In one way I agree. But if Kamala had won, we would have had a new captain but the same ship anyway. Kamala was a vax nazi and all in on more mRNA vaxes too. So either way we were going to get this crap. It's up to us to stop it now. At least he has said there will never be MANDATED vaxes in his administration...Kamala was good to go with mandates....
I have quite a few about her and have made a few too....but I just can't put most of them up because ... melting libs. I got told that my words are violent recently because of a meme so....
"... I got told that my words are violent recently because of a meme ..."
How very unfortunate that the delicate feelings of a few should be able to chill your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech. Some complainers have overly delicate fee-fees, while a few others strategically use such complaints as a tactic to silence viewpoints with which they do not agree. It's a slippery slope that whole nations can quickly slide into the abyss of censorship, like Germany and the United Kingdom, where people can be arrested/imprisoned for expressing an opinion on-line or even for posting a meme!
Carol Burnett (as Eunice Higgins) sings "Feelings":
I agree with you totally. I just don't want to deal with them. They can just be wrong is my motto. Can't help their lack of a sense of humor and they are missing out on some of my good stuff. 😂 I will sprinkle a few in over the next little while JUST FOR YOU. ❤️💕
The J6ers have been released. That effort alone has been worth voting for PDJT…PERIOD!! They were political prisoners and the left had a strategic interest in keeping them locked up.
For those of you too brainwashed by the “my vote doesn’t matter” or “they’re all the same” psyops it’s time to wake up. You have done some much damage to this nation by falling for the best trick the Global elites ever pulled on you. Every year but this one the left encroached further into our lives.
Trump will NOT be perfect but there’s one thing he does and it’s really all that matters. He tells the fucking truth. We have just come thru 30yrs of a war; The War on Reality. It’s the first time in a couple of generations that I feel like it’s actually ok to be white for a change. This was the plan to soften our asses up and it ALMOST worked. The only thing that matters now is finishing these mother fuckers off.
Personally I am open to listening to any scientific breakthrough. All I ask is that I be treated like an adult. That’s it, that’s all.
So well said! I agree. So far I love every executive order but the one about AI. Even that one, it's just the mRNA bs that is problematic for me. AI might be very useful for many things. I just want it to do my laundry and clean my house so I can write more and do more art...
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ENDED MANDATES in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
35million vaxxed are dead Luke, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Who is Donald Trump serving, the American people, or the Illuminati?
And you are a certifiable nut Proberta lol. Catchy name btw. Look too many people caught the damn thing to go around saying that. I am one of them and it sucked. The fever wasn’t so bad even tho it got quite high (102.5) but the pain it inflicted on my lungs was completely unique to anything I had ever felt before. I was going to try and ride but that morning when my lungs were severely inflamed I made a mad dash to the pony paste. The pain was not a 10 but it was noticeable as hell.
My point is something caused it goddamn it. And no I am not a whiny hypochondriac. I know a Navy Seal Captain that has lost some percentage of his lungs.
When covid first came on the scene I was curious to know if I had it. I failed probably a half dozen tests. After coming home from the airport in 2022 I knew immediately that I had it but was still curious. I took 2 tests a longer and shorter version. Both of them came up positive.
Proberta not sure what your intentions are. I suspect it’s just to make us all look like fucking retards. Well I am not going to let you. In fact I have a suggestion that can help you help us see the light. Next time there’s an Ebola outbreak I want you to volunteer to go pay those people dying of nothing a visit. We shall see what happens to you. What better way for you to prove to the world what you already know.
Again Luke, why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Proberta didn't say that people did not get sick. She said there was/is no virus. A lot of very smart people think virology is junk science - including some prominent former virologists who walked away.
Then what got people sick I must ask? There’s enough people that I know and trust who had something to speak of. A lot of my friends tested positive but really had nothing more to show for it than the common cold.
Tell you a little secret. In the middle of summer of Central FL 2001 I was 25 and good shape. I noticed I was getting sick. The next several days would be hell. My fever got up to 104 and the pain was intense. I almost wanted to die it was that severe.
At the end of the 4th day I procured a ZPack (antibiotics I think). Doubt it mattered much as it had already ran it’s course. One other friend caught it while the other two in the household did not.
FF to 2022 and I was listening to a guy describe the diseases associated with the people coming across the border. I heard the term “break bone fever” in reference to Dengue Fever. I about shit my pants lol. Then I looked at the symptoms and tho rarely fatal it was an extremely painful experience.
Absolutely NO clue how I got it but it wasn’t to be mistaken. Covid and it’s lung inflammation was no joke. All I am saying is these things are hit and they are not to be taken lightly. The Dengue Fever makes no sense yet the symptoms fit every piece of the puzzle. Too many people caught covid and you can’t dismiss them all as crackpot hypochondriac pussies.
In fact I feel horrible for those poor people they withheld the antidote from (IVM & HCQ). I couldn’t imagine drowning in my own fluids in a hospital. Would have been terrifying. And these people that suffered such fate deserve a modicum of respect. Like I said I know (personally a SEAL) Captain who got hit hard. I don’t know why or what triggered it.
Well said. Most balanced view I have heard in a long time.
I wonder there must be a server of dumped memes. like a rubbish tip for all of this we do for these strange technocratic elite that own all the servers.
a giant rubbish tip of subversive memes that they found too much for there precious heatless egos? Maybe it all goes to golem in the caves eating raw fish
when looking at the Russian metro stations, compared to the NY ones, the commenter compared the Russian ones with works of art. They are. Watching docs about former soviet-governed countries, the only one that fell out of the boat was very westernized Czechia, where lots of graffiti now disturb the view. All others are top--clean, no pants hanging down people's bottoms, every one dressed nicely. I think I would feel much safer walking in Moscow than walking in NYC.
Great as long as you do not criticize any govt. program, anyone in govt, or anyone who could have any possible influence over your life and livelihood. When everything is painted as Potemkin wonderful you may begin to wonder how 'they' pulled Utopia off. At least America has the promise of its constitution if the people want to make it stick.
I'm in the UK, so freedom of speech under this current government is pretty much non existent.
The media / press are now just a propaganda outlet for the government and the police and courts act as their enforcers if you say the wrong thing.
I fully agree with the possibility of the Chinese living under a more censorious and oppressive government, but I know with absolute certainty that our Western leaders have lied to us continually for decades.
About everything.
So the truth about China may be somewhat different than the image we are being force fed.
recently I saw several tube films about Russia. Several answered my comments. They too seem to be happy with their govt, their lives, their country. I tried my best to learn the alphabet only to be able to read their names! but my times of learning languages is over. I agree with you, being multilingual is in fact essential. Great article. Indeed, Some good, some bad. How can anyone trust the mRna crap if one of the inventors is doing his utmost to stop them?
Thank you. I took Russian in college but it was so hard to learn the cyrillic alphabet I gave up. Also I was taking French and Spanish at the same time so it was difficult to switch my brain back and forth...
I’m pretty sure it’s accurate about the Chinese. I have suspected it for a couple of years now. I used to believe their govt wanted to control their citizens by keeping out freedom loving information lol. Nah turns out they wanted to keep Globohomo propaganda away from them. The shit is degrading to a society. This is why Americans are sick. This is why they have pushed weed, Xanax, and pain pills on the population of the West.
Trump's intention to make "Manifest Destiny" great again seriously contradicts his elsewhere commitment to upholding and respecting other countries' national sovereignty. Especially pertinent to us Canadians. And does his plan not also neatly fit into a One World Government/New World Order scheme?
And why aren't we getting to hear anything from RFK Jr in the midst of this latest mRNA bullcrap? It's too much a repeat of 2020 when Trump had appointed him as his advisor (or some such thing) only to push him to the curb for Fauci and Birx.
Yes to his fixing the things he is (gender wars and illegal immigration) but the honeymoon's definitely over. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, after all???
I understand the outrage from people about this. And I would never advocate for taking another country by force. NEVER. Only by their choice. But I have quite a few Canadian friends who are all for joining us. As for RFK jr, I'm hoping they are keeping him under wraps so he has a chance of being confirmed. It's not looking like it will be easy for him at all. IMO, there is no perfect man, and there is no way to satisfy everyone...and I'm never going to be okay with mRNA vaccines or any other vaccine for that matter, but as long as they are not REQUIRED to live, and there isn't a CBDC I feel relieved. Also, he is anti war and there hasn't been a US President who is since forever. I'm still in wait and see mode. 💕
Interesting. I don't think President Trump would want him as governor. They are miles apart on any case, probably would have to be voted on?
Policy doesnt seem to matter anymore. They just want to create Hunger Games districts. Adding Greenland & Canada just so happen to be part of that NWO agenda :(
I get that too about the NWO agenda...I actually don't think they can pull off the Hunger Games scenario though, as much as they want long as we still have Free Speech. Hope I'm right. 💕
Klause Schwaab just promised us an internet blackout. I suspect that when it comes back up ... free speech will be a thing of the past.
In my mind Trump was all for taking down Tic Toc, Just so he could reinstate it , ust to look like he's a good guy & then have ELon purchase it. One World restricted gov internet where all purchases will have to go thru X.
The sock puppet is still talking and he only ‘intended’ to step down. It’s Canadian liberal theatrics and our parliament is on hold until March (I think). It’s all BS.
There is so much going on that I can't keep up and I don't understand crypto or how it works so will have to look into that and read others who do understand to see if it's good bad, ugly, or inconsequencial overall....thanks for telling me about it. ❤️💕
A nice person named JEN just replied to me in another stack. This helped me understand so much Heather, I brought it over here for ya :)
Yep, I came to the comments to clarify that Trump doesn't have his own cryptocurrency. He has his own meme coin. That's even worse. Cryptocurrency, for all it's many problems and it's very high risk, is at least (for now) a real currency. It has its own value that fluctuates greatly.
Meme coins, otoh, are strictly collectors items with no actual value whatsoever. It's like the difference between collecting coins, and collecting those souvenir fake coins that you can buy at all kinds of tourist attractions or events. Meme coins, like the souvenirs, gain all their value strictly from popular demand for the collectors item. They are pretty much universally a money loser and are even more high risk that regular crypto. It's likely that many people, swept up in MAGA fever, don't realize this and think they are buying actual currency's! endorsed by Trump. In reality they are buying virtual Monopoly money with Trump's face on it.
Oh, and this market is wide open, meaning anybody (including corporations, foreign governments, and billionaires of course) can use it to funnel as much bribery as they can afford straight to Trump's pockets without anyone but him knowing who gave money and how much
oh so like commenorative coins...they have a bunch of Trump ones of those already. Someone gave me a few...I don't ever think of them as an investment! I think coin collectors understand that. (I'm a coin collector) But who knows how far the grift goes?
I think a commemorative coin would have given you at least a physical coin... this is one's & zero's as far as I know.
I think these MEME coins are precursors to CBDC. He put his Meme out...people THOUGHT they were real, so they invested REAL money, I forget how many BILLIONS ... Then, Malania put her coin out & Everybody invested in that, Then they did a rug pull/dick pull type of thing & Wham sucker...all the REAL money was gone.
This is how I see CBDC going...It'll be in your acct until the gov. gets pissed off cuz tyou wrong thinked & next thing you know ... digital dollars go POOF into the night. ...... Sigh
Totally agree on CBDC. Not good at all. Surveillance and control over everything. One wrong statement or meme and poof, gone! He did sign an executive order last night though, stating NO CBDC during his administration...He is actually very knowledgeable about the central banks and how they hurt us. He talked about it in 2003 when I saw him at that conference. I didn't keep up on all the MEME coins as I don't want any....I'm going to research the Melania coin and see what I can find out. Thanks for letting me know about all this!!! ❤️💕
WOW! Thanks, Heather…what a phenomenal breakdown and overview of our first days into this new administration and the potential new dawn of America.
Being in TX - the border was critical for us…more than anyone, who is not on the front lines, will ever know.
You delivered such a wise and comprehensive look at some astonishing victories. Such smart observations - and you are without a doubt our Meme Diva - absolute killer memes.
Memes are so powerful…!!! They can cut deeper than any sword!
And Trump and Melania are in Asheville, NC, right now…sanity and compassion…and some leadership, at last - it’s a beautiful thing!
It's actually courageous to be optimistic these days, our trust has been so broken, but things have never looked better...ever...! And we'll deal with the disappointments as they roll out...we will not go quietly!
So much to be thankful for…and we are awake enough to make our demands clear…free speech, darling…it is the entry point for any battle.
Thank you again for this great stack...just brilliant! 💖💖
Thank you! Yes Free Speech was the first one he signed after the one nullifying 78 of Senile Joe's orders. #1A forever! That's the whole key to it all. Like my meme says, "I've tried shutting up. It's not for me."'s okay to be giddy for these victories. Don't let the black pillers get you down. It's only his 5th day. I wrote him a long letter yesterday. And I once got a real one from him with his signature when I wrote him from Ireland. Letters help. I totally recommend it...anyway, some have no idea how hard we worked to have this week. Have a margarita for me. 💕❤️💋💏
We worked so hard and had to trust our instincts against so much doubt and confusion...we had no choice but to trust ourselves- against all odds, just one more proud of all of us!!!
You are so much more diplomatic with the black pillers...I tend to unload...luckily, I have so little time for individual spankings...
Burning Bright just posted a stack and this paragraph stood out to me...
"I believe the posture Trump and his allies (and that all of us,) are adopting in the early days of what we WILL see as a new American Golden Age, comes on the back of all the darkness we were alternatively forced and patient enough to endure en route to cultivating as much of the public mandate as was possible to convince the American people to save themselves."
I really feel like we jumped into an alternate that so many of us visualized and prayed for...the paradigm shift is monumental, even if a lot don't see feels so liberating to me...I'm not going to miss this party! Let the margaritas flow! 💖💋
Heather thanks for this great overview of President Trump's first week in office, and the wonderful memes! We are all hopeful that we are winning this spiritual war against the demonic overlords! Fantastic!
Stargate? Really? WTF is really up with that? AI cancer diagnosis and mRNA super vaccines to ‘cure’ the cancers they created. Pardon me if I am more than a wee bit skeptical.
thank you so much Heather🙏 I am usually very careful about Getty (didn’t use anything from their website when I wrote about it)… so thank you again for catching this (was probably tired.) replaced with a better picture from Wikipedia with no attribution (use wiki photos a lot so hope that’s okay)
Many of the initial executive orders were a long time coming GREAT news, especially divorcing Klaus Schwab evil, closing borders and freeing J6 ers.
Some of his initial talk I found startling, still scratching my head over talk of taking over Greenland, Canada etc WTF? Did he even once mention this desire to take over other countries during his campaign? Gulf of America? Where'd this shit come from? Did I miss something? Watch the ego, Donald. Make America First does not mean to take over the world. Sounds like greedy globalism to me.
By far the worst was his talk of MRNA and geez sure let's use AI to diagnose ... what a nightmare!
That new Chinese AI says nothing happened at Tianamen (Sp?) Square. Garbage in, garbage out...No I never heard him talk about MAGA meaning Make the whole northern western hemisphere America!!! Gulf of America. My theory is that it expands the legal territorial waters to make it easier to prosecute drug dealers and terrorists. Haven't heard anyone else talk about it so don't know. WILD, though, right? 💕
Right so much happening so fast, hard to keep up. As I try, I do appreciate hearing your take, Heather. Garbage in, garbage out - YES on that, I'd say to ALL AI. Don't trust it. AI pretty much mirrors back whatever media says, right? And since most media is garbage, especially anything mainstream, why even GO there? Still stubbornly refusing to look at AI.
Thank God there are people like you, Heather! You're smart, wise, and -- last but not least -- you make great memes!
Thank you so much! I thanked you earlier, not sure why comments disappear? ❤️💕
Thank you! ❤️💕
re: Trump Everything AI (incl MRNA)
re-electing Trump is like…
The Titanic backing up to hit the iceberg again.
In one way I agree. But if Kamala had won, we would have had a new captain but the same ship anyway. Kamala was a vax nazi and all in on more mRNA vaxes too. So either way we were going to get this crap. It's up to us to stop it now. At least he has said there will never be MANDATED vaxes in his administration...Kamala was good to go with mandates....
and a very poor vice commander. All the women - memes applied to her.
I have quite a few about her and have made a few too....but I just can't put most of them up because ... melting libs. I got told that my words are violent recently because of a meme so....
"... I got told that my words are violent recently because of a meme ..."
How very unfortunate that the delicate feelings of a few should be able to chill your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech. Some complainers have overly delicate fee-fees, while a few others strategically use such complaints as a tactic to silence viewpoints with which they do not agree. It's a slippery slope that whole nations can quickly slide into the abyss of censorship, like Germany and the United Kingdom, where people can be arrested/imprisoned for expressing an opinion on-line or even for posting a meme!
Carol Burnett (as Eunice Higgins) sings "Feelings":
I agree with you totally. I just don't want to deal with them. They can just be wrong is my motto. Can't help their lack of a sense of humor and they are missing out on some of my good stuff. 😂 I will sprinkle a few in over the next little while JUST FOR YOU. ❤️💕
The J6ers have been released. That effort alone has been worth voting for PDJT…PERIOD!! They were political prisoners and the left had a strategic interest in keeping them locked up.
For those of you too brainwashed by the “my vote doesn’t matter” or “they’re all the same” psyops it’s time to wake up. You have done some much damage to this nation by falling for the best trick the Global elites ever pulled on you. Every year but this one the left encroached further into our lives.
Trump will NOT be perfect but there’s one thing he does and it’s really all that matters. He tells the fucking truth. We have just come thru 30yrs of a war; The War on Reality. It’s the first time in a couple of generations that I feel like it’s actually ok to be white for a change. This was the plan to soften our asses up and it ALMOST worked. The only thing that matters now is finishing these mother fuckers off.
Personally I am open to listening to any scientific breakthrough. All I ask is that I be treated like an adult. That’s it, that’s all.
So well said! I agree. So far I love every executive order but the one about AI. Even that one, it's just the mRNA bs that is problematic for me. AI might be very useful for many things. I just want it to do my laundry and clean my house so I can write more and do more art...
"He tells the fucking truth."
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ENDED MANDATES in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
35million vaxxed are dead Luke, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Who is Donald Trump serving, the American people, or the Illuminati?
And you are a certifiable nut Proberta lol. Catchy name btw. Look too many people caught the damn thing to go around saying that. I am one of them and it sucked. The fever wasn’t so bad even tho it got quite high (102.5) but the pain it inflicted on my lungs was completely unique to anything I had ever felt before. I was going to try and ride but that morning when my lungs were severely inflamed I made a mad dash to the pony paste. The pain was not a 10 but it was noticeable as hell.
My point is something caused it goddamn it. And no I am not a whiny hypochondriac. I know a Navy Seal Captain that has lost some percentage of his lungs.
When covid first came on the scene I was curious to know if I had it. I failed probably a half dozen tests. After coming home from the airport in 2022 I knew immediately that I had it but was still curious. I took 2 tests a longer and shorter version. Both of them came up positive.
Proberta not sure what your intentions are. I suspect it’s just to make us all look like fucking retards. Well I am not going to let you. In fact I have a suggestion that can help you help us see the light. Next time there’s an Ebola outbreak I want you to volunteer to go pay those people dying of nothing a visit. We shall see what happens to you. What better way for you to prove to the world what you already know.
Again Luke, why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccine is safe, and to take it???
Proberta I haven’t a clue what you are talking about 🤷♂️
Proberta didn't say that people did not get sick. She said there was/is no virus. A lot of very smart people think virology is junk science - including some prominent former virologists who walked away.
Then what got people sick I must ask? There’s enough people that I know and trust who had something to speak of. A lot of my friends tested positive but really had nothing more to show for it than the common cold.
Tell you a little secret. In the middle of summer of Central FL 2001 I was 25 and good shape. I noticed I was getting sick. The next several days would be hell. My fever got up to 104 and the pain was intense. I almost wanted to die it was that severe.
At the end of the 4th day I procured a ZPack (antibiotics I think). Doubt it mattered much as it had already ran it’s course. One other friend caught it while the other two in the household did not.
FF to 2022 and I was listening to a guy describe the diseases associated with the people coming across the border. I heard the term “break bone fever” in reference to Dengue Fever. I about shit my pants lol. Then I looked at the symptoms and tho rarely fatal it was an extremely painful experience.
Absolutely NO clue how I got it but it wasn’t to be mistaken. Covid and it’s lung inflammation was no joke. All I am saying is these things are hit and they are not to be taken lightly. The Dengue Fever makes no sense yet the symptoms fit every piece of the puzzle. Too many people caught covid and you can’t dismiss them all as crackpot hypochondriac pussies.
In fact I feel horrible for those poor people they withheld the antidote from (IVM & HCQ). I couldn’t imagine drowning in my own fluids in a hospital. Would have been terrifying. And these people that suffered such fate deserve a modicum of respect. Like I said I know (personally a SEAL) Captain who got hit hard. I don’t know why or what triggered it.
No One "won..." Trump was reappointed. Kamala's role was just for show.
Escape the Cave! (article):
Exactly. 💯💯💯💯
🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻
I’m beginning to think the (fake) “cancer Vax” angle is meant purely to sell the construction of these massive data centers to the public.
all government is fake.
Yes, I wonder whether Trump is supporting them, or exposing them?
if you have the choice between hitting the iceberg again, or blowing up a rocket to the moon, that is not a real choice is it?
Well said. Most balanced view I have heard in a long time.
I wonder there must be a server of dumped memes. like a rubbish tip for all of this we do for these strange technocratic elite that own all the servers.
a giant rubbish tip of subversive memes that they found too much for there precious heatless egos? Maybe it all goes to golem in the caves eating raw fish
❤️ Thank you! I have 3 laptops, and at least 5 thumb drives full of memes! But Zuck has thousands of mine in his black hole of my banned accounts. 💕
mine too
respect <3
write to trump ! may be he sets the locked up memes free too ! amnesty !
GBush Jnr smirked when Mr T didnt unlock the vault of 9-11
I was wondering why he didn't declassify those too? Because Bush is still alive?
Not in one's best interest to incriminate one's self in collusion to defraud the American people.
My step son is engaged to a Chinese lady.
They went there on holiday and sent back many photos of their trip.
High tech, beautifully maintained, seemingly a high standard of living. clean fast trains and no crime riddled streets.
Very different to the propaganda we get force fed in the Western media.
There are obviously going to be other areas and situations, as it's a huge country and downsides I didn't see.
But I doubt that there is a city in Britain, or the US that looks as technologically advanced, or as clean and safe as the ones they saw in China.
Thanks for letting me know! 💕
when looking at the Russian metro stations, compared to the NY ones, the commenter compared the Russian ones with works of art. They are. Watching docs about former soviet-governed countries, the only one that fell out of the boat was very westernized Czechia, where lots of graffiti now disturb the view. All others are top--clean, no pants hanging down people's bottoms, every one dressed nicely. I think I would feel much safer walking in Moscow than walking in NYC.
Great as long as you do not criticize any govt. program, anyone in govt, or anyone who could have any possible influence over your life and livelihood. When everything is painted as Potemkin wonderful you may begin to wonder how 'they' pulled Utopia off. At least America has the promise of its constitution if the people want to make it stick.
🎯 Absolutely.
I'm in the UK, so freedom of speech under this current government is pretty much non existent.
The media / press are now just a propaganda outlet for the government and the police and courts act as their enforcers if you say the wrong thing.
I fully agree with the possibility of the Chinese living under a more censorious and oppressive government, but I know with absolute certainty that our Western leaders have lied to us continually for decades.
About everything.
So the truth about China may be somewhat different than the image we are being force fed.
You are correct. The Chinese have cities of which the West can only dream. Civil rights, they're a completely different matter.
recently I saw several tube films about Russia. Several answered my comments. They too seem to be happy with their govt, their lives, their country. I tried my best to learn the alphabet only to be able to read their names! but my times of learning languages is over. I agree with you, being multilingual is in fact essential. Great article. Indeed, Some good, some bad. How can anyone trust the mRna crap if one of the inventors is doing his utmost to stop them?
Thank you. I took Russian in college but it was so hard to learn the cyrillic alphabet I gave up. Also I was taking French and Spanish at the same time so it was difficult to switch my brain back and forth...
I’m pretty sure it’s accurate about the Chinese. I have suspected it for a couple of years now. I used to believe their govt wanted to control their citizens by keeping out freedom loving information lol. Nah turns out they wanted to keep Globohomo propaganda away from them. The shit is degrading to a society. This is why Americans are sick. This is why they have pushed weed, Xanax, and pain pills on the population of the West.
Trump's intention to make "Manifest Destiny" great again seriously contradicts his elsewhere commitment to upholding and respecting other countries' national sovereignty. Especially pertinent to us Canadians. And does his plan not also neatly fit into a One World Government/New World Order scheme?
And why aren't we getting to hear anything from RFK Jr in the midst of this latest mRNA bullcrap? It's too much a repeat of 2020 when Trump had appointed him as his advisor (or some such thing) only to push him to the curb for Fauci and Birx.
Yes to his fixing the things he is (gender wars and illegal immigration) but the honeymoon's definitely over. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, after all???
I understand the outrage from people about this. And I would never advocate for taking another country by force. NEVER. Only by their choice. But I have quite a few Canadian friends who are all for joining us. As for RFK jr, I'm hoping they are keeping him under wraps so he has a chance of being confirmed. It's not looking like it will be easy for him at all. IMO, there is no perfect man, and there is no way to satisfy everyone...and I'm never going to be okay with mRNA vaccines or any other vaccine for that matter, but as long as they are not REQUIRED to live, and there isn't a CBDC I feel relieved. Also, he is anti war and there hasn't been a US President who is since forever. I'm still in wait and see mode. 💕
Trudeau stepped down as Prime Minister so could become GOVERNOR of the 51st state is how it feels to me. We'll see.
Interesting. I don't think President Trump would want him as governor. They are miles apart on any case, probably would have to be voted on?
Policy doesnt seem to matter anymore. They just want to create Hunger Games districts. Adding Greenland & Canada just so happen to be part of that NWO agenda :(
I hope I'm wrong...
I get that too about the NWO agenda...I actually don't think they can pull off the Hunger Games scenario though, as much as they want long as we still have Free Speech. Hope I'm right. 💕
Klause Schwaab just promised us an internet blackout. I suspect that when it comes back up ... free speech will be a thing of the past.
In my mind Trump was all for taking down Tic Toc, Just so he could reinstate it , ust to look like he's a good guy & then have ELon purchase it. One World restricted gov internet where all purchases will have to go thru X.
I hope you're right too!!!!!! ✨💖✨
The sock puppet is still talking and he only ‘intended’ to step down. It’s Canadian liberal theatrics and our parliament is on hold until March (I think). It’s all BS.
How disappointing for you guys. From here I can't understand how he got elected at all.
Oh no, So sorry to hear that.
Sorry Heather I didn’t see this until now. Good response, all ‘round!
I Love your optimism Heather.
Trumps 2nd day, he screwed everybody on his Trump/Malania coin meme. BILLIONS of dollars of the PEOPLES money lost to another billionaire. (rug pull)
I'm not gonna be a Debbie downer here ....I'm out. ... You're welcome:)
((HUGS) )🥰
There is so much going on that I can't keep up and I don't understand crypto or how it works so will have to look into that and read others who do understand to see if it's good bad, ugly, or inconsequencial overall....thanks for telling me about it. ❤️💕
A nice person named JEN just replied to me in another stack. This helped me understand so much Heather, I brought it over here for ya :)
Yep, I came to the comments to clarify that Trump doesn't have his own cryptocurrency. He has his own meme coin. That's even worse. Cryptocurrency, for all it's many problems and it's very high risk, is at least (for now) a real currency. It has its own value that fluctuates greatly.
Meme coins, otoh, are strictly collectors items with no actual value whatsoever. It's like the difference between collecting coins, and collecting those souvenir fake coins that you can buy at all kinds of tourist attractions or events. Meme coins, like the souvenirs, gain all their value strictly from popular demand for the collectors item. They are pretty much universally a money loser and are even more high risk that regular crypto. It's likely that many people, swept up in MAGA fever, don't realize this and think they are buying actual currency's! endorsed by Trump. In reality they are buying virtual Monopoly money with Trump's face on it.
Oh, and this market is wide open, meaning anybody (including corporations, foreign governments, and billionaires of course) can use it to funnel as much bribery as they can afford straight to Trump's pockets without anyone but him knowing who gave money and how much
Hope this helps:)
oh so like commenorative coins...they have a bunch of Trump ones of those already. Someone gave me a few...I don't ever think of them as an investment! I think coin collectors understand that. (I'm a coin collector) But who knows how far the grift goes?
I think a commemorative coin would have given you at least a physical coin... this is one's & zero's as far as I know.
I think these MEME coins are precursors to CBDC. He put his Meme out...people THOUGHT they were real, so they invested REAL money, I forget how many BILLIONS ... Then, Malania put her coin out & Everybody invested in that, Then they did a rug pull/dick pull type of thing & Wham sucker...all the REAL money was gone.
This is how I see CBDC going...It'll be in your acct until the gov. gets pissed off cuz tyou wrong thinked & next thing you know ... digital dollars go POOF into the night. ...... Sigh
Totally agree on CBDC. Not good at all. Surveillance and control over everything. One wrong statement or meme and poof, gone! He did sign an executive order last night though, stating NO CBDC during his administration...He is actually very knowledgeable about the central banks and how they hurt us. He talked about it in 2003 when I saw him at that conference. I didn't keep up on all the MEME coins as I don't want any....I'm going to research the Melania coin and see what I can find out. Thanks for letting me know about all this!!! ❤️💕
No problem Heather. I can't wrap my brain around any of this digital dystopia, so I'm glad you're taking on the cause!
Well, THAT IS a RELIEF that Trump signed that order.
Crazy Times! 🫶
Thank you! ❤️💕
WOW! Thanks, Heather…what a phenomenal breakdown and overview of our first days into this new administration and the potential new dawn of America.
Being in TX - the border was critical for us…more than anyone, who is not on the front lines, will ever know.
You delivered such a wise and comprehensive look at some astonishing victories. Such smart observations - and you are without a doubt our Meme Diva - absolute killer memes.
Memes are so powerful…!!! They can cut deeper than any sword!
And Trump and Melania are in Asheville, NC, right now…sanity and compassion…and some leadership, at last - it’s a beautiful thing!
It's actually courageous to be optimistic these days, our trust has been so broken, but things have never looked better...ever...! And we'll deal with the disappointments as they roll out...we will not go quietly!
So much to be thankful for…and we are awake enough to make our demands clear…free speech, darling…it is the entry point for any battle.
Thank you again for this great stack...just brilliant! 💖💖
Thank you! Yes Free Speech was the first one he signed after the one nullifying 78 of Senile Joe's orders. #1A forever! That's the whole key to it all. Like my meme says, "I've tried shutting up. It's not for me."'s okay to be giddy for these victories. Don't let the black pillers get you down. It's only his 5th day. I wrote him a long letter yesterday. And I once got a real one from him with his signature when I wrote him from Ireland. Letters help. I totally recommend it...anyway, some have no idea how hard we worked to have this week. Have a margarita for me. 💕❤️💋💏
I'm unashamedly giddy!!!
and...WOW...a letter with a signature!
We worked so hard and had to trust our instincts against so much doubt and confusion...we had no choice but to trust ourselves- against all odds, just one more proud of all of us!!!
You are so much more diplomatic with the black pillers...I tend to unload...luckily, I have so little time for individual spankings...
Burning Bright just posted a stack and this paragraph stood out to me...
"I believe the posture Trump and his allies (and that all of us,) are adopting in the early days of what we WILL see as a new American Golden Age, comes on the back of all the darkness we were alternatively forced and patient enough to endure en route to cultivating as much of the public mandate as was possible to convince the American people to save themselves."
I really feel like we jumped into an alternate that so many of us visualized and prayed for...the paradigm shift is monumental, even if a lot don't see feels so liberating to me...I'm not going to miss this party! Let the margaritas flow! 💖💋
Heather thanks for this great overview of President Trump's first week in office, and the wonderful memes! We are all hopeful that we are winning this spiritual war against the demonic overlords! Fantastic!
You're so welcome. THANK YOU! ❤️💕
Stargate? Really? WTF is really up with that? AI cancer diagnosis and mRNA super vaccines to ‘cure’ the cancers they created. Pardon me if I am more than a wee bit skeptical.
🎯 Sounds suspicious for sure!
Make Everywhere Great Again! 💕
Nice synopsis with memes, Heather. Thank you for that and the Phun Pharrell song.
Thank you! 💕
thank you so much Heather🙏 I am usually very careful about Getty (didn’t use anything from their website when I wrote about it)… so thank you again for catching this (was probably tired.) replaced with a better picture from Wikipedia with no attribution (use wiki photos a lot so hope that’s okay)
YW. yes Wiki is fine. I'm glad. Getty is relentless. 💕
the Getty Center also had a really gnarly terms of service too that scared me from using anything directly from that source.
thank you again for your sharp eyes!!!
So many high fives on this, Heather.
Many of the initial executive orders were a long time coming GREAT news, especially divorcing Klaus Schwab evil, closing borders and freeing J6 ers.
Some of his initial talk I found startling, still scratching my head over talk of taking over Greenland, Canada etc WTF? Did he even once mention this desire to take over other countries during his campaign? Gulf of America? Where'd this shit come from? Did I miss something? Watch the ego, Donald. Make America First does not mean to take over the world. Sounds like greedy globalism to me.
By far the worst was his talk of MRNA and geez sure let's use AI to diagnose ... what a nightmare!
I. Just, Can. Not... WTF!?
That new Chinese AI says nothing happened at Tianamen (Sp?) Square. Garbage in, garbage out...No I never heard him talk about MAGA meaning Make the whole northern western hemisphere America!!! Gulf of America. My theory is that it expands the legal territorial waters to make it easier to prosecute drug dealers and terrorists. Haven't heard anyone else talk about it so don't know. WILD, though, right? 💕
Right so much happening so fast, hard to keep up. As I try, I do appreciate hearing your take, Heather. Garbage in, garbage out - YES on that, I'd say to ALL AI. Don't trust it. AI pretty much mirrors back whatever media says, right? And since most media is garbage, especially anything mainstream, why even GO there? Still stubbornly refusing to look at AI.