awesome post.

What a bunch of psyops all in a couple of years.

The marketing team must be run off its feet making these divisional topics around the western media

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Thank you. Yes, it's in overdrive now. 🤮

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I really do think they are planning something really big for october november

I mean there is a october 13th there and you know what they are like with numbers.

But yeh divide and distract usual bullshit. I guess these people at the top enjoy their job or live in fear of losing there power I am not sure I have only met these demons in passing and they seem to be incredibly lost individuals without there collective ordem ab chao bullshit


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Red October

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yeh true... and that 9 23 conspiracy if the months are by astrological refrence like OCT ober 8th month then 923 is november in the conspiracy hahaha another psyop

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so many psyops, so little time

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yeh I used to meme the shit out all this stuff and draw cartoons and yeh got sick of it just becoming like a ourabouros the psyops are layering ontop of recycled psyops so its just waiting on the volcano or earthquake to start rattling around the eclipse like it did in 1996 in santa cruz

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Is that a t shirt yet?

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then again....I'm thinking...Rahu, the smoky obsessive north node moves through gandanta now into Pisces...the rashi of mysticism, illusions, and disillusionment; of dreams and loss of boundaries; of the final illusion. So, as they plan all in lock step with the forces....shadows upon shadows upon shadows...makes one want to go play on the beach and say...well, you know what' I want to say to it all.....

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true. I get vibes from 1989 returning to San fran santa cruz oct 17 earth quake.

Its also kind of hitting the twitter thing and well elon musk the start of the great downfall of musk... also rahu ketu market forces mercury mars going into a weird polarity... hmmmm interesting that 1989 could come back to haunt this eclipse... friday the 13th of october

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9th month in astro calendar if aries is first month october 8th month then 9th is november

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Heather B.,

Informative & Really Funny !!

Volcano crack !

Really EnJoyed Your Work.


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Thank you so much Paul. ❤️

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"Researchers say tire emissions pose a threat to global health, and EVs could make the problem worse"


The next generation is left to clean up the mess of our "green solutions." Every invention meant to help ends up doing more harm.... Don't cut trees, use plastic! The clean up, new inventions, will make more toxins than if they had just left well enough alone.

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Another reason to have 15 minute cities. No more tire particles out there in Pristine Nature. Feels like a slowly strangling octopus engulfing us. 🤮 Glad you're here in the fight. ❤️

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Do you think they'll call them Districts?

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yes, they already have maps (FEMA)

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Good summary! (I’ve been making a list for a while too...)

You know re water, they just banned Berkey water filters, can you believe it?!! They don’t want us filtering out the poisons they went to all the trouble of putting in. Effin’ EPA: https://youtu.be/xWUNdQY_sUQ

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🤮🤮🤮 Monsters!

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Absolutely they are.

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This guy goes into government water poisoning and also tells you how to clean your existing Berkey filters. https://youtu.be/NQXgEl08maA?si=xd1PBk-ur_5cp0Ee

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that's interesting....when I looked into getting one some years ago to replace my previous...the company would not reveal the contents of the filter...as I found this unacceptable, I passed.

Interesting....may be a ploy. Don't forget they control both "sides" of the discourse, the binary discourse

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Good point! It’s not either/or, it’s both and more https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/the-navy-blue-venn-diagram

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PS I think your prediction re natural fibres is likely; they want us wearing synthetic fabrics

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yes, and those give me a rash. Hang onto your cotton!!!

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Same, I’ve always hated how they feel on my skin. I imagine cotton, wool & silk togs will soon become rare commodities.

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actually hang on to all your clothes - there is graphene in clothing now too...I think we would be hard pressed to find anything that hasn't been contaminated now. Of course we still have to wash them in poison water...there is no escape...again, great post.

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Thank you! Lucky me, I am still the same size as I've ever been and have lots of vintage clothing...and I sew. Might be in demand after the great reset...

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Which serve as both hormone disrupters and eff with our electromagnetism.

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Most recently, the crazy flooding in NYC seems highly suspect.

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There have been multiple suspect hurricanes and fires in the last few years...

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Absolutely. Here in BC Canada for example. I was getting pretty nervous at the end of August, as I live in a heavily forested area where it hardly rained all summer.

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Stay alert!

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Very well-done Heather, thanks

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Thank you Judge!

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I suspect the satellite loop would show the start of that ring of fire we’ve seen in that drone footage

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Fantastic post, Heather. So smart and informative. I always say that if you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention.

And I love your T-shirts!

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Thank you Pasheen. Doing art takes my mind off the current reality I'm in. 24 this week so far. More on the way too. Will get to the one you suggested. ❤️

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I can't tell you how many time, you have been brought to my mind the last few weeks. I lost my son too in 2011 and there is no greater pain. Not a "club" you want to belong to.

When you have been brought to mind, I have prayed for you.

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❤️ Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. Some days are excruciating still.

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It will be for awhile. Take care of yourself it is a long process.

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Sorry for your loss too. 😢

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Nicely concise and cogent...which octopus mind appreciates much.

Let's ....oh, I'm always playing "devil's advocate" I guess...as I've previously noted, easier for me to see the good when someone else is kind enough to expose the crap first....but I did wake this morn soon to be singing "always look on the sunny side of life". Monty Python virus here.

So...there's this....not one child died of "sids" during the lockdowns. And the death rate basically went down some in most medically "developed" places. Wink wink. So much for those "possibly life saving drugs" falling like rain from pharma induced clouds.

I have a sense of despair when folks continue to look to "the government" to do any good whatsoever.

A close reading of our "constitution" , the paper one which supposedly makes USA a "nation of laws", rather than life......two short para. stating we're the ones immediately lead to , in the third para. ..."so we need your monies/ceremonies and here's how we'll get 'em. " It's weird that this is not much pointed out. Who needs 'em? It's a mafioso. We'll protect you from our buddies over on the next block.

Well, you've brought it all up, including my perennial question:

What exactly do we "own"? Or is out illusion of wanting to "own" what makes us become "owned" in the deal? Just as wanting , needing to "possess" induces a state of possession.

And...till I go down...I'll shout it from the rooftops:

When questioned about being most happy, most humans associate happiness with "not being possessed" ....with the lust of possession.

":When I had nothing, because I was free" each and every one replied.

No one's ever complained and come back through the pearly gates cause they wanted their porsche up there with them.And when it comes to clothing....they intend to boil those little froggies in the pot, so clothes will be optional.

I'm thinking about the Dancers At The End of Time series. I realized just last night how very bored they'd become with embodiment., I saw yesterday that time is about embodiment.

Love from Chiang Mai, where a close by Muay Thai show made the night interesting, loud as shit, and gave me lots to think and write about!

Just keep letting your hearts lead the way, yu'all. What an adventure, huh?

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You're in Chiang Mai? Wow, I love Thailand. Wouldn't mind visiting again, but now don't want to fly because...vaxxed pilots. I love your comments because they make me think. Thank you.


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Come on, don't be chicken. Like Georgie advises, Take a Chance!! Live a little!!

Seriously, I waited until there were no outs. If you want, I can direct you to a place where a bit more knowledge of places in relation to yourself is ....I'm seen so differently here.

And it gives me so much more possibility. Astrocartography.

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all possibly false bravado aside, I was long terrified since convict op of not only jabbed pilots, but being around so many cell irradiating weapons/phones also!

Once I deal with my fears, I look to the Revati Moon for safe travel. And keep the journey down to 24 hrs or closest possible. It was okay. On both counts. Not as if they don't know. Flights have trimmed down also, and wifi was a cost item. So...most watching the spectacle...ie movies.

I remember when the spectacle was the sky, and the people were all meeting and gabbing with one another. Those were the human days. The Incheon/Korea airport is pure torture, avoid it if possible. Ditto for the food, we all know this. At Incheon, you have to walk near a mile to the gate, as you pass five upscale weirdo shops for every friggin' gate!!!!

One thing for sure....it'll give you a whole lot to write about!!

I believe that the employees of Delta would throw the passengers out the emergency doors in mid flight if instructed to. I can't imagine how insane it makes one to do this kind of thing up there in those beasts repeatedly. Sheeiiit!

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Hey, Heather...know what the simplest, easiest, most quickly effective method of torture is?

Used in every prison.

Sleep deprivation.

Electric lights will keep children awake and nerved out to the max when the natural cycle is that it is dark. Then there's the "daycare/school/jobs for kids" regime of the morning alarm. Alarm, alarm!! Get up get up or the world will collapse.

Whatever. Just thinking of you, and this truth.

My first mate pointed out to me this abuse of waking children out of their dreams. Now it's a worldwide agenda, three am , the mystic's hour, is strained to the max. Been waking us around three am for many years now with their big toys.

Also, this: There is...or was...a law on the books which states that a person who is abruptly woken from sleep is not responsible for any action they commit in the first nine or eleven seconds, can't recalll perfectly.

So this has been recognized in law. Wanna bet it comes up sometime soon? As excuse for some kinda...zombie-claim stupidity?

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