If one of these bombs of lithium that certain clandestine operations can brick or make explode by inserting a internet code. A guy in Russia bought a Tesla truck and said he would use it in the War and Elon Bricked the Truck with a update. Plus the batteries have a life of 10 thousand years or something.... man... what a world hey...

Great article there should be more people calling out of the stupidity.... but hey let the clowns play in the circus enjoy the show. Free Fireworks driving down the road... fun times haha.

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Exactly. Fun times, LOL. ❤️💕

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the sound of the electric cars creeps me out too… am I the only one that can’t stand the low humm?

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Haven't been in one but pretty sure I would hate that... Where I live you are more likely to encounter a horse on the road than an EV. 💕

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Me too! Lol lots of Mennonites and Amish, as well as just plain horse folk

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I had a hybrid Ford fusion when my awesome 'fossil" fuel-burning car was in for repairs. It sounded like what I imagined a UFO would, if it made a sound! So creeeeeepy... 👽🛸

You can hear them if you walk near the front of one idling in a parking lot etc., Heather. Fkn strange sound

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If I travel to a place that has them I'll have to make it a point to listen to one but that might be the last time I ever get near one!

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I live on the Gulf coast of Florida. Yesterday as I was tuning in off and on to the latest on hurricane Helena, I kept hearing warnings about keeping electric vehicles away from the rising water. Imagine you are a super hip Progressive with a beach house and an EV. The EV is parked street level under the house and you are out of town. A hurricane comes, storm surge floods the car, and boom, your house burns down along with the homes on either side. Why anyone in their right mind would want an EV is beyond me! Great memes btw.

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Thank you....yes anywhere that has weather events could cause the scenario of people in long lines not able to drive out and their car explodes. But to take out the houses too! Wow that would suck! 💕

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Well done Heather !

So much excellent food for thought all in one place.

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Thank you! 💕

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One problem with the worry "they can just turn them off" of electric cars is there is no reason they can't do it with any gas powered modern connected car too. (I'll keep driving my 1996 Honda Civic {grin})

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Good idea. We keep our cars a long time too. 💕

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🎯 they all have computer chips and OnStar/GPS etc. now

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Not mine. {grin} I've got a "pre-Internet" car that I've maintained in "like new" condition.

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That's what I meant John 🙂

Was agreeing with ya 🙏🏻

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just great...and not only can they turn them off - they can make them explode...there has got to be a kill switch...

and the EV graveyards are so toxic that they will be uninhabitable for centuries...China made all these EVs and immediately dumped them all and continued to make more...faking it that they were selling like crazy. I remember going down that rabbit hole awhile back and being horrified...there are some more articles on it...but here's one from my archives...


great stack...thx for shining the light on the Op.

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Yikes !

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Thank you. On my other EV stack I have a photo of the cars in the China graveyard....Thanks for article, will check it out! ❤️

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Just do a search for Tesla graveyard. Brand new, unsold Teslas, row upon row upon row.... Thousands and thousands 😭

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And again! Outta the park baybeee!! ⚾🏏

My one wish if I got one used to be for world peace, it's changed over the last ten years to be that the world wakes up and sees/knows what we have learned. Only then can there be world peace 🕊️

Thank you for always putting it together and wrapping it up with a big bow on top for us, Heather. Love you 💖

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Thank you! Love you too. ❤️💕

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I know a few peeps who drive EVs and brag on them, felt skeptical and surely learned a ton here, so thanks, Heather. The overall cost of the battery and WTF do you think is fueling the charging stations, yes. I did not realize the EMF radiation is similar to microwave ovens, OMG! That one blew my mind. I may send this article, but doubt they'll listen. I can't imagine a world where Americans would ever consider giving up their almighty vehicles, still never imagined the country we now live in so ... who knows?

So many good reasons to avoid EVs here, yet ultimately the worst is handing over CONTROL - to own a vehicle that can be turned off for any random reason whatsoever? When will people wake the F up? Meanwhile my little Honda Civic is now 21 years old, maybe I should feed her a margarita?

Speaking of control, since my fakebook acct got completely disabled for no reason, and that effed up platform refused to even allow me to have my own effing name back, let me by crystal clear...

Geez I thought 'Crystal Clear' was such a clever name (so if you get a friend request) but one gal I know said it sounds like a prostitute. What?

It's not worth overthinking, even if I admit that I DO miss that old acct and the hundreds of connections made over about 20 years. Most I won't miss, yet some I will, like Lynne and many others like former students and old Squids etc, - for many it was my only connection, now POOF - gone. I'd already lost interest in that BS platform, yet it's a very different beast when you have no connections. Nothing to see here, yawn.

I mostly wanted my private groups back (like eBay and others) but many will not allow brand new accounts by default, so am in limbo and feeling the strong arm of CONTROL. WTF, Zuck?

I enjoy your articles and you are the queen of memes! About that wine/coffee one, am currently sipping my morning java from a mug that says "Life is what happens between wine and coffee."

Cheers to revealing psyops, my friend.

Crystal Clear :-) wink, wink!

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Thank you! I will find you on FB and if you want I'll add you to two groups I'm in there that are full of awake people...one is comprised of people from that old Jordan Sather group that you turned me onto years ago...we all got kicked off in the giant purge but a couple of years ago they started up the group again. Only around 500 members and there used to be 10,000+ !! And the other is a lot of the same people...but a bunch that I didn't know before....On the wine coffee one there is a chocolate candy too....can't forget the chocolate! (I made that one) Crystal Clear a prostitute??? not in my book but what do I know, never been around any that I know of... ❤️💕❤️

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THX Heather and YES please please add me, really want AWAKE people this time around! Very few of my connections there were awake in any way. While I wonder why I even bothered creating a new acct there, that could make it worthwhile. Might be even better under a different name, time to prune off the dead crap. I did find your profile but there was no 'add friend' button, so maybe that's part of being incognito? My pic is a mermaid, of course, with a beach banner. I def remember Jordan Sather, followed a long while then lost somehow (?) so glad to reconnect. THX!

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I have it set so only friends of friends can ask because I was sick of dick pic asshats adding me....but I can't find you. I put in Crystal Clear and only crystal people showed up...send me the link on gmail?

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Will do. I find it very hard to find some peeps in a search too, wierd. I know there are THERE. More ZuckTribe moron BS? I rarely even look twice at unfamiliar names on friend requests, figure most peeps same, so have to do it manually. At least will only have peeps I want there. Will send link in a sec. CC

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I definitely think Zuck doesn't want us to find each other! I've been getting warnings from PRIVATE GROUP posts. Ridiculous!

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Another memetastic dynamo presentation!

Didja ever get a chance to try the chile en nogada?

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Thank you! Sis is still trying to get her schedule together to visit and she is extremely interested in that dish too so she will be bringing it soon....I've got the margarita ingredients ready when she does. ❤️💕❤️

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Since she's in SA, she might even be able to try a few different restaurants that have it on the menu as a regular (not just around Mexican Independence Day) item and bring the best one she is able to locate...the one she likes the most. Enjoy the extra shot of tequila in that margarita (OK, those margaritas) when she finally gets there. :-)

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So many margaritas and extra shots and then we have Bloody Mary's for breakfast after staying up all night because that's what we always do....She is a partier extraordinare! I have to detox for a week after I see her!

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In an earlier version of my operating system, I'd have been tempted to drive over and join y'all...for some reason, your description of her scrambles my verbal synapses and brings into existence the hybrid adage, "Better to light a candle than to curse the lampshade."

As Tessa likes to say, May It Be So... www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZmR-T0jilA

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😂 no lampshades will be harmed!

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Nice work, Heather! No EV's for this guy, either...EXCEPT that by default, we're all been involuntarily stuck "buying" them. Noticed how much car insurance has gone up over past 4 years? Know why the coverage on your 14-year-old non-EV has nearly tripled? Don't most of us live in states with MANDATORY auto insurance laws?

EV's are skewering the accident costs skyward. Many of the EV's are "totaled" because of the damned batteries--and the exponentially higher "repair" costs. Insurance being what [the racket] it is, spreads these astronomical costs out over all the folks NOT driving them and NOT having accidents, so they can still laugh all the way to the bank. Many state laws mandate purchase of their product--and they STILL avoid paying out the full price of their advertised sales pitches, again based on fear. (Anyone priced network TV commercials?!?! 😆)

One of Henry Ford's classic Model T automobiles can still be repaired and will still run today. Mass produced and all black. The first mass-marketed car--cheap, by today's economic standards, but SOLID. And easily repairable by non-techie people. A computer was not necessary to diagnose malfunctions of circuitry. But they junked them all in the pursuit of more profitable "personalization" (ego) instead of "functionality & dependability." The Model T was disappeared--so Detroit could make far MORE on selling "options" and customize the "look at me!" factor of basic, mundane TRANSPORTATION.

In this season of awakening, we're seeing this same Psy Op has been repeated in multiple forms and industries throughout the 20th Century--the banks, the governments, the politicians, the hospitals, the networks (social media and mainstream) and the insurance companies ALL serve the beast. And the beast wants the world locked down in servitude. Human vanity is its intoxicant of choice...

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🎯 Nailed it! I hadn't thought about the insurance costs in quite that way. But yes. We're also stuck with whatever the state of CA mandates because auto manufacturers aren't going to make one model for CA and another for the rest of the states...so we end up with their dictates. The PsyOperators have all the industries covered especially financial ones which insurance falls under that umbrella...Wheels within wheels winding round and round...One big PsyOp universe. ❤️💕

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Global governance is the primary goal in the biggest war ever fought on Earth—the Corporations (with legal “rights” of persons) vs. the People. Or more succinctly, the demonic love of money & power vs. loving one another.

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How about those that live in city condominium towers, with 3, 4, 5 levels of underground parking. You want to live on top of 60-80-100+ EVs parked / charging below you ? There is nothing positive about them. And what are all the plastic and composites that make up most of the interior made from......oh ya, petroleum products. Tires ?

Plus all the other issues laid out in the article, its mind boggling that they have gotten this far with whole EV scam. This sadly illustrates how so much of the population has lot the ability, and desire to think in any logical or critical way.

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🎯 Thanks for adding to the conversation. 💕

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And They hide so many free energy technologies! With free energy, accounting for Our energy added (the foundational function of money) becomes pointless and They would have no tool to control Us with...

I hope We get free energy tech out and free Humanity on Our planet from these psychopaths in control!

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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Lollygagging and traffic lights, my favs. But my real fav is the thoughtful and deep research in this article, Heather. With you 100%.

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everything is a scam except going into the forest and sitting by the river and listening to the CURRENT truths being whispered by the water flowing over the rocks, and splashing against it's banks, the banks that hold the river on its path, rather than stealing it's power.

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