Everyone is talking about Israel and the Palestinians and Hamas now so Maui is quickly on the way to being memory holed. And the talk is that we taxpayers will be sending millions of dollars to Israel to help them fight Hamas.
Reminds me that we taxpayers only sent a little over a million dollars to our own brother and sister citizens in Maui. The amount was just $700 per family. Families that lost everything. Including their house. Even if they had insurance, it will take time for them to replace and rebuild so let’s send them $700. We need to send oodles more than that to Israel and Ukraine though. To help them fight their enemies. Or something.
This is just so fucked up. I don’t want even one penny to go to Israel or Ukraine or any other country but our own. I don’t get how this could possibly be authorized by our Constitution. Take our taxpayer money and give it away to other countries without asking us citizens who paid that money in taxes. Taxation without representation. I thought we fought the British over this shitfuckery.
So getting back to Maui, are there any answers yet? Why aren’t we helping Maui residents? Do we know where the children went? Do we know definitively what started the fires? Or why people and animals were carbonized? And why is everything fenced off so people can’t go in? And why did they block the roads so help couldn’t get in and victims could not get out? And why was the electricity left on? Why was the water turned off? Nothing about this makes any sense.
What is going on in Maui? Click to watch Greg Reese break it down on Rumble. (6 minutes)
The lawyers have already descended. Not sure if they are of the ambulance chaser variety or not.
But I hear that most of the homes that burned were under insured. (Courtesy of Phillip Edwards, a Maui resident.) So they will not be able to rebuild and will probably have to sell their land to survive. How convenient for all the developers that want that land. So of course, the State might have to take the land so they can sell it for pennies on the dollar to their political backers for the greater good. And then burn build back better.
They already had the goal of making Maui the first “smart island.” Now they will have to re-do the electrical infrastructure. Might as well make it all “smart tech.” The timing is just so convienent. One more step along the way to digital ID’s for everyone and 15 minute prisons cities.
So many questions still unanswered. Wonder if this chain of events will wake up anyone who hasn’t seen what’s going on? The gaslighting is real. But the plot holes are deep.
Now they need to figure out where to put the debris from the toxic fires…and in their stupidity wisdom they want to put it 2000 feet from the ocean. Close to the town of Lahaina. (what’s left of it) Turning West Maui into a toxic waste dump. OMG. Toxic dump in Paradise. $65 Million of taxpayer money to do this. So all the tourists will drive right past this on the way to Lahaina. I’m sure it’s really healthy for the residents and tourists both. (insert sarcasm emoji)
I still think about Maui every day. I pray the citizens of Maui will overcome. I pray they see what’s being done to them. I pray they will rise and throw off the WEFFERS who have taken over their beautiful island. I pray they aren’t Complicity Theorists.
I will never forget what happened to Lahaina and Maui. I don’t believe a single word of the official narrative. I hope you don’t forget either. And don’t let them get away with turning Maui into a digital prison. Don’t let them gas light you into submission. Be Uncontrollable. Me, I was born that way.
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More Maui Posts:
Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole singing his most popular and memorable song. Beautiful Hawaii scenery too. Enjoy!
Thank you for sharing and commenting. Happy Holidays. ❤️
Thank you Heather. I think about Maui everyday, too.
Everything about it is really scary. Somehow Hawaii came up in conversation at work the other day with a sales rep that stopped by to bring us a Christmas gift. I work with my family.
My brother-in-law and I both talked about Lahaina and her face was blank and we gave her a lot to think about. She knew nothing. She didn't know the sirens never went off, the exits were blocked, the water was off, cell phones down but could call the main land, a high percentage of kids haven't registered for school elsewhere in the state, the boats on fire, the specific laws changed prior & smart city plans, the Vegas shooting police chief finding himself employed as police chief in Maui ... on & on.
Oprah's net worth is said to be 3.5 Billion smackers. That's $3,500,000,000.
Lahaina's population was 9,000; say the average household consisted of 4 persons (from singles to mixed generations under one roof) , so maybe 2,250 homes? So the great humanitarian Oprah could buy each family a new, million dollar home and still have $ 1,250,000,000 left over to buy her Cozy Earth sheets and teeshirts. Or she could get a deal with a contractor and rebuild each home for a quarter million each, and you do the math. That would barely put a dint in her obscene fortune.
...and what did that b*tch do instead? Tried to "crowd fund" some relief for the plebes at her doorstep. God. May there be justice in the afterlife. Please.