Donald John Trump was inaugurated this week on Monday, January 20, and one of his first executive orders clarified that we Americans have a right to Free Speech, and tech censorship is now criminal. Wondering why he had to clarify something that is already codified in our Bill of Rights, but truth memes and counter narratives seem to make people go crazy and forget ignore this fact.
Memes are an expression of free speech and now we get to post them without censorship! No visits from the police for posting memes here. Thank God I’m not in the British Isles. This is not criticism of the people there, at all. I used to live there and many of my ancestors came here from there. I’m very sad about the hardships they are facing now from woke politicians. England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, I love you.
Wonder if I can get Zuck to restore my account and the thousands of memes he banished into the black hole of banned accounts? Probably not… but maybe he won’t warn me all the time now… Can’t wait for the lit community notes…
In celebration of all my memes being freed, here are a few of the ones I made and found this week. Between last minute pardons, executive order frenzies, Inauguration drama, the L.A. wildfires, North Carolina suffering, the South shivering in rare snow blankets, and the roundup of illegal aliens starting, there’s a lot going on to ponder and meme.
In another of his first executive orders, President Trump closed our Southern border and sent military troops to some of the ports of entry. And he plans to finish the wall. (Finally!) Now we get to have the same protection that Mozambique enjoys because we helped them build a wall in the 1980’s in Africa. We also helped Israel build one along the border with the West Bank in the 1990’s. And we helped Mexico build a wall on its border with Guatemala in the 1990’s too. Not sure that one’s working though. Is Mexico really keeping that one closed?
I’m all for this. If you don’t live in Texas like me you might not know how bad it is. We’re holding the line for you guys! I love immigrants, by the way. Legal and vetted ones, just like I was when I lived in 5 other countries. But not the illegal ones invading our border now.
In other news, this is an actual photo sent to me by a friend in Santa Monica, CA just 4 blocks from his house…taken on 1-20-2025. The air quality is dangerous! Prayers to all those affected…
While the L.A. fires are still raging and multiplying, it’s a blizzard across the South and a polar vortex stretched to where I live too. It hadn’t been above freezing for over a week but it finally made it to 37 degrees so my frozen pipes unfroze. Yay.
Check out the Wind Chill factor. 👇
11 inches of snow and more the next day…
Our last President pardoned his whole family in case they got caught doing essentially anything wrong from before birth to beyond death. This was after he pardoned Fauci! And Milley! And over 1600 violent criminals. Disgusting. Pretty interesting that he thought he needed to.
Our new President pardoned the January 6th prisoners. The media went beserk! Shocker.
Elon Musk’s Starship #6 blazed out in a streak of glory! Beautiful!
Elon: “Success is uncertain, but entertainment is guaranteed!” 😂
Pretty cavalier attitude, but then, wasn’t it our taxpayer dollars going down in flames? Easy for him to laugh…
Many went ballistic over his making a gesture that reminded them of the Hitler salute. It’s perfectly fine when their idols do it though….
I just wonder why we are spending money on rockets to Mars? It’s not like we have this planet figured out…do we really need to fuck up another one?
Below is one of the nicer areas left near Ashville, North Carolina in that they still have buildings. Many are still sleeping in tents but our generous FEMA gave them $750 if they “qualified.” If they had insurance they did not qualify. 🤪
When will the insurance pay out? No one knows. Maybe after President Trump visits he will find a way to help them despite FEMA being “out of money.”
I just want to know why Ukraine gets billions of dollars with the stroke of a pen, and our fellow citizens have to “qualify” for help. Why are wars between foreign countries that shouldn’t involve us more “qualified” than victims of “natural” disasters?
Another big executive order reinstated our military men and women with full back pay, who were kicked out because they would not submit to injecting themselves with an untested unproven experimental bioweapon take the Covid vax. YAY!
Meanwhile, President Trump ended ESG, DEI, affirmative action, and Trans insanity in the military, prisons, women’s sports, and in all Federal agencies. And declared that Biology is in fact correct and there are only 2 genders, male and female. I mean, it does start with “BI”.
And he got rid of the “pride flag” at all embassies and military institutions. Wonder why this flag isn’t good enough for everyone? It’s all inclusive for all Americans, last time I checked.
Moving along, some people are really upset with President Trump for talking about expanding the USA. So this might will not be a popular opinion but I think it’s smart from a strategic point of view. Adding Greenland as a territory or a state to make it harder for attacks on the USA is a good strategic move.
I’m not talking about making war on them or just flat out taking their land. I’m talking about asking them to consider joining with us via vote and/or paying them. I’d love to ask Canada and Mexico too. I love you all. There is strength in numbers. The bigger the country, the harder for an enemy to harm us.
So anyway, after thinking about this, I think I suddenly understand the America First slogan! 😂
President Trump also saved TikTok this week which endeared him to GenZ. I love the way he explained saving TikTok using a joint venture and the wonderfully simplified way he explained this genius idea.
We have all the leverage here. They can’t be here without us so if they want to be here, our half of the contribution is our permission. Half the profits for our permission. Genius. International Joint Venturing for the win.
This is the Art of the Deal, International style. MEGA, Make Everywhere Great Again.
Some GenZ-ers I know told me the funniest back story about the TikTok brouhaha. It seems that when Biden banned TikTok, they got BIG MAD. How dare they stop our free speech! (Yay GenZ! )
It also seems that GenZ has kind of a FAFO (Fuck around and Find out) attitude on steroids. So they migrated en masse (millions) over to RedNote which is a Chinese competitor of TikTok, to show the PsyOperators who’s boss and to give all their money and ID information to the Chinese company as a sort of a Fuck You, we’ll help China anyway, assholes.
In fact some of them used their Social Security numbers as a total FU to the PsyOperators. You have the NSA and Facebook and Twitter spying on us but you want us to fear China spying on us? You can fuck right off. We’re helping them!
Bad move on the Deep State’s part.
Because guess what happened? They started watching and talking to Chinese GenZ-ers about life in their country.
Turns out that they live in gorgeous high rise buildings in gorgeous 22nd century looking cities, have super fast internet, pay almost nothing for health care, have incredible mass transportation, have a higher standard of living than our Millennials and GenZ-ers and the list goes on. They pay much less than Americans as a percentage for housing, groceries, transportation, clothing, and health. And they don’t have to pay property taxes!!!
Our GenZ-ers also got to hear questions from their new Chinese friends like “Why do you think you’re free but don’t see you’re living inside a corporation where it’s designed that you have to pay for everything?”
Well, I don’t want to move to China and live under social credit score tyranny but now many GenZ-ers do! They are learning Mandarin Chinese in droves now too, using language apps on their phones. I love this. Big fan of bilingualism.
To be clear, I have not checked to see if all this stuff about China is true. I’m just reporting what the GenZ RedNote TikTok users are hearing from their new Chinese friends.
But a few years ago I worked with several Chinese companies and I got to know a few of the people I dealt with. After a while I asked them how they liked it there and how they felt about their government. None of them were unhappy with their government and all were very happy with their lives…extremely proud of their technology and very optimistic about their future.
So it’s not out of the realm of possibilities that these RedNote Chinese GenZ-ers are telling the truth about their life in China now. They did post photos too. I mean, our government has lied to us a time or two in the past so maybe, just maybe, they are lying about China now too. 😂
Meanwhile, after President Trump saved TikTok under the authority of the 1st Amendment declaring Free Speech a Divine right, our RedNote GenZ TikTokers came back and blasted the hashtags #TheyLiedToUs and #WeveBeenLiedTo all over TikTok. They are even BIGGER MAD now and are coming for the politicians.
They are already organizing to oust all the insanity they see regarding how their basic necessities of life are being made more and more expensive and less and less obtainable. I think the next 2 elections are going to be quite interesting as many more of them are going to start voting and they don’t like how us older generations have handled things. They are the largest generation on Earth now and will soon be the largest voting block. And they embrace Free Speech. Maybe hug a GenZ-er today!
The Inauguration was a blast to watch. A lot of politicians didn’t go to the Inauguration including Nancy Pelosi. I guess she was busy picking stocks getting botox.
The fashion was fantastic! Melania’s wardrobe has been the topic of speculation for years. In Q world many hours were spent decoding her communications via fashion. So if it’s true that she does this her Inauguration wardrobe was quite interesting. Many say this outfit was to convey “V for Vendetta.”
Then there was the ball gown. Look at that snake(?) making a giant Z (for Zionism?) Incorporating a sideways V also. I think there were messages.
After all the hoopla of the Inauguration and the balls and fashion statements it was time for President Trump to get going on more executive orders.
And right away he squandered his good will when he announced that he wants to let a Stargate company use AI to diagnose your type of cancer and come up with an mRNA jab for it in in 48 hours. (What could possibly go wrong?) This is MAHA???
First of all, they have had a blood test for cancer for years and years. I wrote about this in 2010! And guess who didn’t want to use it? If you said Big pHarma you are correct. Why? Call me crazy but I think it’s because it would replace many tests that were useless and more expensive. Think of all those cancer causing mammogram machines that had to be paid for wouldn’t create revenue if the blood tests were used instead!
But now as a stepping stone to get another jab in your arm, it’s suddenly fine to use their simple blood test to detect cancer. Because now they have a new revenue source to replace those old radiation spewing mammogram machines. Didn’t that work out great for them?
Gee, I bet there won’t ever be any false positives or anything like that. That was from PCR tests, not blood tests, duh. These blood tests will be totally correct all the time and by the way, the new jabs will rely on gene sequencing which also never produces errors. 😜
Just because it’s using mRNA to mess with your DNA shouldn’t alarm you at all. And just because it incentivizes for false positives to help make Big pHarma richer doesn’t mean you should panic at all. Calm down, victims!
There are already at least 10 substacks out today talking all about this ridiculous idea of using mRNA vaccines to “cure” cancer. (As if they really want to! But that’s another topic for another day.) And especially using AI (yes, really) to diagnose the cancer DNA and target it with mRNA. Didn’t we just learn that mRNA is dangerous! More and more studies are corroborating this. 👇
AI is the definition of "Garbage in, garbage out." It gives totally wrong answers to maintain its bias. All its "therapies" will be pHarma created from coal tar derivatives. Hell to the NO for me! I'll treat myself, or just use it to get off this planet.
^^^I’m posting that all over XTwitter, Facebook, and Truth Social. Feel free to copy and paste.
But President Trump also signed an executive order stopping the CDC, FDA, NIH, and HHS from posting any new health information or scientific papers, or publishing health advisories temporarily, till February. This keeps them from putting out their propaganda driving the new plandemic they are gleefully amping up… This might signal that something is up regarding him knowing they are liars. They were all in on this scam last time and drove the whole scary deadly virus narrative. And covered up cures so they could deploy their bioweapons and crap like this. 👇
Changing subjects, some people are saying that allowing foreigners to invest in our infrastructure and businesses is not MAGA. Actually it really is.
Business Investment in our country is good for USA. How do you think China got so rich? We invested in them! (And gave them much of our technology, but that’s a different discussion.) Those businesses investing here create many new jobs and that stimulates the economy all around the business. They also pay taxes to our treasury. It’s International Joint Venturing.
So it’s definitely MAGA to welcome foreign investment in businesses. It’s just the wrong fucking business in this case. How about businesses that actually help our health instead of creating more poison? Or businesses that bring manufacturing back here to the USA? It can look like this. 👇
Just now I thought I was finished writing and opened XTwitter and saw that President Trump ordered the declassification and release of the JFK, RFK, and MLK files. Another promise he has kept! Some of us have been waiting a long time for this!
And then, bam again. President Trump has banned CBDC’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just keeps getting better!
Kind of afraid to go to bed now! What else is he going to do? 😂
As of right now, it has not even been a week since our new President was inaugurated, but whether you love him or hate him, he has got to be the greatest disruptor of all time.
On balance it’s not a 100% win. But We The People made a loud noise in this election and we can make a louder one regarding these mRNA bioweapons. He’s barely begun; let’s see what happens.
Okay that wraps up this week’s Insanity News, brought to you by Free Speech Productions and the OG Conspiracy Theorist Shop. So happy I live in the USA where Big Tech censorship was reined in. Most of the world is still majorly silenced. I’m praying Free Speech spreads world wide.
I’ll be back soon with more memes and commentary on what promises to be an endless supply of Executive Orders.
Enjoy some Pharrell Williams singing about a different kind of freedom. ❤️💕
La, la la la la la, la la la
La, la la la la la, la la la
La, la la la la la, la la la
La, la la la la la, la la la
Hold on to me
Don't let me go
Who cares what they see?
Who cares what they know?
Your first name is Free
Last name is Dom
We choose to believe
In where we're from
Man's red flower
It's in every living thing
Mind, use your power
Spirit, use your wings
Hold on to me
Don't let me go
Cheetahs need to eat
Run, antelope
Your first name is King
Last name is Dom
'Cause you still believe
In everyone
When a baby first breathes
When night sees sunrise
When the whale hunts the sea
When man recognizes
Breathe in
We are from heat
The electric one
Does it shock you to see
He left us the sun?
Atoms in the air
Organisms in the sea
Sun and yes, night
Are made of the same things
Songwriters: Terrence Thornton / David F. Potter / Endle St. Cloud / Gene Elliot Thornton Jr.
Freedom lyrics © Wb Music Corp., Divine Mill Music, Naughty Music, More Water From Nazareth, Emi Pop Music Publishing, Songs Of Universal Inc.
re: Trump Everything AI (incl MRNA)
re-electing Trump is like…
The Titanic backing up to hit the iceberg again.
My step son is engaged to a Chinese lady.
They went there on holiday and sent back many photos of their trip.
High tech, beautifully maintained, seemingly a high standard of living. clean fast trains and no crime riddled streets.
Very different to the propaganda we get force fed in the Western media.
There are obviously going to be other areas and situations, as it's a huge country and downsides I didn't see.
But I doubt that there is a city in Britain, or the US that looks as technologically advanced, or as clean and safe as the ones they saw in China.