The PsyOperators of this world want us in 15 Minute Cities. And they try to make this idea sound so wonderful, like a new Utopia where we won’t need cars because everything will be nearby, no more than 15 minutes away on foot. I’ve written about this before, the new and improved way the PsyOperators want to imprison us.
And I think Electric Vehicles, or EV’s, are enabling the 15 Minute City PsyOp to come about faster. To get to the goal of no cars, first they have to get people into electric cars and get rid of gas cars. Then they can eliminate electric cars too. Or just turn them off. They can do that remotely!
But so much money will be made in the mean time. And so many metal deposits will be strip mined. And so many children will be used for slave labor. And so many billionaires will get even richer. It’s just another PsyOp, the Electric Vehicle PsyOp.
The thing is, initially most people are not going to go along with the idea of no cars in the United States. Our country is really huge and there are vast stretches of land with no railroads so you need a car to travel. It is not like Europe or Asia where there are well developed subway systems and railways for mass transit. Hell, many cities don’t even have a good bus system here.
But if the goal is to get rid of vehicles, an easier way to do it is to go gradually into that dark night of lock up. First get rid of the gas powered ones, get everyone all excited about electric cars, and then ease everyone into the 15 Minute Cities where there won’t be ANY cars because they won’t be needed, y’all. Everything will be nearby!
And since they are so expensive, it will be easy to get rid of them at that point. And everything about these EV’s are designed to make them more expensive and to use different resources, not really less overall.
EV’s are so heavy they will cause massive repair bills for our roads, so new taxes will be imposed on the car owners, making them even more expensive. That’s how government works. Push you into things and then tax you for the consequences of their stupid ideas that you never wanted. Which drives the cost of everything up.
Look how well it turned out when our government quit using our own natural gas and bought it everywhere else in the world. The cost of gas skyrocketed. So the cost of goods skyrocketed because it costs more money to ship goods. And more money for energy overall, so more money to manufacture goods.
What a well thought out plan! “Let’s help all the other countries and screw our own citizens.” Only a captured or inept (or both) government would think this is acceptable. But at least we’re more “Green” and that’s what counts. 🤑💚 I love being Green, don’t you?
Meanwhile, they aren’t even mentioning the probable negative health effects of these EV’s they are pushing everyone into. There’s a real concern about how safe these batteries are for the human body. Personally I don’t want to sit in a car on top of that battery! Too much radiation and it’s too close. But negative health effects are totally fine, y’all. We can fix them with gene editing and telemedicine now! 🎉
And with Electric Vehicles which depend on gas and diesel to power the batteries, all that’s happened is that there is a middle product to pay for: the battery. It’s not stopping fossil fuel usage. The charging stations use fossil fuels to power them. The charging stations convert diesel fuel to electric power for the batteries.
It’s just adding several manufacturing steps and putting money in the pockets of battery manufacturers, the rare earth mineral miners, the road maintenance companies, the new car manufacturers, the power station owners, and the politicians. Oh and the car salesmen, we can’t forget them. (Wonder what they’ll sell when no one buys cars any more since they’re glued to their computer screens shopping online in between playing online games in their tiny government subsidized apartment.)
The problem and cost of battery disposal alone makes the idea of saving energy costs by using Electric Vehicles laughable to me. And OMG, when you go to replace one of those batteries, you will wonder why you bought one of these money pits. $10,000+ to buy them!!!
That doesn’t even consider the cost of the lithium and other rare earth metals they use to make these, or the environmental damage or the slave labor of children involved.
Clif High, I believe it was, did an analysis of the costs to own gas powered cars vs. electric powered cars and it was eye watering, and not in a good way! The total cost of ownership of EV’s is astronomical. And overall, the energy cost over a 10 year time period is greater than that of gas powered cars. How can this be good for consumers? It’s not. And how can this be good for the planet? It’s not. But it’s good for the PsyOperators and the corporatocracy!
Because besides that, one of the worst things about them is that once everyone is in EV’s, it’s easy to turn them off remotely if you do things like speak out about government bullshit or forget to pay some bill or follow some rule.
But of course, that’s the main thing about the Electric Vehicle PsyOp. CONTROL. You peasants are part of Prison Planet. Get that through your head. Get back into your 15 Minute prison City! Prison cities, prison cars, prison planet. 🌍
Your overlord PsyOperators get to do what they want though. 👇
This all has to be done slowly, like a frog in boiling water. If they just suddenly cut off the gasoline and diesel supplies, there would be riots. So instead they make laws that no more gas powered vehicles will be manufactured after a certain time. Just gradually get everyone into Electric Vehicles.
Then slowly take away the amount of electricity allowed to be used for them or anything else you want to do. We need that electricity to power the robots and computers for the crypto currency! You don’t need air conditioning, silly peasants. And certainly you don’t need cars. Everything is only 15 minutes or less from your cell home. Enjoy that EV while you still can!
So yeah, Electric Vehicles are just a stepping stone to the 15 Minute Cities they want us in. And maybe first on your list of non compliance to the 15 Minute City PsyOp should be non compliance to the Electric Vehicle PayOp. I’ll go first. No Electric Vehicle for me!
More light PsyOp reading 👇
The 15 Minute City PsyOp
The EV and Carbon Scam
Enjoy a Roy Orbison tune. I can’t think of a better reason to drive than for love. Many have covered this one but I still like the original the best. Happy Friday. ❤️
I had to escape, the city was sticky and cruel
Maybe I should have called you first
But I was dying to get to you
I was dreaming while I drove
The long straight road ahead, uh-huh, yeah
Could taste your sweet kisses, your arms open wide
This fever for you was just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night, crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep to make love to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night
What in this world keeps us from falling apart?
No matter where I go
I hear the beating of our one heart
I think about you when the night is cold and dark, uh-huh, yeah
No one can move me the way that you do
Nothing erases this feeling between me and you, oh
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night, crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep to make love to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night
Could taste your sweet kisses, your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night, crept in your room
Is that all right?
I drove all night
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right?
I drove all night
Songwriters: Billy Steinberg / Tom Kelly
I Drove All Night lyrics © Sentric Music, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
One problem with the worry "they can just turn them off" of electric cars is there is no reason they can't do it with any gas powered modern connected car too. (I'll keep driving my 1996 Honda Civic {grin})
just great...and not only can they turn them off - they can make them explode...there has got to be a kill switch...
and the EV graveyards are so toxic that they will be uninhabitable for centuries...China made all these EVs and immediately dumped them all and continued to make more...faking it that they were selling like crazy. I remember going down that rabbit hole awhile back and being horrified...there are some more articles on it...but here's one from my archives...
great stack...thx for shining the light on the Op.