I've seen these. Hesitant to put blame on a mom for the actions of her daughter though. Kids have a mind of their own sometimes...thanks for your input. 💕
Interesting that the dot com Buble of the 90s coincided with Prozac and ergo Y2K fashion is retrending now. There has always been a market correlation. Corporatocracies are the signal for end of history as Nick land essays would say. Great article. Harsh that truth's are just PR tropes now.
Not surprising. It has fluoride in it. Masks your feelings. Nothing about it is good, really. It actually is correlated with suicidal thoughts too. So like many drugs it does the opposite of what it says it will do. 🙃
I had just gotten out of rehab for drinking. Did what the dr told me. I found out years later I had adrenal exhaustion and etc. I fell for many rx . Eventually came to my senses. A few years ago I was blessed by God with an integrative medicine doctor. Insurance dictated doctors, when I was on disability for years, they gaslight and neglect. Consistently. Then they blame YOU for being discouraged and depressed.
I’d tell them, I’m not depressed except I i just need a doctor who will listen. So they called me non compliant.
For a long time, I just kept trying different antidepressants. It is embarrassing how long it took me to come to my senses and stop trusting insurance dictated doctors.
I tried Chantix for smoking and had to cease. I had 2 episodes where I suddenly had urges to hurt myself. I was in the shower the second time, my mind said “ jump out the window “. The other time I was driving and I had an urge to swerve into a beautiful huge oak tree.
It was new on the market. I foolishly thought my doctor office would have had to report it. Apparently i should have & never knew enough to do the paperwork with the manufacturer.
This is just scary AF. I've heard this many times though. They know. They just don't care. $$$ are all that matter to them. So sorry. I'm glad you found something that worked. ❤️
We spend a lot of time looking for food without junk in it, reverse osmosis water and as little prescriptions as possible, I take a lot of supplements recommended by my doctor, pure encapsulation brand, most of them. Very thankful.
Why in the hell anyone with any ability left to reason would believe a single thing coming out of the mouth of The Snake Donald Trump is beyond me. Who has lied and betrayed everyone over and over.
This is the man who released the murderous bioweapon in OPERATION WARP SPEED and continually called himself The Father of the Vaccine, etc. Initiated lock downs, mandatory masks, social distancing, school, church and business closings...
Are memories so short they are now exceeded by the goldfish? People love to say they are "awake", "question everything", "don't believe the MSM". UNTIL it suits their precious and egotistically held "beliefs" and then...POOF. THE TRUTH IS THROWN OUT WITH THE GARBAGE.
If you think Trump is going to investigate the very industries that support him or that an extremely strategic phone call was "leaked", or that the so obviously staged "event" was real, you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
I in no way support ANY politician. The world is in the midst of a global take down and unless you realize anyone in the public eye is an enemy, you are an enemy as well.
If you support this man you are like a woman married to a man who abuses his family and keeps saying, "He promises to do better. I just know he will....he hasn't SAID he'll do better, but he will...I have faith in him. I LOVE him. He loves me..." While her children lay dying in a corner with black eyes and broken bodies.
Just like the children dead and dying from the injections Trump unleashed on them.
I am very close to being entirely over people. God Bless.
But if I sell bramble leaves today and advise my customer to drink three bowls of an infusion to ease his angina, I am at risk of two years in prison and €37,500 in fines for illegally practising medicine.
“And if I write out a prescription so he can buy his bramble leaves elsewhere, the prison sentence goes up to five years and the fine to €100,000.”
Punitive. Yet it has taken off big time behind scenes where people are learning plant skills and helping out each other.
Yes, I know about France. Have friends there who told me all about it. When I visited there I ran out of Vit C and could not get very much of it at all because thru Codex Alimentarius they are limited on how much they are allowed to buy. Had a long talk with a pharmicist while waiting for it as it is kinda like a controlled substance. Unbelievable! Huge black market created which drives up the price. I was going to write SICK! But stupid seems more appropriate. ❤️
I remember in the UK a few years back someone telling me that herbalists and natural medicine practitioners were 'eliminated' by the pharmaceutical company and I thought she was talking nonsense - the pharmaceutical industry was our friend! It wouldn't do that, surely? Oh how I have woken up!
I'm not a herbalist BTW I was quoting someone else. But I am doing a couple of courses. One of them is the Herbalista Free school, which is based in the US. It is online and is ...free! A brilliant intro if anyone is interested x
I had no idea! A ban on herbalism. The Canadian government is trying to bring natural health products under greater control. They want the people sick and without natural options that actually heal the body. The assault is insane.
Dishonesty abounds. It used to be hidden as much as possible, but now brazenly works right out in the open. In nearly every fragment of society, there seems to be a competition as to how much evil can be gotten away with, and dollars reaped in the process. Money appears to be the main objective, and usually is, but the quest for its accumulation is unquenchable. Boundaries are continually breached; pushed outward. Watchdog agencies fail their duties and succumb to the pressures and bribery. All these effects are now quite evident, but there is yet more on the horizon to be warned of!
Scripture is clear. Things will continue (in a general direction) toward evil, culminating in total disregard for human life; e.g. Parents against children, and children against parents. Selfishness and covetousness and the lack of love drive in the wedge. Social chaos ensues. (Matt. 24)
So, if we are to have hope for any goodness, we must look to the Scriptures and the promises of God. Worldly corruption is like cancer. There is a tipping point from which it is impossible to live through. It's OK to give up hoping for an honest change of heart among the wolves. But it is NOT OK to give up all hope. True hope exists ONLY in the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ. Learn of Him, obey His Commandments and be saved.
He'll keep all His campaign promises just like He did last time! He locked Killary up! He built the wall - and Mexico paid for it! He drained the swamp! He balanced the debt! He released the JFK files! He reinvestigated 9/11! Oh, surely He will do all He says THIS time!
Wait... He praised Killary at the inauguration dinner! No wall was built and Mexico paid for nothing. He appointed the swamp. The debt increased by 8.4 trillion. No JFK files were released. And 9/11 was ignored.
Yeah, He's really good at keeping those promises. Bet He will do as well this time around.
As for Trump addressing vaxxes...his areas of concern are so far behind the curve, purposely...another distraction - this is like putting a bandaid on a beheading....it's an appeasing headfake - it's his angle to get around the coming tsunami of criticism and it will make his cult feel like he might one day (after the pharma donations have been spent) finally get to the vax genocide - and the the cult will say..."well, I'm sure he'll get to the DeathJabs, as soon as we get those child vaccine schedules spread out a bit...and a few of the cult defectors might be persuaded to get back on the "bullet" train.
And all of his lawsuits (which have been a massive distraction...and oddly seem to be going away, leaving him with a big heap of street cred...hmmm) and now this would-be attempt on his life - all of it makes him "bulletproof" now, in terms of support or having to answer for ANYTHING related to OP Warp Speed and vax democide...
"He took a bullet for us...we've got to stand with Trump. He'll do better this time around."
Sorry to go on about this...back to your stunning stack.
Just great...so important...and so spot on...I am making YOU my primary care holistic physician...
My circle doesn't trust ANY politicians, including him. I still think it's shameful how he's treated by the media etc. and they fan the flames of hatred towards him. But I am upset with several things he's done... You're right though. What a shitshow movie!!! Thanks for your comment! 💕
I've seen these. Hesitant to put blame on a mom for the actions of her daughter though. Kids have a mind of their own sometimes...thanks for your input. 💕
Everyone in those groups are fighting. So weird.
I think it's probably best to not trust any politicians whatsoever. Thanks for stopping by. ❤️
Wake up to DJT…I voted for him twice…never again. This is one of MANY rabbit hole documentaries I’ve watched…https://rumble.com/v2ospbw-trumps-zionist-ball-and-chain.html
I started connecting the dots. It’s not good. You can do your own research!
Thank you. He's done a lot of sketchy things for sure! ❤️
Also, if I might add, Trump pardoned Jared Kushner’s father. Kushner’s father blackmailed people, and was caught. Trump pardoned him.
And he didn't pardon Julian Assange... yet without him (& wiki leaks on Clinton/ & corruption) he likely wouldn't have been in office in 2016 IMO.
I think that is what bothers me the most of all the things that bother me about him. Thanks for your comment!!! ❤️
Interesting that the dot com Buble of the 90s coincided with Prozac and ergo Y2K fashion is retrending now. There has always been a market correlation. Corporatocracies are the signal for end of history as Nick land essays would say. Great article. Harsh that truth's are just PR tropes now.
Fashion trends fascinate me! Thanks you! ❤️
I tried Prozac. Felt like I had a fake plastic smile even when I wanted to cry.
Not surprising. It has fluoride in it. Masks your feelings. Nothing about it is good, really. It actually is correlated with suicidal thoughts too. So like many drugs it does the opposite of what it says it will do. 🙃
I had just gotten out of rehab for drinking. Did what the dr told me. I found out years later I had adrenal exhaustion and etc. I fell for many rx . Eventually came to my senses. A few years ago I was blessed by God with an integrative medicine doctor. Insurance dictated doctors, when I was on disability for years, they gaslight and neglect. Consistently. Then they blame YOU for being discouraged and depressed.
I’d tell them, I’m not depressed except I i just need a doctor who will listen. So they called me non compliant.
For a long time, I just kept trying different antidepressants. It is embarrassing how long it took me to come to my senses and stop trusting insurance dictated doctors.
They always call me non compliant. Now it's a badge of honor to me. 😂 ❤️
I tried Chantix for smoking and had to cease. I had 2 episodes where I suddenly had urges to hurt myself. I was in the shower the second time, my mind said “ jump out the window “. The other time I was driving and I had an urge to swerve into a beautiful huge oak tree.
It was new on the market. I foolishly thought my doctor office would have had to report it. Apparently i should have & never knew enough to do the paperwork with the manufacturer.
This is just scary AF. I've heard this many times though. They know. They just don't care. $$$ are all that matter to them. So sorry. I'm glad you found something that worked. ❤️
We spend a lot of time looking for food without junk in it, reverse osmosis water and as little prescriptions as possible, I take a lot of supplements recommended by my doctor, pure encapsulation brand, most of them. Very thankful.
It's time for the acting cult to tell you all what they've DELIBERATELY done to you. Then the shame ritual begins. Sickos.
That's like thinking your rapist will arrest him/her self, convict and incarcerate themselves and volunteer for castration.
It is highly improbable.
😂 good point!
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, if I were you.
I don't think they will though....thanks for stopping by. ❤️
I'll believe it when we see it.
Exactly! ❤️
Why in the hell anyone with any ability left to reason would believe a single thing coming out of the mouth of The Snake Donald Trump is beyond me. Who has lied and betrayed everyone over and over.
This is the man who released the murderous bioweapon in OPERATION WARP SPEED and continually called himself The Father of the Vaccine, etc. Initiated lock downs, mandatory masks, social distancing, school, church and business closings...
Are memories so short they are now exceeded by the goldfish? People love to say they are "awake", "question everything", "don't believe the MSM". UNTIL it suits their precious and egotistically held "beliefs" and then...POOF. THE TRUTH IS THROWN OUT WITH THE GARBAGE.
If you think Trump is going to investigate the very industries that support him or that an extremely strategic phone call was "leaked", or that the so obviously staged "event" was real, you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
I in no way support ANY politician. The world is in the midst of a global take down and unless you realize anyone in the public eye is an enemy, you are an enemy as well.
If you support this man you are like a woman married to a man who abuses his family and keeps saying, "He promises to do better. I just know he will....he hasn't SAID he'll do better, but he will...I have faith in him. I LOVE him. He loves me..." While her children lay dying in a corner with black eyes and broken bodies.
Just like the children dead and dying from the injections Trump unleashed on them.
I am very close to being entirely over people. God Bless.
I think I've been over people for years but my disgust keeps getting worse anyway! Thanks for you comment! ❤️
Right there with you. 100%
Dear God in Heaven. I can see it coming.
Just to add a little more to the insincerity of Trump; Or the lying bag of sh...as he is also known:
Trump did not go to the "dead firefighter" funeral today. Out on the golf course instead?
Last night, Trump kissed and fondled a firefighter coat onstage during the RNC.
The name on the coat is COMPERTORE. The "dead firefighter" name is COMPERATORE.
The "A" is missing on the Trump fondled coat. Trump claims this is the guy's actual coat.
This is so cheesy. Please...
Circus masters gotta circus master I guess...😂
There's an 80 year ban on herbalism in France:
But if I sell bramble leaves today and advise my customer to drink three bowls of an infusion to ease his angina, I am at risk of two years in prison and €37,500 in fines for illegally practising medicine.
“And if I write out a prescription so he can buy his bramble leaves elsewhere, the prison sentence goes up to five years and the fine to €100,000.”
Punitive. Yet it has taken off big time behind scenes where people are learning plant skills and helping out each other.
Yes, I know about France. Have friends there who told me all about it. When I visited there I ran out of Vit C and could not get very much of it at all because thru Codex Alimentarius they are limited on how much they are allowed to buy. Had a long talk with a pharmicist while waiting for it as it is kinda like a controlled substance. Unbelievable! Huge black market created which drives up the price. I was going to write SICK! But stupid seems more appropriate. ❤️
I remember in the UK a few years back someone telling me that herbalists and natural medicine practitioners were 'eliminated' by the pharmaceutical company and I thought she was talking nonsense - the pharmaceutical industry was our friend! It wouldn't do that, surely? Oh how I have woken up!
Rockefellers ruined it all. At least you're awake now! ❤️
I'm not a herbalist BTW I was quoting someone else. But I am doing a couple of courses. One of them is the Herbalista Free school, which is based in the US. It is online and is ...free! A brilliant intro if anyone is interested x
That's so great and I didn't know about that. I'm a retired Herbalist. ❤️
30 year ban? WTF? unbelievable...but not really...they've "eliminated" so many holistic doctors...and it is ongoing...
I had no idea! A ban on herbalism. The Canadian government is trying to bring natural health products under greater control. They want the people sick and without natural options that actually heal the body. The assault is insane.
Dishonesty abounds. It used to be hidden as much as possible, but now brazenly works right out in the open. In nearly every fragment of society, there seems to be a competition as to how much evil can be gotten away with, and dollars reaped in the process. Money appears to be the main objective, and usually is, but the quest for its accumulation is unquenchable. Boundaries are continually breached; pushed outward. Watchdog agencies fail their duties and succumb to the pressures and bribery. All these effects are now quite evident, but there is yet more on the horizon to be warned of!
Scripture is clear. Things will continue (in a general direction) toward evil, culminating in total disregard for human life; e.g. Parents against children, and children against parents. Selfishness and covetousness and the lack of love drive in the wedge. Social chaos ensues. (Matt. 24)
So, if we are to have hope for any goodness, we must look to the Scriptures and the promises of God. Worldly corruption is like cancer. There is a tipping point from which it is impossible to live through. It's OK to give up hoping for an honest change of heart among the wolves. But it is NOT OK to give up all hope. True hope exists ONLY in the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ. Learn of Him, obey His Commandments and be saved.
His words are trustworthy.
Thank you for your comment. AGREE! ❤️
Oh wow! That is a fantastic career imo xx
He'll keep all His campaign promises just like He did last time! He locked Killary up! He built the wall - and Mexico paid for it! He drained the swamp! He balanced the debt! He released the JFK files! He reinvestigated 9/11! Oh, surely He will do all He says THIS time!
Wait... He praised Killary at the inauguration dinner! No wall was built and Mexico paid for nothing. He appointed the swamp. The debt increased by 8.4 trillion. No JFK files were released. And 9/11 was ignored.
Yeah, He's really good at keeping those promises. Bet He will do as well this time around.
😂 Exactly!
Apparently being a porn star is required for him to fulfill his contractual obligations.
Now, if we all started an Only Fans channel, maybe that would help...nah, video's not enough, 'fraid he needs... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NicJWZ0jTF0
Love that! I like Elvis Costello. ❤️
LOL! Thanks for the music!
Stunning post...so glad you are staying on this!
As for Trump addressing vaxxes...his areas of concern are so far behind the curve, purposely...another distraction - this is like putting a bandaid on a beheading....it's an appeasing headfake - it's his angle to get around the coming tsunami of criticism and it will make his cult feel like he might one day (after the pharma donations have been spent) finally get to the vax genocide - and the the cult will say..."well, I'm sure he'll get to the DeathJabs, as soon as we get those child vaccine schedules spread out a bit...and a few of the cult defectors might be persuaded to get back on the "bullet" train.
And all of his lawsuits (which have been a massive distraction...and oddly seem to be going away, leaving him with a big heap of street cred...hmmm) and now this would-be attempt on his life - all of it makes him "bulletproof" now, in terms of support or having to answer for ANYTHING related to OP Warp Speed and vax democide...
"He took a bullet for us...we've got to stand with Trump. He'll do better this time around."
Sorry to go on about this...back to your stunning stack.
Just great...so important...and so spot on...I am making YOU my primary care holistic physician...
Thank you so much. LOVE YOU TOO! ❤️💕❤️
Remember Steve Kirsh holding a conference in Atlanta for class action lawsuit training?
Hadn't heard that...but even though it's him saying it, I think it's a good idea. Lawyers need love too... ❤️
My circle trusts DJT. I have my doubts. Is he aligning himself with the same companies that brought us the mRNA platform?
Do "They" want him in office knowing he will not investigate big pharma & the like?
But why would they go to do much trouble to keep him out of the race? Why go after him at every turn?
What a show we are watching.
My circle doesn't trust ANY politicians, including him. I still think it's shameful how he's treated by the media etc. and they fan the flames of hatred towards him. But I am upset with several things he's done... You're right though. What a shitshow movie!!! Thanks for your comment! 💕
It's a certain group of friends, who have been Trump fans from the beginning. I question everything, because nothing is as it seems.
And yes- we are witnessing in real time the greatest shit show on earth & perhaps the demise of humanity. Lucky us.
Mr. Warp Speed and Mr. Bought and Paid J.D. Vancelot investigating to cover up sure.
Seems to be the consensus! ❤️