In advance, this is not my happiest post. After I read it to proof read for spelling errors I got really depressed all over again. It happens every time I think about the WEF and their plans for us. But I’m just the messenger, not the PsyOperator. And I’m only trying to alert people so they can prepare. 🕰️
It seems like every PsyOp the PsyOperators of the world roll out now is another check mark on the checklist of goals that leads to 15 Minute Cities. And they try to make it sound so wonderful, like a new Utopia where we won’t need cars because everything you need to live will be nearby, no more than 15 minutes away on foot.
Of course they leave out the part about not being able to leave without permission and only a few times a year. They’ll tell you that later when it’s too late to object. “It’s so convenient!” Our dear government is only trying to help us by implementing their draconian rules.
And they leave out the part that you probably won’t be able to afford a car anyway. They are all going to be electric vehicles because gas vehicles are scheduled to be sent to the scrap yards. The sales price of EV’s plus the new taxes on them, charging costs, and battery replacement costs will price most people out of car ownership. And they can’t go that far without needing a charge anyway so why have them? You can read more about that here 👇
The Electric Vehicle PsyOp
The EV and Carbon Scam
Meanwhile, a couple of towns in England have already implemented 15 Minute Cities, and the town councils are not listening to their citizens who don’t want them, nor are they backing down. The rules are keeping some citizens from leaving more than twice a year! Why there is not uprising or wholesale exodus from this I can’t fathom. 🙃 But guess what? We have one here in Tempe, Arizona too. It hasn’t been around long enough to find out whether the residents are happy there, or if they have had any trouble leaving…
Welcome to your 15 Minute prison City on Prison Planet! Did you silly peasants actually think you have any say? I’m getting all this information about the PsyOperator plans from the writings of Klaus Schwab of the WEF, by the way. But you can also find this information in the Day Tapes, and the writings of the Club of Rome, the Club of 300, and various other PsyOperator instruction manuals. Basically it comes down to PsyOperators are gonna PsyOp. They love to brag about their plans and their superiority. More about how they operate. 👇
🕌🌳🏫💒🏩🌴🏰⛪🏚️🗼🌉🗽🌴🏨⛪🏛️ 🌲🛕⛩️🏯 🌳🏫🏰⛪🏚️🌲🕌
So yes, if you dissect the PsyOps that they keep throwing at us, the Covid Plandemic, the upcoming Bird Flu Plandemic or is it Monkey Pox, the bioweapons vaccines, the Climate Change that they are causing Scam, the famine, the water rationing, the GMO foods, the pesticides, the fluoride in the water (and God knows what else, snake venom, anyone?) the poisons in the air, the energy rationing, the EV’s, telemedicine, I think it’s all designed to herd those of us who survive the onslaught of abuse into the end game of their concentration camps 15 Minute Cities.
I mean, we just had a trial run in the last few years. Lockdowns! Masks! Forced vaccinations. Schools closed. Jobs were at home or gone. No churches open, no small businesses open. Very little travel, because, what would be open at your destination? Everyone in their homes. Little pods of fear and lonliness, all over America. 😢
Some states were much worse than others, but it was almost like an experiment to see how many people would easily comply, and how much tyranny were state and local officials willing to practice in their quest for power and coercion of others to submit to the god of state.
The shocker for me was how many of the compliant turned into nazis against the non compliant. The results of the experiment were not positive! ☹️
So anyway, once everyone is in these 15 Minute Cities, we are supposed to eat bugs, live on a fixed income in a tiny apartment, have remote medicine, own nothing but somehow be happy in our 15 Minute prison City that is probably policed by robots. This is what the World Economic Forum has in mind for us humans. 🤮
I bet the suicide rate will rise astronomically. Probably just what they want. At the very least, the liquor stores will surely be getting more business. Unless the PsyOperators decide to ban alcohol to suck out whatever joy you have left in this life for the greater good. Bleak vision, I know. Sorry. 😢
Continuing, the bugs can be delivered so no need to drive to a “grocery” store. If you want cooked insects, robots can do that too. Or maybe there’s no insect control and you just collect the ones who live around in your dwelling. Ewww. Just cook them on your electric stove but do it fast because electricity is rationed. I definitely do not advise a raw food diet in this situation. 🤮
Oh, and your power for your government rent controlled apartment will all be electric, powered from solar panels. Except Bill Gates wants to dim the sun so how will that work? In Bill’s vision, it means less electric power for everyone except the PsyOperators, that’s how it will work.
We don’t have enough energy, y’all. The robots and computers need it. You’re going to have to forgo cooking, and eat that raw food diet of insects after all. Or maybe you can resort to a magnifying glass and what’s left of the sunlight to fry up that delectable insect. 🤮
Anyway, about the solar panels, OMG, have they thought of the environmental problem those discarded solar panels cause in land fills? Not Green. This is all a Green Grift, as my friend, Pasheen at Diva Drops says.
Back to the food problem, without enough sun, there won’t be as many fruits and vegetables or grains to eat. And forget eating meat. They’re killing the cows and chickens and pigs because of fake PCR tests Bird Flu diagnoses. Eventually they’ll blame lack of food for the animals as a reason to kill them. They want you to starve eat only bugs.
But this orchestrated famine is from climate change, y’all! It’s not from blocking the sun. Cooling the planet is good. It’s not because dimming the sun will stifle plant growth. And it’s not because then there won’t be enough plants to exchange the CO2 into oxygen for you to breathe, thus raising the level of CO2 percentage in the atmosphere. No, that’s totally not it! It’s because you peasants breathe too much! You’re exhaling CO2! There’s just too many of you and you breathe. You are the carbon we want to reduce!
This is getting so gloomy… I feel like I should insert some advice here about how to grow your own garden indoors. But that’s a different post. So for now, you could search “cheap gardening indoors” on your computer or go to the library and get some indoor gardening books. I saw a YouTube video showcasing that there are people all over New York City growing gardens in their apartment windows in discarded soda bottles!
Meanwhile in the 15 Minute prisons Cities, forget about air conditioning or heat too. What little electricity available will be allocated first to the computers and robots. I mean, computers will have to be constantly mining crypto for the digital currencies so you can buy things while being tracked. And doing the jobs you used to have. Priorities, people! 🤪
Also, some of you will have to volunteer to suck it up and forgo that telemedicine and just get in line for that government assisted suicide program. It’s all to save the bankrupt pension systems for the greater good! 🙃
So far these 15 Minute Cities are not sounding like the wonderful solution that was promised, are they? More like open air prisons. 🤮
You’ll only be allowed to buy three new garments a year, and again, they come by mail or are delivered. Probably by robots in self driving robot cars. The garments themselves will be made by robots.
The way it’s going the garments will all look alike anyway. Prison garb is notorious for being uniform and drab. So no need to worry about “fashion statements.” There won’t be any fashion. Weaving fabric uses too many resources! Just stay home, peasants! That way you don’t need as many clothes. Duh!
I think this upsets me the most out of all of it! No fashion??? 😭
But the horrors continue. The apartments you live in can probably be largely built by robots. Or printed on huge printers. They will be tiny by today’s standards…who needs all that room? Not you, silly peasants. Feeling a little claustrophobic? Go outside and walk around in your 15 minute radius of a prison and get some exercise. That’s sure to help. Count your blessings! 🤪
They want us to use telemedicine, so that eliminates the need to go see your doctor. I’m actually fine with that no doctor part! 😂 AI robots can diagnose you and concoct a treatment plan. Lots of pHarma drugs and gene editing mRNA shots to the rescue. Jab up! It’s for your own good. And ultimately, the greater good. You love your granny, don’t you? Don’t be selfish! More about the vax.👇
By the way, speaking of telemedicine, the Wellness Company and Amazon already offer this. Here’s Amazon’s pitch. The agenda already accelerates.
Also, in these magical 15 Minute Cities you won’t be able to have pets. Animals will be in the wild lands outside the cities. That’s one reason bugs and rodents will probably be a problem. No cats in the city. But hey, peasants, home grown food! Bugs and rodents. Eat your protein! 🤮 And don’t worry about that plague. There are too many people anyway! Please just go ahead and die for the greater good! ☠️ I’m sure they will eventually realize that we need cats. 😂
And speaking of pets, they are passing laws in many countries that all your pets have to be microchipped. First the pets, then the humans? They are also jabbing them up the yinyang and their mortality rates are inching up, correlating with the increase in vaccines. But the important thing is that Big pHarma is getting richer! 🎉
Okay back to the 15 Minute City PsyOp. This map was put out in 2004! Look how few “normal use” areas there are. All to protect biodiversity keep you locked up. All the Yellow and Red areas are off limits to humans.
Here’s another map that shows the populated areas in a way that’s easier on your eyes… it was put out before they codified the districts. The White dots are the population centers. The rest is wildnerness and off limits to humans. Notice the compact areas of population and all the wilderness?
Or how about this map of FEMA districts? I don’t think this is for benign purposes. Maybe it’s not a new “Hunger Games” map, but maybe it is! I mean, it’s not like FEMA really helps that much in an emergency. I found this out the hard way.
Two of my children and my granddaughter lived in an apartment that got flooded in 2023. Guess what aid they got? Cots in a facility shared with all ages in a huge room and a box of canned food. (No they didn’t stay there, they came to stay with Mom.) That definitely got my attention and I started wondering where all the FEMA money goes? Certainly didn’t help my children. (but I digress)
So yeah, FEMA districts already decided by 2005. 👇
Ever heard of the Octogone group? Me either till recently. Seems they’re the head of all the deep state tentacles. Kind of like the head of the octopus…and their name is Octogone, hmmm…They love the 15 Minute City idea. This is their wet dream! All the peasants stuck in their little 15 Minute prisons Cities. Policed by heartless (literally) robots. You can download this handy chart and other amazing deep state charts (free) at the Deep State Mapping Project, or click the chart. It’s worth studying this chart to get an idea of the depth of their power.
From Agent 131711, here’s some information about the Wildlands Project to herd you into the 15 Minute Cities and keep America wild for the animals.
The Wildlands Project, Explained
The Wildlands Project calls for “reserves established to protect wild habitat, biodiversity, ecological integrity, ecological services, and the evolutionary processes”. In other words, vast interconnected areas of true wilderness and wild lands… free from humans, technological and industrial intervention. This includes extensive roadless areas, also 100% off-limits to humans. The Wildlands Project has proposed to set aside at least half of North America for ``the preservation of biological diversity.'' The resulting ``wildland reserves'' would contain:
Cores, created from public lands such as national forests and parks, allowing for little, if any, human use
Buffers, created from private land adjoining the cores to provide additional “protection”
Corridors, a mix of public and private lands usually following along rivers and wildlife migration routes; of which there will be no cities, roads, homes, businesses, no aircraft over-flights, or natural resource extraction, ever.
More from Agent 131711
Buried deep in congressional testimony is an abundance of outraged citizens, ranchers and farmers who have been put through absolute hell by the Wildlands Project; an organization who has a single goal: remove at least 50% of American land from its citizens, at any cost (Agenda 21, Agenda 2050). It has been proven that the Wildlands Project has been abusing the Endangered Species Act in numerous ways including making claims of fake species then forcing farmers, ranchers, builders, miners, developers and property owners to prove no such existence of the animal, in a race against time. You see, if the rancher cannot prove non-existence of said species his herd must be relocated, or worse, the herd is seized and the ranch is completely shut down. Folks, proving something does not exist is nearly impossible.
🐰 🐹🐗🐷🦡🐁🦔🐇🦫🦎🕷️🐀🐞🐭🪲🦨🐝🐜🐭🐿️🦟🐰🐹🐗🐷🦡🐁
Now look at this FEMA map again. They are well on their way. And using NGO’s to accomplish it so you don’t track it back to a specific government. Totally flouting all kinds of laws and just grabbing resources for themselves. Evil Monsters. The only areas for humans are the light Aqua dots, the Pink dots, and the Gray dots. All the rest of the land is not permitted for human use. The Pink dots are Indian reservations so unless you are Indian, you can’t go there either.
If you think about it, reservations were kind of like the original 15 Minute Cities. Good talking point if you have any blind unawakened friends who don’t believe our dear government would EVER lock us up in any 15 Minute Cities. I should make a meme about that! 😂
So to me, all this climate change propaganda, the Green agenda, and the accompanying PsyOps of famine, war, peak oil, peak water, pandemics and bioweapons vaccines and so on and so forth are just herding devices to march us on the road into the final pre slaughter pens 15 Minute Cities. Those of us who survive the onslaught of PsyOps, that is.
But of course, that’s the main thing about the 15 Minute City PsyOp. CONTROL. You peasants are not allowed out of the prison. Get that through your head. Prison cities, Prison planet. 🌎
Sounds like the biggest nightmare of all time doesn’t it? Kind of like going back to medieval times where the King could just have your head chopped off for any little transgression, real or imagined. Or if he just didn’t like what you said. Looks like the UK is coming full circle on that one, eh? 👇
If we don’t resist all this nonsense, it’s going to be a bleak WEFFIE world like the kingships of old for our children and grandchildren to grow up in. I mean, look what’s happening all around the world, in monarchies, colonies, former colonies, and sovereign nations alike: Tyranny by the UN, the WHO, and health ministers in every country.😢 WEFFIE dream, planetary nightmare.
So I hope people start resisting this worldwide 15 Minute City PsyOp faster (and better). That Covid Plandemic PsyOp was a world wide rehearsal for the WEFFIE wet dream that is our nightmare. I do think some of us have become UnPsyOpable though! 👇
Sometimes I wish I didn’t notice so much stuff. And I definitely wish the PsyOperators who rule us would just go play chess or computer games and leave us alone. But they won’t and it feels like we are in for some upheaval.
These PsyOperators are getting impatient for us to surrender. And I think a lot of people aren’t going to, at least not easily. At any rate, it’s always good to be prepared for emergencies.
At the very least, keep your gas car, and keep it full of fuel, plant a garden, and read up on how to harvest water out of the air for an emergency. If you can, I would also get a solar powered generator. Definitely don’t move to a 15 Minute City voluntarily! And keep a cool head. There might be some rough times ahead.
There is always hope though and sometimes it feels like the tide is turning in favor of less tyranny and more self determination. I don’t plan to comply with any of their bullshit. No masks, tests, vaccines, none of it. I think most, if not all, of my readers don’t plan to either. Sending love to all of you fellow rebels! ❤️
The PsyOperators are playing a wicked game. So that reminded me of this little gem. Enjoy the Golden voice of Chris Isaak. And for any of you who are really just here for the memes, I’ll do another meme post soon. TGIF. ❤️
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you
With you
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
And I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love (this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you (this world is only gonna break your heart)
With you (with you)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I (this world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
Nobody loves no one
Songwriter: Chris Isaak
Wicked Game lyrics © Broma 16, Warner Chappell Music, Inc
I've accidentally found some hope for the future. I rescued a ducking two weeks ago so now I've got a pet duck and I will just feed the bugs to the duck and transmute the bug rations into duck eggs ... At least it works in theory, and this duck really loves to eat all kinds of bugs. So maybe we all just need pet ducks.
Thanks, Heather, that post sums it up so well. In the uk the flats (prisons) are being thrown up. The whole atmosphere of the country has changed for the worse. People are sensing something's wrong even if they are avid BBC watchers. Its an horrendous prospect for humanity and we need forward planning and to resist all their anti human ploys.
They are out in the open now - look at the French olympic ceremonies - nothing about France and its rich heritage, all about sexual perversion. They are too sure of their own success and that's when mistakes are made. And they have hugely misjudged the human spirit.