Inducing Madness by Multiple PsyOps
How Much Do We Despise You Peasants? Let Us Count The Ways
Here’s a few more ways the rulers of the world are fucking with us that have been going on for a while.
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Our Weather
HAARP is real. They can make it rain. And they can keep it from raining. They can start hurricanes. They can change the course of hurricanes. So why aren’t they making it rain where we need it, like in our farming areas? Since they know how and they aren’t, let’s just assume they don’t want to.
But they want to block the sun. And actually they already are. With chemtrails that put industrial waste in our air. That rains down on our crops and rivers. So we breathe chemicals and eat chemicals and drink chemicals. Now they are talking about injecting us with mRNA thru the air!!! But sure, it’s climate change making everyone sick.
They want us to believe climate change is an existential problem. And that it’s caused by all us useless eaters eating and drinking too much. And cooking, bathing in hot water, traveling, and generally enjoying life. We use too much energy and cause more CO2.
So they’ve been fear mongering about climate change my whole life. So far they’ve been wrong the entire time but I’m sure they’ll get it right this time.
Meanwhile they want us to believe the rantings of a child and ignore real climate scientists with mulitple credentials.
And now they want to blame it on the trees. ??? I learned in 3rd grade science that trees take in CO2 and expel oxygen for us to breathe. Cutting them means more CO2, not less.
And let’s not talk about what volcanoes do to the air, okay. (It’s much worse than any pollution we peasants can possibly manufacture. But let’s not give them any ideas, okay? If they start fucking with the volcanoes we’re all goners.)
Our Food
They are making sure it’s as unhealthy as possible while keeping it artificially high priced. They are using GMOs to make it unhealthy. Farmers are using petroleum based pesticides and petroleum based fertilizers. (What could go wrong? Petroleum in the human body… I am not a car, jerks!)
And the government makes it more profitable for farmers to use monoculture instead of the ancient practice of crop rotating which helps the soil bacteria which in turn helps us eaters get more nutrition from the food. No, we want lots of unhealthy food, not healthy food, for you peasants.
And then there’s the CAFO animal operations. This practice is cruel to the animals and ultimately, very unhealthy for humans that consume meat.
How about some raw food? Fun fact, I used to serve my kids raw cookie dough. I even convinced them that real cookies are not cooked like those unhealthy baked ones in the grocery store. It worked till they were about 5 and they probably needed therapy after that. But hey, I saved time and energy costs. No using the gas stove on those days. I was way ahead of my time!
Our Water
It’s full of Industrial waste. And just plain regular waste. And TPTB are keeping us from collecting rain water in some states!!! And keeping people from making ponds or lakes on their own property in some states. Meanwhile California diverts rainwater to the ocean instead of farmland in California. 🤡
Our Health
Yep, they are fucking with us in all the ways above plus a few more. Like the Pharma drugs from Hell. And by censoring and demonizing herbal cures that work. And by censoring and demonizing ANY alternative modalities that work. By forcing vaccines on healthy children.
Their focus is on treating disease (that they caused by their horrible drugs and vaccines) instead of keeping people healthy. Treating disease is big business for the whole medical complex. But mostly it makes fabulous riches for Big Pharma.
Ever notice that many drugs cause “side effects” that need other drugs to help the patient? It’s a never ending cycle. Like I tell my friends, all effects are effects. That word “side” is put in there to make it seem like these effects are just benign effects that you put up with to get the good effects. Would anyone buy their products if the ads said “oh here’s some other effects…” All effects are effects. They just want you to ignore those other effects which in many cases include death.
Then there’s the COVID war on us. Let’s just check out the results of this giant worldwide assault on Earth’s population. So many ways it furthers their depop agenda.
Making us Mad one increment at a time using COVID.
How it started:
How It’s Going:
Now they have lots of data that says the “vaccines” are not safe and effective. Doesn’t matter. They’re still pushing them, even on pregnant women and children. Madness!!!
Travel Assault
Vehicles: The push is on to only allow electric vehicles which use fossil fuels to manufacture and are expensive to purchase, maintain and charge. This will price many out of owning a vehicle. Travel will become much harder. The United States is a huge country and does not have wide spread rail travel like many other countries. We rely on autos. This will cause many to be unable to travel out of their “15 minute cities.”
Airplanes: TPTB are risking an air disaster. There are not enough pilots, thanks to vax mandates. Many pilots resigned, and many others are disabled from the “vaccines.” So the FAA is trying to get permission to allow only one pilot instead of two in cockpits. (!!!) WTAF??? Whose brilliant idea is this?
I think it’s all to make us afraid to fly and unable to afford it. We don’t have enough pilots so it’s gonna cost you more to fly. Oh by the way, the seats are now 5 inches slimmer and there’s no leg room. You can sit on your hands.
Or maybe you peasants should just stay home.
One more checkmark on the “15 minute city” goal chart. Everyone’s afraid to leave. And they can’t afford to leave. Kinda like a world wide Hotel California.
Good song, by the way.
So these are just a few of the ways they are trying to make our life as difficult as possible. I expect the next thing will be an assault on cotton, sheep, and silk worms, to make clothing more expensive and scarce. The WEF already said we will be down to 3 new garments a year, but don’t worry, we’ll be happy in our abject poverty.
Stay safe out there, friends. It’s a jungle!
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Most recently, the crazy flooding in NYC seems highly suspect.
Good summary! (I’ve been making a list for a while too...)
You know re water, they just banned Berkey water filters, can you believe it?!! They don’t want us filtering out the poisons they went to all the trouble of putting in. Effin’ EPA: