“girls just wanna have perma-DST (& fun)”

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Totally agree. Perma DST...

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Heather. File Daylight Saving time in with Fluoridation of the Water Supply, 'safe and effective' vaccines and Geoengineering. All for our benefit of course.

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Boy that word benefit doesn't really fit, does it? 💕

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Maybe if we follow the money 💰 we'll find out who benefits!

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We could all move to Saskatchewan, Canada. No DST there! 🌞

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Seems a little drastic? Pretty cold there, eh? Is there no DST because no sun? 😂

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Lots of sun, actually. But still has brutal winters

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No DST in the Virgin Islands

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I'm glad to know that it is COMMON to have the car clock off an hour for 8 (not 6) months out of the year!

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In a few days it will be correct again! 😂💕

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YAY! something to look forward to! LOL or is that backwards?

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I never understood that they kept pushing DsavingsT out so it was longer and longer, more like 8 months. But it's true. I just leave my car clock on 'clock savings time' and in the winter it's the right time for 4 months, lol - but then, I have a 'pre-electronics' car. I don't think I would know how to change a digital car clock~ haha

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I have a digital one but have no clue how to change it. 😂

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It's crunch time to get a working lamp in here!

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In a word, urbanization and wars are behind the urban myth, yet the inventors are trying to say farmers want it. I don't know of a single farmer who loves Daylight Savings time and up north, we hate it that it doesn't get dark til 10 or 11 pm. It's unnatural.

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It's really funny to me that we humans can't even agree on TIME and how to measure it. I can see why you would want permanent standard time...I just wish they'd decide on one and keep that permanent so no more disruptive to DNA changes 2 times a year...💕

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i edited my post. It's a rural people thing to like standard time I think. In winter I like to get up several times a night to look at the stars, like people did before 24 hour grocery stores and light pollution, though we have been made into a light polluted tourist trap and vacationing tourists love to party and not sleep til late, then sleep in.. I guess our distant ancestors never slept 8 hrs a night solid. I know i can't do it. Urbanization and wars is why we have Daylight Savings Time. People don't even know its real history. Much as I loathe DsavingsTime, one way or the other would be a permanent improvement to what we have now. I may be one of the few weirdos who loves the quiet dark of long winter nights. I have more energy in winter - we get to rest with the land - maybe that's why. That's when we can create and cook and relax. It used to be a decent lifestyle. I wish everyone could experience it and a slower pace at times. We need that in the northern latitudes where long days really take it out of a person who works the land. ADDENDUM; I lived near the equator for a couple of years and really liked the more or less equal days and nights and they didn't change their clocks at all.

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Yes I have farmer cousins in Ks and they hate it too...true about history....we probably don't know the real history about anything. 💕

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I think it's a travesty that people no longer can choose to do work they might love, in this age of too much information and things moving too fast. Who knows... after the crash, maybe we will go back to a simpler more creative lifestyle. And true about history - even that is subjective and we never know which narrative we're gonna get.

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Yes, and AI is being used to make art and stories instead of being used to do housework. Wrong direction, AI. I want to make my own art, and you do the housework!!!

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I've noticed how hard they are pushing AI - in everything - and on some platforms we are not even given a choice - as if to assume we all want it! HAHA yes for doing our own art and AI doing the housework!!

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Maybe next year - when WE are in charge. Seems to me, though, farmers would be in a perfect position to just ignore all that bullshit - they don't have to punch a clock. Just keep a watch handy with the stupid gubmint time on it and carry on the way the crops and the animals want it.

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I have an alarm program on My old laptop I use and have two entries I can turn on and off. One says "Cat feeding time - daylight savings" and the other, an hour earlier, says, "Cat feeding time - daylight wasting." My cat does not have to worry about it.

For a long while I have pondered why We bother anymore. I was told it was to help the farmers have more daylight to sow and reap, but that really does not make much sense. Indeed, I think it's just to F with Us.

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Just to F with us. 🎯And to show who is in charge. We can make all the silly laws we want, peasants. Your job is to obey. 🤪 Just get on the bandwagon. 💕

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Yep, well, not ME! Haha!

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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it was made up in WW1 in Germany first, and then farmers were 'credited' with having the idea. Farmers all laugh hard at that myth. Dawn and dusk still come when they come and we still have the same amount of daylight and night no matter where we live. What silly games they play with us.

It's to F with us.

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Yeah, I figured it had nothing to do with farming, and everything to do with the F-ing.

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That's what I was told growing up...in Canada. "For the farmers". So when did crops or livestock start telling time?

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The accident rate is provably higher immediately after time changes.

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It is astronomically higher in the Spring and slightly higher in Autumn....

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BTW, great memes, Heather! Loved that one about how to put your clocks forward, and the Chief pondering the stupidity of DsavingsT idea!

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On my radio show in 2010, I did an episode on DST. Did you know it was the 'brain child' of an upper class equestrian who couldn't stand to see all the workers laying abed and wasting that precious work hour? If we really wanted to be honest about it, it's just a sneaky way of making people start work at 7, knowing they're MUCH more likely to keep working late especially when it's light out than come in early.

And it's sold to us as having been done for the farmers! Because why? No logic whatsoever. And energy consumption goes up during DST because everyone's inside watching TV, rather than sleeping that extra hour instead of getting up in the dark AGAIN, when they've just gotten the benefit of morning light.

And totally, that 'normal' time is 4-5 mos a year is the most twisted thing I'd ever heard ... in 2010. Since then, it's been outdone by orders of magnitude.

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The PsyOperators just keep out doing themselves! My farmer cousins hate DST and I hate changing twice a year. Just choose a starting point and keep it. Split the difference maybe? I would really love to have a car clock that I can count on! 💕❤️

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Ooh can I hear that radio show anywhere, Tereza?

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I had the archives on my 3P website, complete with transcripts, links, images and music videos. But I let it go when I finally changed to a new hosting service. I have a CD Rom that may have the files, I don't know. It was beautiful, a very robust and complex website with all of my other ones, UniverseCity.us, FoodintheHood.org, RetroMetro.com, and domains I didn't develop like ParentNetwork.org and a2020vision.org. Oh and my intro, I loved my intro! Take Back the City was the music to it.

I've thought of it as a lesson in letting go, and that things will come back in a better form. But I loved having poems that I read to start each episode, and music breaks--with Skidmark Bob who produced it supplying apt suggestions from his vast mental library, including instrumentals behind the poetry. And live performance has a different energy, even if I was reading 3000 words a week, which was my requirement to write or have to improvise, a fate worse than death.

I've been thinking about a2020vision.org as a collaborative space lately, to imagine what we'd create in different areas under the system changes in my plan. We've spent the first half of the 20's dismantling the lies of the empire, it would be only fitting to have the second half to imagine the future we want.

Whaddayathink, logo queen? A logo for A 2020 Vision?

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Thank you for the reminder my car clocks will be messed up. Urgh.

My advice is to not use an alarm clock (I haven't used one for over 15 years), then you only notice "Daylight's Savings Time" because the clocks are messed up. Wake up when you want, go to bed when you want - it works better!

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We are the same. But we don't have to go somewhere to work so it's easier for us. I just feel for everyone who has to be on a schedule for school and work... 💕

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Oh no kidding! For those still caught in the "rat race"... sigh...

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This post is hilarious! Changing the clocks drives me fucking nuts! Yeah I gave up the vehicle clock years ago. Life's too short for that nonsense.

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Thank you! ❤️💕

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Would love it if we were allowed to follow natural cycles, but no, that has to be tampered with too. Thanks for this post, Heather. 🙏🏽

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