I’m not letting Maui be forgotten. Too much stuff happened that was very strange. I don’t believe any of it was accidental. That seems like a debunked coincidence theory to me. There’s just too many coincidences surrounding the Maui wildfires.
Chinese Satellites were over Maui when each of the fires started. Mind blowing evidence. Too much coincidence to ignore. I wonder why the Chinese are in our airspace and nothing is said about it.
The Maui Police Chief was the Las Vegas Incident Commander during the Las Vegas Massacre that occurred Oct 1, 2017. Talk about a weird coincidence!
The schools were closed so the children were supposedly home but no emergency signals went off and no one’s cell phones were alerted. But where are the school buses? And where are the missing children? Maybe they never took them home at all.
It’s probably just a coincidence that the missing buses hold 972 children and about 1000 of them are missing.
No celebrity homes burned. Just lucky I guess. Or is it that they won’t sell, so no benefit to burn their homes. I mean, they have good insurance!
The owners of the power company are folks like Black Rock and Vanguard. And the power was turned off. And some residents say that before it was turned off, the transformers ignited spontaneously sparking fires. Hmm, who has been buying up property and homes all over America? Good question, the answer is Black Rock. Much easier to get that land if the homes are destroyed, right? But just another coincidence/conspiracy theory, I’m sure.
Meanwhile, the Governor wants the land. I’m sure it’s a coincidence that the natives didn’t want to sell their ancestral land in Lahaina and developers want it, and now it’s available to build bright shiny new hotels and condos. Because modern hotels and condos are so much better than old historic homes, right? Boy that was fast.
The police blocked the exits. ????? What kind of fuckery is that? This means many of the owners of the houses/land died. So, even easier to get the land. No insurance claims, or title issues to get in the way! Maybe the governor will help Black Rock get it fast so they can “Build Back Better.”
The road was already paved for Maui to be a “smart island,” 8 years ago. How convenient that the fire destroyed Lahaina so now they can rebuild it as a “smart city” and get the island on its way to being the world’s first “smart island.” They even had a “smart city” conference in January of 2023. Just another coincidence though.
When all the dust settles, Lahaina will be rebuilt, even better, probably. Because, “Build Back Better” is a thing and we have to contribute to the greater good. I hope “greater good” includes the native landowners not getting shoved off their land. I hate that it means it will be a “smart city” instead of the charming little town it was.
For the next 30 days, I’m contributing all revenue from my Hawaii shirts to Maui survivors. You can click on any shirt to see other styles and colors. And if you click on the brand name of any shirt, you can see others in that brand.
When the police blocked the exits, some people defied them and left anyway. They survived. What a sad day in America that disobeying the police is necessary to save your own life. The world has gone completely mad!
Stay safe out there friends.
May you have a hundred thousand Angels by your side as you navigate this insane world we are living in now.
It's a sad fact that no matter how evil they are, police always get a job somewhere else. The people who hired the incident commander from Las Vegas knew how evil he is and worship the same demons.
Glad to see Maui and especially Lahaina continue to get attention here. Hard to fathom how anyone could take a realistic look at such a long list of obvious "coincidences" without heavy suspicion? Who could look at the evidence and actually believe the claims of "wildfires"? It is such an insanely evil puzzle of horrors. Obviously the media narrative pieces simply refuse to fit.
Nice work on this piece, Heather. That first video about the satellites was particularly interesting, the only one I had not seen. Many had pointed to origins being from the sky in these ridiculously selective fires that melted metal to white ash and yet did not burn trees. And supposed 'wildfires' that burned native Hawaiian homes and businesses and even boats in the harbor, but not billionaire mansions or 5 star hotels? Sure. I'm glad proof was discovered, yet of course it will be censored like others in this 'burn back better' nightmare.
The Front Street images and stories from natives of being trapped there by police alone ought to be enough to raise eyebrows, yet the nightmare continues on and on with valid questions without answers... why were there no alarms? no water? and where in the hell ARE all those children?
O and her pals earned some heavy karma on this one as more woke up in rage.