean abundant robes of her classical paintings of saints were only available to the uber wealthy, and no doubt they didn't don them every day.

So this hard slice of reality had the residents of the Disneyland American Dream just knocked out and incapable of figuring. Who would have imagined it could come to that? Other than all of those over the centuries whom that "dream" has plowed down and left bleeding in the earth. Wherever on the planet they've wanted to ship us off to to die.

Does it all just keep marching on merrily and oh, well, that was yesterday and this is now? Are these fondle toy weapons creating permanent amnesia, the perfect 1984 rewriting tool of experience?

I think you personally know the answer to this now. I think that's why you have to keep going over this. There's a key in there for you, as the devil is in the details.

We may want to investigate deeply the root differences in social practice that made some African nations say "Naw. Don't want it. " It's not just about watching Gates' vaxxes do harm previously, because the vaxxes here at home have done harm far longer. Why does this society so successfully hide it's crimes in all directions and at all levels of society? More importantly, HOW?

What are the PRACTICES that led us here as a "society"? From the very beginning, passed down through families and communities. And continuing to this day. How much does the "American" psyche hide from itself? For how long? Since the very beginning?

Why is this so called "land of the free and home of the brave" the one nation with the highest incarceration rate in the world? "Cause we got it "under control", right? We're a super controlling society, not so nazified as europe and you know south of their borders there....I don't know how many mentions of sddjgokaahs will get you shadowed and done in, so .

What better time to learn to see through illusions of all sorts than now, when illusion after illusion has been piled on and continues to until somehow...we have to snap out of it.

The draft is upon us. We need to organize people, organize NOW.

We need "unvaxxed' gatherings, like the rainbow gatherings of old, like the native gatherings, so the young people, so all people, can meet and join strengths and help repopulate a sane and healthy planet. We need to stop this madness of the draft. We did it before, we can do it again. Better.

If we want it to change we have to get crazy, on an every day basis, because this is insane. 5G towers ARE being destroyed all over the planet. It can be done. It must be done, for starters.

But if we can't leave Disneyland, well, the doors are nearly locked there.

This kill tech has hijacked the sound reality of this planet. How much torture are folks willing to accept, carry around with them everywhere, and pay for?

How many people's monthly cell phone weapons payments does it take to house one unsheltered person, of which the US ...we sure are brave....has milliions and counting, adding more everyday.

How long? How much "heart" has already been disabled ?

We must take heart. Just grab whatever we recall , and re-member our shattered hearts.

Don't ask me how. I just cry everyday now. For years.

Love you mama. May Kwan Yin visit you with Peace.

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Thank you! Epic comment! ❤️ I think you could do a stack just using this comment!

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I've done that before, with multiple comments.

I don't have much reach.

Something special coming....

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you do it, you have an active following

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Such a great post and a great comment. You always capture my attention and touch my shattered heart, both of you...such clarity and wisdom...thx, Heather and Blue...

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Thank you. We're mamas.

I'm about to write an awesome post. Keep an eye out for it.

"Fire in the Heart/ Fire in the Belly/Fire in the Loins: Health and Healing Through the Elements"

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will do! 💖

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I wondered about the AC current issue you mention. Looked up whether it's more dangerous than DC, but of course 100% of the answers are only about electrocution (and apparently DC is worse in that regard).

I've read the book "Dirty Electricity," by the epidemiologist who established beyond a doubt that it's what caused a massive spike in cancer, when it was introduced.

So I'm just curious if there's a simple explanation of why AC is dangerous -- is it about the pulsing, and how that affects maybe the central nervous system or something like that? Details not necessary, I'm just wondering about a generalized theory/fact. Thanks in advance!

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Damn. I just typed you a very cogent response with several models, and at the very end the entire computer just shuts off it's electric for one second, and poof!! All gone.

Stir a pot in one direction. See the current generated? Smooth?

Stir a pot of full liquid , and change the direction from clockwise to counter every five seconds.

See the result? The soup becomes chaotic and will spill.

Fields, electromagnetic fields generated by electric current.

Like music. Diff. kinds of music provoke different kinds of movements.

The Thunderbolts Project/Electric Universe is a learning site for electrical phenomena of life.

Yes, AC dangerous, Europe don't have it. They also put their plugs halfway up the walls so children don't get electrocuted. Isn't that nice of them?

Constant irritation to our electromagnetic orientation.

a basic electricians first study manual may be helpful,

wish I could shoot you that meme I love

"Hi, I'm the electrician" he says at the door to a young woman

"I'm here to remove your shorts and check your box"

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or, one stone thrown in a pond, see the waves? Nice, huh?

Now throw a random number of rocks in the pond, just anywhere?

What happens to the smooth wave ?

Swim with or against the tide. Difference?

WE are electrical beings. The entire creation is manifested through this energy and it's processes.

Vibration, resonance, and frequency. Everything.

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Perfect replies, thank you SO much! Jangly energy. Holy cow. Wish I'd known this decades ago. But luckily I'm in a position, or soon will be to avoid AC much of the day.

And I'm sorry about how you lost your whole first reply . So frustrating! Earlier today I wrote maybe four comments, none of which ever showed up in the various feeds. Hate shit like that! But I have the feeling your info is going to help me (& maybe others) a lot; so thanks ever so much for forging ahead!

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Thank you. Please keep track of my substack as I may have to move to another site of my own. There's been so much interference since end of April, and it's very telling and ridiculous. I just posted two notes regarding, also in comments at my last post, which you may enjoy. Not the cross post I just did today, that's very brief and good. The one from yesterday, before.

A series on Health through the Elements.

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PS My comments have also, at all sites, not many, been well delayed in showing up lately.

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Unplug everything at night, and whenever you can.

Every plug in,will be leaking current and creating a "field".

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Notice how the West has seemingly no defense against the inanities of Marxist discourse. We largely fatuously accepted the varied ruminations of wokism. We can't seem to bring cultural Marxism to heel, & then immolate & destroy it unto perdition forever & a day, amen. Even the Great Reset thrived for quite a while by hijacking the Left. But the Left will soon enough come roaring back with some new dystopian horror to bless us with. The West is done for this reason alone. Note too how thoroughly Russia has extirpated every shred of it from their body politic, as China will likely do eventually.

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All that you write sounds like a familiar discourse just as stuck as whatever you're going on about.

You read and study Marx and Engles, ever? HOw many people you think have? Actually discussed it with others who read it? Long enough ago to have had the time to see how it lives? Or....what? What is "marxist discourse", "ruminations of wokism", and all this other horror? Are you making predictions here? Based on what facts and reality that you can attest to ascertain? Precisely? Details?

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It's not complicated. Mxt discourse focusses on an oppressor/victim binary. Originally it was landowners/peasants, then factory owners/workers, then the white middle class/3rd world 'slave labor' ... & other variations on that. The binary's criterion was class initially, then the relationship to mass production factory, then race & region. The discourse posits a state of exploitation by the former of the latter in each case. It sounds true enough as far as it goes, but it was nearly always a ruse for those running any 'revolution' to gain enough power to put the oppressors on defense. And many such oppressed people's revolutions worked initially. But the revolutionaries always either morphed into (or revealed their true colors), becoming vastly worse oppressors than those they replaced.

And that brings us to wokism and its 'ruinations' inflicted using the binary of transism, re gender affiliation being biologically determined (oppressor), ie. 'assigned' as Mxt gender ideologues describe it, vs. an individual deciding his/her gender from his/her own conviction (victim). This can be applied to any social binary.

Then the prescribed solution is the resistance by the victim group until it gains enough power to mount a revolution & after a period of 'struggle' the elite that ran the revolution takes control & imposes a top-down totalitarian state. Such leftist rhetoric almost always works (succeeds) to some degree b/c most of us can readily identify with a victim group, & feel that way ourselves at times.

So my point is that the West has been undone by this simplistic binary, & even in something as personal & undeniable as gender, a binary can be proposed that becomes credible to a minority of people. And that's enough for it to be embraced by the liberal order & celebrated, with laws passed to protect its absurd, horrific application - the mutilation of minors for whom such 'gender confusion' is an innocent part of childhood play, & is soon outgrown. The West has to learn to reject this oppressor/victim dichotomy as the scam it is intended only to gain illegitimate power.

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I made it very clear in my first substack post that I have no use for these binary duality split games.

Play all you want. split the creation in as many controllable dead "bits" as you possibly can

Let me know how that goes, about .....five hundred years from now. Kapiche?

Listen to your stupid disembodied language: "The West has to learn....."

West? What the fuck is "The West"? West of what , exactly?

Yada yada blah blah go do something real for someone real as needs a helping hand

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A lot of good points you make. However I’m not getting what you’re saying about Katherine Watt. She has made, in my reading, a clear distinction between the divine one can seek by the teachings of Christ, and the demonic

institutional Church figures like the Pope.

There are many many testimonies of those who experienced NDEs (Near Death Experiences) of the indescribably intense love of Jesus, as well as some very harrowing accounts of hell one can listen to on YouTube and assess their validity or lack thereof.

Katherine Watt gives her back story including what she was doing to fight local corruption before she saw the Todd Callender interview that triggered her ultra deep dive into all the laws, court decisions, executive orders, and agency policy diktats that have enabled this Kill box to be deployed, and her efforts to fight against it.

Dave Hodges is another Christian who does superb work on The Common Sense Show, booted from YouTube onto Rumble. He likewise exposes a lot of the nefarious things church leaders have been doing and recommends home Bible study.

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Yes, I see it that way too.

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I've followed K. for a long time, read all. Listened much. Knew the military was behind it all from the get to, long before she figured it out.

She admits that she went back into an abandoned "belief system" due to the fear produced by this scam that's big enough and bold enough and confident enough to not be ignored entirely by most. I admire her work, have recommended it.

HOwever, no one is right about everything. But accepting blind authority and definition is problematical. It's very easy to move from one religion to another as substitute.

But religions are religions. Calling all you don't like "marxism", or wokism, or socialism or whatever the latest ism you've been fed on the media. So?

I have also noticed right from the start how many online ...influencers became vocally "christian" for the first time ever when covid brought money flocking to their channels.

I'm sorry, but , religion wouldn't last a day in the courts, or as they were designated.

Perhaps the Bible of The Constitution so failed her, that she went back to the Authority of the Bible of the Religion. Who knows?

I'm just hearing what she said. Fear sent her back to a former religion when the religion of the State which she had been serving, fruitfully, showed it's truth and horror.

James Corbett just did an excellent presentation of an important concept in his post/video "I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition. "

Worth considering. I prefer to live in flexibility, not fixation and stasis for illusion of control, comfort, or some kind of "salvation".

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I only suggest listening to some of the numerous testimonies one can find on YouTube. As someone who had zero religious training growing up, I was naturally inclined to think that salvation of the soul was hogwash. I have after listening to many of these accounts changed my position entirely.

There still are a lot of legitimate questions about the specific teachings/dogma of various religions, and the motivations/spiritual insight that those who are pushing them, both now and historically, have. However just because there has been a lot of violence and other abuses perpetrated in the name of religion does not negate the core reality, to the extent it is reality, that we have a soul that lives on after death and can wind up in a remarkably beautiful place or an equally horrible place. There is also evidence I find credible that there are other intermediate fates the soul could experience as well.

I’m not professing to understand this, let alone fully understand it. But I do suggest separating a personal spiritual exploration from the realization that some percentage of those in religious situations are ignorant or downright evil.

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Yes, it is a very personal and intimate relationship that each one of us has to our incarnation, and what that might mean to us.

When it comes to "authority"....I am not allowed to cede mine to another. My relationship to creation is that I was given what I need to use . I wasn't given an address book telling me where to go to find the "moral authority" to rule.

I was raised Catholic, shcool, church, choir, all of it. Took it in totally.

then I went and lived in the real world

Came across many idea, still do, entertain them all

Cling to none

Like govt. which is a religion, all sytems of ideology promising protection or "salvation", are each, basically, a system of imaginary "group insurance".

Of course, you come back and argue for your comfort zone without being willing to bother listening to what I suggested.

What's the point? Have you become a "missionary"?

There's lots of elders around you who could use a helping hand. Maybe even donate three months of your cell phone bill to sheltering one in the winter.

Does that make sense to any of your "religions"?

Do continue to go into all that is presented to you. TAke what serves you, and leave the rest. Ignore what you don't want to deal with. That's how folks get by.

Just remember that in the final tally, your "beliefs" count for the zero they are.

what counts is what did you DO? what did you not DO? And what did you studiously ignore?

Your "belief systems" won't be there to take the rap for you.

"Believe" what you like.

You'll still need to learn how to wipe your butt well if you want to socialize. No matter your belief systems.

Listen to your absurd acquired "language discourse" sometime. "Legitimate questions". Oh, really, Who decides which questions are legitimate and which aren't.?

Absurd. Totally absurd. You people have spent so little of your lives actually telling the truth to yourselves, that you don't even have a cogent language left.

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I don't recognize the "legitimization" of questions.

So, feel free to ASK me what my "religious" background might be, before going off wasting time preaching to me, okay?

I know. Most people online only want to learn from someone who has more money and power than they, otherwise, ....? What could they possibly know? They're not in the "know-it 500".


No offense personally, Ernie, but I"m at that stage in my life where all I can do is wonder :Who the hell do people think they're talking to?

Let's put it this way. Anyone seeking comfort and security and group-think is wasting their time with yours truly.

We are born to die. Face it and get real. Or start over and do it again and again and again. Keep denying. Somehow, if the lie is repeated often enough, and ii it's a big enough lie, it will be "believed". It will become real, like the velveteen rabbit.

Then you can "be-the -lie".

Don't worry, You're gonna die soon, and you'll know it all for a short while. Or whatever you are willing to know. Then you can come back and start all over and argue some more. Because you'll forget everything you "knew" before landing.

It's a fun game. Especially the human blood sacrifice part, the most intrinsic core of all "religion". The part you'd like to just pass over and brush away like so many accumulated cobwebs. As is done with all male violence.

I'm light years ahead of you. Don't worry about it. YOu made your choices. So did I.

You know what you want to know. You may not want to dig too deep into how well those "insurance" companies are faring these days, tho. Might make your group belief insurance policy look "wobbly".

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Light years ahead of me? Ok, whatever you say. I'm just discussing Katherine Watt and the notion of salvation, that is all.


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Epic post Heather B, I have been waiting for a good summary of the Covid Gong Show for awhile, I wasn't going to put one out myself because I thought I might miss something; you covered it all.

"The Protected need to be Protected from the Unprotected, by forcing the Unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the the Protected."

and --

"Biden Virus 2024 -- Make America Scared again"

One of the things I was saying on many of the Covid Stacks:

"Nature never arranges for an injection past the skin barrier, unless it's Venom being administered by a Snake or other Poisonous animal. Do you Trust the Snake? Do you Trust the Venom?"

When they start trying to convince you that there's a new Virus to Fear, I say: "The only thing safe and effective is Ear Plugs"

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Thank you so much! ❤️ "Nature never arranges for an injection past the skin barrier, unless it's Venom being administered by a Snake or other Poisonous animal. Do you Trust the Snake? Do you Trust the Venom?" 💥💥💥 I have said this for years. Snakes, wasps, mosquitos, all by injection. None of them good....and sometimes when I say that people look at me like I've lost my mind. I love making friends. 😂

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Yes, making friends can be a gas.

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"Venom being administered by a Snake," really seizes hold of the nub of what's happening!

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My friendship circle over the years...well, relates. 🤣 😆

Humorous takes on the unconscionable are the BEST way to wake people up!

Great post, mi amiga! ❤️

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Gracias! Thank you so much! ❤️

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Thank you, Heather! ❤

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Great line-up, Heather. Did Kissinger actually utter those words?!

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Thank you! ❤️ I don't know for sure that he did, but he is quoted all over the internet as having said them and not just in memes...and if not, he said plenty of things equivalent...just a nasty piece of trash.

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for sure!

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WE are the carbon that THEY want to remove.....

WE are the virus that they want to irradicate ....

WE are the bugs that they are spraying with their chemical trails.

WE are the LIGHT that they are trying to darken.

THEY are failing miserably.

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🎯🔥💥❤️ Thanks for stopping by!

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Love you and the Moody Blues! Haven't heard that song in a decade, forgot how great the lyrics were.

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❤️ you too. Thanks for stopping by!

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"Nights in White Satin"

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really great song, but I actually like a lot of their other ones better than that one!

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thankfully, I still have a handful friends left, 2 that jabbed, one probably still is (but it is a very old lady so she be pardoned) and 5 unjabbed. And the dog of course. To my disgust the last time at the vets, she had to be jabbed for rabies. I told the girl we had been sprayed, and that the vet had told me last time he would first check her, but he was in surgery - no good. Jab. When back home, I looked up that sprayable and oral form rabies vaccine. ONLY the government is allowed to use that. They know it works on house animals and pets too, but do not accept that as vaxxed. Now you - I guess the govt has a finger in that jab as well. If we are sprayed why do we have to take our animals to the vet for a jab if not??? I know that back in the homeland, the vet gave my cat an oral form that lasted life-long. Several vets here know the one year shot lasts at least 7 and maybe more, and some vets do not carry the 3 year (which is the same as the one year but more expensive). None of the vets we have been to know about the oral or sprayable form. So I know more than the 5 vets together... but cannot get the form I want. Money money.

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I'm right there with you on the rabies and other vet jabs. My poor little dog has had seizures from both rabies shots. She's only 10 pounds. I want them to use titres but the state still requires it even if the titres show they are still protected. I just figure it's pHarma lobbying as usual...and the vets are their drug dealers just like doctors are. Maddening! ❤️

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looking up the detail I found that my former country Belgium stopped the vaxx' against rabies in 2016. They state that Belgium is rabies-free (they used bait for wild animals for quite a long time). But now they want all pets to be chipped or tattooed, I guess the vets complained they did not have enough clientele???

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I think it has to do with big pharma's having completely taken over veterinary medicine like they took over human. They've of course had a big influence for years, but it seems to be complete now. In the US suddenly almost every vet is VCA (big pharma) whereas before it was easy to find independent practitioners.

And yes, it's insane to require rabies shots in countries where THERE IS NO RABIES.

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Oh, and the MANDATED chips -- something VERY suspicious about that. We're hearing so much these days about nano-tech as a way to control people. Will dogs be turned into attack weapons?! But my current guess is that it has more to do with energy-harvesting. I don't normally like to watch videos; reading seems preferable. But this one kept my attention... they've determined that there is cesium 137 in those weird squid-like clots, which in combo with 5G actually allows TPTB to power their new energy grid by siphoning off OUR biological power:


BTW apologies if this has already been covered here. I'm new to substack, and "info overload" only begins to describe the confused state I find myself in!

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Lots of people do cover it here. My friend Pasheen over at Diva Drops substack has done a few posts about it. But I haven't covered it and probably won't as I try to stay in my lane. Maybe later if I do more on vax injuries. Thank you for adding to the conversation! ❤️

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I recently read all the chemicals that fall out of the chemtrails. I think that was in it too. God knows what is all in the air, soil, and in all of our food products. Even if you grow it yourself, it all gets that grub on it

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Thank you! ❤️

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