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Feb 24, 2024
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I like it.

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Road signs from about half a century ago...two more recent versions...in the first, which has been in my back pocket for a decade or more, go ahead and tell me Mike Yeadon isn't related to Phil Lesh...the second one is a new find tonight...maybe not for everyone, but should tickle any brass enthusiasts.



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I saw Grateful Dead sing this in San Francisco. Mind blowing experience. As usual they sang and played for over 12 minutes on this song, playing it in every key. Their concerts were out of this world. Much better than any of their albums.

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Most bands concentrated on selling albums...the Dead concentrated on selling tickets. Back in the day, there was a West Coast tour with the Grateful Dead and Quicksilver Messenger Service that was billed as 'The Quick and The Dead'...if I ever see a poster from that tour offered for sale at a price I can afford, I'm buying it. Back in my Austin days, I heard about a tour with Jerry Lee Lewis and Kinky Friedman that was billed as 'The Killer and The Kink'...not sure if that was an actual thing, but I'd like to think it was.

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I've seen it for $250! But it's $65 here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/226012272501

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Thanks for the research...I'm going to contact the seller about the 'second print' wording in the description...while visiting an old college buddy in SF back in the mid 70s, I bought a handful of posters from Bill Graham's store...I thought they were original prints, but they turned out to be reprints...great art & good quality, and for a dollar or two they weren't overpriced, but finding out that they weren't made during the time of the concerts they were promoting was disappointing...something to do with historicity, as was described in Philip K. Dick's story "Faith of Our Fathers" in the Dangerous Visions collection. If the 'second print' was made at the time of the tour, I'm buying it and I'll put it up on my wall while I still have a wall. :-)

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Very rich, clear, a few giggles, and moving. Thank you SO MUCH for skillfully sharing your views and helping us all to gain increasing clarity and to take our unique needed steps.

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Thank you so much! I actually replied to you yesterday but SS buried it I guess. Lots of weirdness with that lately. Anyway, I appreciate it! ❤️

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Dear globalist cabal, please report to Jane Goodall for removal from the species. Show us the way to a brighter future with fewer despotic maniax. Thanks for letting us know your plans. You go first. We'll see how you like it.

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Wow, Heather!

That was a LOT of Truth you wrote! Don't forget to include "Truth" in the only thing that will matter in the end. We might love a lie, and hold fast to it, only to be awakened to it being just another psyop!

"UnPsyOppable" Is that anything like UnGestapoable?

Thank you very much for your views on the workings within the system of deception. It's also appreciated that you mention the "hope" of things turning around. I pray that it's feasible, and it really is, but not an easy row to hoe. Personally, I believe that we are in the stages prophetically written of in God's Word, specifically, "The Little Time of Trouble" preceding the "Great Time of Jacob's Trouble" when the 7 plagues of God's Judgments will fall upon the inhabitants of earth.

Earth's long-lived portfolio of historical events is finally coming to its prophetically tragic end. And what an end it will be! Darkness and eternal nothingness for the wicked, and spiritual light, warmth, love, truth, and an Eternal Savior, for the Faithful to have as promised.


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Yes to everything you said. Thank you!

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Yes, they have definitely programmed (some of) us to not believe any "news". My default definitely is "don't believe it".

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Because you have brains!

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It's definitely not intelligence alone. It's critical thinking. Being a scientist (which I had the good fortune of being raised by my parents to question everything and ask "why") is essential. Memorizing facts doesn't make you smart. Blindly believing news doesn't make you informed.

Question everything! Study multiple viewpoints. (soon you'll realize the "experts" disagree with each other)

A perfect example is Flip Flop Fauci. Should we believe him when he says don't wear a mask? Should we believe him when he says wear two masks? Hmm... let's see what the science says! Oh right, the science says masks don't help with viruses. Presto I've never worn a mask.

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What good is it to be smart or educated without possessing the ability to think critically? It’s not either/or, it’s both and more: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/the-navy-blue-venn-diagram

Excellent post Heather ✨🙏🏾

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Thank you! ❤️

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What an awesome substack!!! And...these shirts are so clever - there's nothing like them!!! They are a fabulous wakeup call - so smart, snarky and they say it all so simply! UnPsyoppable - just brilliant! One word can be so powerful and can convey so much empowerment and wisdom!!! Love them all!!!

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Thank you! That was the post I was working on and wondering why I bother when you posted your Creative one. But I do get joy from designing shirts so it helps! ❤️

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they are more of a creative statement than my fukking soon to be coasters...LOL...they are brilliant...! and it's all about expression and it doesn't get any better than your clever copy!

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❤️💞❤️ Your coasters will be beautiful. We'll have to have coctails using them!

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Yes!!! I used to love coasters back when I was obsessed with the 40's look...Texas kind of ended that glamour...lol...but we'll bring a bit of it back! Can't wait to how you some of my 40's treasures...

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Yes I read him too. And I lived in Europe (Ireland and France and Germany- 10 years all together) so I am very familiar with Codex. It's a nightmare over there. You have to get Vit C on the black market to get enough of it. They only allow you to buy enough to take 500mg a day. For one example. Horrible horrible law.

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Am questioning my supplement regime now. Placebo effect maybe? Or the cockroach effect where I am building resistance to their poisons?

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Me too! I wonder if I'm just really suseptible to placebo effect because some of mine, if I don't take them I feel it...quandry. Not sure what to do.

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Thanks - I needed that!

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Thank you!

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I too believe we are living through the Mother of all Psyops! A psyop within a psyop within a psyop…it’s like riding on the Scrambler at the fair! But it’s forcing us (those that are actually aware and learning) to look at everything from all angles to learn discernment and critical thinking. Despite it all, it’s a great time to be alive to experience it all.

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Love your optimism! I'm a perennial optimist too.

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Spot on, sister! I'm new to you but looove the way you think. We'll wake up some sleepers along the way, but let's wake up the lions among us, esp. the ones that don't know it just yet!

The sleepers? Yeah, we'll drag them along like the folks who tried to tackle Earl Campbell back in the day. You're from Texas so I figure you know of him, but if not or you're too young, well watch about 30 seconds of YouTube hi lights and you get the idea.

Yep, the time is now and the handwriting's on the wall!

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Thank you so much! Yes of course Earl Campbell...this is football country! And I went to UT Austin. You made my day! (Not everyone loves the way I think.)

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Ah, your thinking's been informed by the handwriting on the wall, of course.


It’s ON!!!

Liar liar Devil's pants are on fire!

What? Why???

'Cause his platform is on fire!.. you know those little wooden platforms?

Yeah, well...


The flimsy wooden podium

From whence he hath proclaimed

That he shall rule eternally

Upon this earthly plane


Has combusted unexpectedly

There was nowhere for him to turn

People came from miles around

When they heard he began to burn


A distraction he created

To keep us from noticing

The fat lady has just cleared her throat

And has now begun to sing!


She showed us where she was reading

From the handwriting on the wall

And we love where this is leading

The Devil's 'bout to fall


Yes, the devil’s ‘bout to fall

From his lofty little perch

He’s made his final call

No more will he besmirch


The good hearts of God’s children

Who deserve a better fate

We all know the the worm has turned

Too late for his escape


A dark spell, he tried to will it

To hide the truth so desperately

Dancing like a fart on a hot skillet

Struck by intellectual poverty


His Reign of Error lasted many moons

Now the devil’s ‘bout to fall

We saw the fire burning his pantaloons

The handwriting's on the wall


The Fat Lady she was reading

The handwriting on the wall

We love where this is leading

The devil’s ‘bout to fall!

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Excellent. I’d also add that I don’t care what shape the earth is either way.

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my new theme song....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpF5b8k-hzg

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It’s always great to meet another like minded soul. Thanks for all the great work you’re doing on here 🔥🔥🔥

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Thank you so much! ❤️

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The irony! Unpsyopabble and $millions of propaganda not working on you; yet fallen for the nonsense that Judith Curry gets no media exposure, what a joke, and that climate change is a hoax. Follow the money! The corporations and cartels, who control the permanent state, fund Think Tanks about how to manage the negative effect on their fossil fuel and animal ag profits of the public realisation of climate crisis and environmental destruction. I wouldn't put it passed them to be behind the chemtrails to fool us.

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