Thank you Heather. I think about Maui everyday, too.
Everything about it is really scary. Somehow Hawaii came up in conversation at work the other day with a sales rep that stopped by to bring us a Christmas gift. I work with my family.
My brother-in-law and I both talked about Lahaina and her face was blank and we gave her a lot to think about. She knew nothing. She didn't know the sirens never went off, the exits were blocked, the water was off, cell phones down but could call the main land, a high percentage of kids haven't registered for school elsewhere in the state, the boats on fire, the specific laws changed prior & smart city plans, the Vegas shooting police chief finding himself employed as police chief in Maui ... on & on.
😊 I wish everyone would find out. Good to educate whoever you can. I covered all the things you mentioned in another Maui post earlier. In fact my first ever post was about Lahaina. I was just so angry they destroyed my favorite little beach town ever. But of course it's way bigger than that. The monster wants Maui for itself.
Heather… I’m a scribe - novels, plays, poetry. I’m currently (literally at my desk this Friday evening) writing the book for a musical with all John Fogerty’s songs (including CCR). It’s a complete honor and thrill. I took a break to grab a glass of wine and check in on my coterie of Stackers. I’m working this very song into a scene. “Wrote a Song for Everyone” it just floors me listening to it as I contemplate where we are 50+ years later. As Sage Hana beats the drum “Day Tapes” and Scorpions and RAWD 1969!!! I highly recommend your frenz find this song tonight and LISTEN!!! It reminds us that we have HEARTS!!! That feel and we have compassion! But that elusive TRUTH…
“Met myself a-coming, county welfare line
I was feeling strung out, hung out on the line
Saw myself a-going down to war in June
All I want, all I want is to write myself a tune
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Got myself arrested, wound me up in jail
Richmond about to blow up, communication failed
If you see the answer, now's the time to say
All I want, all I want is to get you down to pray
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Saw the people standing, thousand years in chains
Somebody said it's different now, look it's just the same
Pharaohs spin the message, round and round the truth
They could have saved a million people, how can I tell you?
Book: "Burn Back Better" Tells many stories of that day, transcribes pieces of interviews we've heard or not, and lots of related info. A worthwhile purchase & support to those there. We all should know as much as possible about this-it's beyond criminal and could happen anywhere.
They keep on throwing more chaos and tragedy at us so that we forget about the most recent chaos and tragedy. We won't forget; some of us are taking copious notes.
I've been saving and downloading links, and taking notes along the way ... hoping to keep this atrocity updated at least among a few substack buddies. But the information has become overwhelmingly book-length, and going in directions "Burn Back Better" doesn't. I've gotta draw some lines between collecting, correlating, and communicating this nasty record of how the best and worst of human nature has not changed since the stone age.
Maui was Directed Energy attack, same method used by DoD on Hoax 9/11, Paradise, OK City, and at least one more test site that don't recall. To get a full sense of DE, all here MUST read Judy Wood's work on DE linked to 9/11. Material is titled, What Happened to the Towers.
Magnetic lines created by Hurricanes are part of the formula, using all types of energy, mostly various levels of microwaves. Old timer Hutchinson did a ton of early work on DE in his garage.
DE mostly dusts everything except paper and plants. DoD appears to be testing new DE lines with Maui in to study death rates linked to time and DE type. There appears to be reports that exit roads were blocked, so I suspect time was a factor linked to death rate and the above variables.
This was a crime. I did not notice any researcher linking DE to Maui but one comment here pointed out the toad death was microwave. (some do not miss a thing).
I covered the DEW on earlier Maui posts. And I read Dr. Wood's book about the towers. Many substack writers have theorized about DEW. And most of my readers know all about them, based on their comments on my other Maui posts. Some of us get it. 😊
Maui hurts....Maui is an open wound. Maui is why I punched the system back in the face - in my own way. Maui is teaching me when it comes to survival, you are on your own. And when it comes to those critical moments of life and death choices, you have to put everything that you were taught by society behind and follow your own survival instinct. Maui is a fresh and unhealed reminder of what we are up against. Aloha! I just hope that the dead rest in peace.
Thank you Heather. I think about Maui everyday, too.
Everything about it is really scary. Somehow Hawaii came up in conversation at work the other day with a sales rep that stopped by to bring us a Christmas gift. I work with my family.
My brother-in-law and I both talked about Lahaina and her face was blank and we gave her a lot to think about. She knew nothing. She didn't know the sirens never went off, the exits were blocked, the water was off, cell phones down but could call the main land, a high percentage of kids haven't registered for school elsewhere in the state, the boats on fire, the specific laws changed prior & smart city plans, the Vegas shooting police chief finding himself employed as police chief in Maui ... on & on.
I hear family knows nothing about anything. Everyone is incredibly uninformed.
😊 I wish everyone would find out. Good to educate whoever you can. I covered all the things you mentioned in another Maui post earlier. In fact my first ever post was about Lahaina. I was just so angry they destroyed my favorite little beach town ever. But of course it's way bigger than that. The monster wants Maui for itself.
This is an interesting take on it.
If only more folks would channel their anger into stopping the monster, Heather. I was pretty angry when I wrote "Peace Now":
Thanks so much for fighting for freedom. Keep firing. ~~ j ~~
I really don't understand...How can they NOT know?
Thanks Heather. I think about Maui all the time as well!
Heather… I’m a scribe - novels, plays, poetry. I’m currently (literally at my desk this Friday evening) writing the book for a musical with all John Fogerty’s songs (including CCR). It’s a complete honor and thrill. I took a break to grab a glass of wine and check in on my coterie of Stackers. I’m working this very song into a scene. “Wrote a Song for Everyone” it just floors me listening to it as I contemplate where we are 50+ years later. As Sage Hana beats the drum “Day Tapes” and Scorpions and RAWD 1969!!! I highly recommend your frenz find this song tonight and LISTEN!!! It reminds us that we have HEARTS!!! That feel and we have compassion! But that elusive TRUTH…
“Met myself a-coming, county welfare line
I was feeling strung out, hung out on the line
Saw myself a-going down to war in June
All I want, all I want is to write myself a tune
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Got myself arrested, wound me up in jail
Richmond about to blow up, communication failed
If you see the answer, now's the time to say
All I want, all I want is to get you down to pray
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Saw the people standing, thousand years in chains
Somebody said it's different now, look it's just the same
Pharaohs spin the message, round and round the truth
They could have saved a million people, how can I tell you?
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Wrote a song for everyone
Wrote a song for truth
Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you”
Thank you for posting this. Very cool lyrics. ❤️And thanks for hanging out here on a Friday night.
I truly, truly appreciate what you and your kin are doing. Those of us who KNOW and can muster the courage are ALL Paul Revere now!!!
I'll just leave this here. 💖
Beauty! It’s all about picking up the lantern!
Book: "Burn Back Better" Tells many stories of that day, transcribes pieces of interviews we've heard or not, and lots of related info. A worthwhile purchase & support to those there. We all should know as much as possible about this-it's beyond criminal and could happen anywhere.
A friend has been a fire investigator. When he showed up for coffee last month I asked him to look over the Maui fires.
Yesterday he reported that the temperatures and metal results were not normal for any domestic fire.
Lahaina was no accident.
It's. All. So. Fucked. Up.
Except that T-shirt that screams at me...Debbie Downer might have to get that "uncontrollable" Diva one for X-mas...
And we do remember Maui, and all the destruction and the never-ending carnage everywhere...and new assaults, daily, coming at us...
I'm thankful everyday that I don't have the button for the pole shift...
stunning stack, Heather B...TY
Thank you, Pasheen! ❤️💞❤️
They keep on throwing more chaos and tragedy at us so that we forget about the most recent chaos and tragedy. We won't forget; some of us are taking copious notes.
🎯 Seems never ending, doesn't it? WEFFERS!
Never-ending and accelerating...
This made me laugh. Me, a few days ago:
Yes, I read it. 😂
Thanks for the reminder
Media and public attention span is amazingly short. Off to the next crisis / distraction.
Remember: Your number one expense is TAXES! Think about it! You spend more on taxes than you do on your home!
Yes. 🎯
Thanks for this Heather.
I've been saving and downloading links, and taking notes along the way ... hoping to keep this atrocity updated at least among a few substack buddies. But the information has become overwhelmingly book-length, and going in directions "Burn Back Better" doesn't. I've gotta draw some lines between collecting, correlating, and communicating this nasty record of how the best and worst of human nature has not changed since the stone age.
Agree completely, It's "F*cked Up"! Linking tomorrow @
Thank you!
Maui was Directed Energy attack, same method used by DoD on Hoax 9/11, Paradise, OK City, and at least one more test site that don't recall. To get a full sense of DE, all here MUST read Judy Wood's work on DE linked to 9/11. Material is titled, What Happened to the Towers.
Magnetic lines created by Hurricanes are part of the formula, using all types of energy, mostly various levels of microwaves. Old timer Hutchinson did a ton of early work on DE in his garage.
DE mostly dusts everything except paper and plants. DoD appears to be testing new DE lines with Maui in to study death rates linked to time and DE type. There appears to be reports that exit roads were blocked, so I suspect time was a factor linked to death rate and the above variables.
This was a crime. I did not notice any researcher linking DE to Maui but one comment here pointed out the toad death was microwave. (some do not miss a thing).
I covered the DEW on earlier Maui posts. And I read Dr. Wood's book about the towers. Many substack writers have theorized about DEW. And most of my readers know all about them, based on their comments on my other Maui posts. Some of us get it. 😊
Wait, are you telling me we didn’t win this one either?!
Maui hurts....Maui is an open wound. Maui is why I punched the system back in the face - in my own way. Maui is teaching me when it comes to survival, you are on your own. And when it comes to those critical moments of life and death choices, you have to put everything that you were taught by society behind and follow your own survival instinct. Maui is a fresh and unhealed reminder of what we are up against. Aloha! I just hope that the dead rest in peace.