Trump To Investigate BIG PHARMA
For The "Stunning Rise" In Autism, Allergies, Infertility, Obesity, and Childhood Illness
In a recent public address, Donald Trump announced plans to investigate the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries to determine the link between their products and out-of-control chronic illnesses like allergies, autism, infertility and obesity.
This shocked a lot of people, including me. I hope he or someone will follow through. On the other hand, Pfizer donated $1 Million for President Trump’s inauguration in 2016 and then got a pass on all things COVID, so not holding my breath! Also he partnered with Moderna on the Covid vax in early 2020, according to Ivanka. Even with all the horrible reactions to their jabs (Steve Kirsch says the Moderna jabs caused 30% more problems than the Phizer ones) nothing has happened to them and it’s hard to imagine he will investigate his partner.
"If Big Pharma defrauds American patients & taxpayers or puts profits above people, they must be held accountable." ~President Trump
President Trump says he is alarmed by the "unexplained" growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses and health problems, especially in children.
"We've seen a stunning rise in autism, autoimmune disorders, obesity, infertility, serious allergies and respiratory challenges," Trump said. "It's time to ask what is going on?" Click image to hear him.
Is this just for votes? Or do you think he will really do this? What would that say about Operation Warp Speed? I mean, he’s not exactly good at admitting error. 😂
The time is long past, Mr. President! By the way, you knew this before the election in 2016. You’re on record about your distrust. Why didn’t you investigate the last time you were in office? Oh well, that inauguration was spectacular, hope the parties were worth the donation bribe! Previous tweets follow.👇
President Trump’s a businessman, so maybe someone should tell him that the Big pHarma business is run just like a drug cartel business. (Or the Mafia protection racket, same method. He owned a construction business in New York City, so he probably doesn’t know anything about the Mafia, right?😂) Being a businessman, I’m sure he can analyze this and rectify it!
The manufacturers (Big pHarma) of the drugs indoctrinate the drug pushers (doctors) by 1. owning the entry way into the business (medical school) while charging mega bucks for that entry, and 2. propagandizing them that Big pHarma products (drugs and vaccines) are the only way to treat symptoms, diseases, and syndromes.
So Big pHarma makes $$$ all along the watchtower path of destruction. The debts these poor doctors have from their training is unbelievable. No snark, it’s a staggering amount of money. The pressure to pay those debts off must be soul crushing. And these doctors are convinced of the value of the products from their indoctrination training at the medical schools.
After they get their piece of paper (diploma) that allows them to be a drug pusher, they get paid by the customer (patient) for another little piece of paper (prescription) provided by the doctor, authorizing them to get their side effect producers drugs to cure their ailments.
So the doctors are in a partnership with the Big pHarma cartel whether they recognize this or not. I think the propaganda is so great that most doctors (most of whom truly want to help their patients) believe they are doing good.
On the other hand, it can’t hurt that they are highly incentivized monetarily and otherwise to push the first and probably most lethal products, vaccines.
I just don’t think we would have all these new diseases and syndromes if Big pHarma and doctors weren’t prescribing all these drugs to treat symptoms and drugs to treat the effects of other drugs. And if we weren’t bamboozed into the Big pHarma train from birth by the injection of foreign material into the body.
Yes, Big pHarma’s first foray into your baby’s body happens right after birth unless you stop them. The Hepatitis B vaccine is given right away. And usually they inject K2 also. This probably starts the chain of disease. The ingredients in those things are not meant to be in your little baby! I’ll have to do another post about that sometime.
Getting back to Big pHarma’s business plan, there’s even a continuing education program after medical school run by Big pHarma. They send cute little corporate drug pushers pHarma reps around to doctor offices to educate them on the latest side effect producers drugs and leave samples! Isn’t that nice of them?
How would those poor doctors know that there is a newer drug that treats symptoms and syndromes and costs more? They might prescribe cheaper generics that cost less and deprive Big pHarma of profits! Not helping the business there, doctor! Big pHarma reps to the rescue!
“Let’s get you back on track here, with this new drug that hasn’t been around long enough to show any obvious “side” effects. After about 10 years when it starts to become an obvious side effect producer problem product due to massive harm, we’ll bring you a new product!”
Can’t have patients connecting the dots regarding side effects diseases, symptoms, and syndromes. Also, the lawsuits discourage uptake. 😂
“But meanwhile, just keep doing your best to treat all those side effects with our other side effect producers drugs, doctor! Good job there, partner! Spilled Blood brothers for life!”
And bonus, lots of lawyers will have a lot more work! Defending lawsuits for Big pHarma, and filing lawsuits against Big pHarma. Maybe Big pHarma should own some law schools too or at least give them big donations…
Note to self: Look up donors to Law Schools. Looked it up. Yes they do. And there are schools specializing in health care and pharmaceutical law. Like Harvard and other Ivy League schools. It wasn’t enough to donate to all the medical schools and write their text books, and bribe donate to Congress to get laws passed to protect the Big pHarma cartel business. Gotta cover all the bets. So make sure there are good Big pHarma lawyers!
This mafia style business has a virtual monopoly on sick people. After the Rockefellers got control of the medical schools, they demonized all the other natural, known, and long standing healing modalities almost out of existence. The goal was to get rid of Herbalism, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Naturopathic, and Eastern modalities, like Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. And they succeeded for the most part. There are very few practioners of these alternative modalities compared to allopathic medicine practioners and they still carry a stigma for many.
That’s because those modalities don’t rely on drugs manufactured by Big pHarma. And this allopathic system was set up to make money off disease. They have bamboozled a large portion of the population into believing they need Big pHarma products to stay well. Patients and doctors and Big pHarma reps, all of them seem to buy this bullshit.
And most, if not all of their drugs cause side effects which have to be treated… It’s almost just like a drug cartel getting a customer hooked on drugs so they can have a permanent customer. Same principle is at work here in the medical mafia cartel known as Big pHarma. Just a little more insidious. Keep adding drugs to treat the side effects of the other drugs, down a never ending spiral of disease. More and more drugs=more and more profits.
And shockingly, Big pHarma products are petroleum based! It actually cracks me up that much of society wants everything plant based and “green,” but not medicine which goes into your body! Cars? No oil! Medicine? Yes oil! 🤡 🤪 Maybe that has something to do with all those side effects.
Big pHarma makes bank with a guaranteed endless stream of customers, and doctors make $$$ for pushing those side effect producers drugs. What a perfect partnership. It's the grift that keeps on giving business plan. All owned by the Rockefellers.
And they are like the mafia/drug cartels in another way too. They don’t allow dissent. All questioning of their protocols is squashed as soon as possible, through mockery, lawsuits, and banishment from the official medical tribe. You can lose your medical license for simply calling out bullshit in medicine. Or even just quietly not complying with the “standard of care,” like not mass vaccinating patients.
And they have a federal agency, the FDA, to run cover for them! Lots of people think the FDA is there to protect us from Big pHarma. No, they actually help them in many ways. There’s a revolving door between the two entities. The FDA even helps their employees get jobs in the pHarma industry after they leave the agency.
And they got Congress to pass a law in 1986 exempting Big pHarma from any liability for the harms that their vaccines do. So they can literally put anything into arms with impunity.
They are the biggest ad buyers in media so they control the information you get about Big pHarma and medicine too. No negative Big pHarma stories or narrative questioning allowed! And there are lots of Big pHarma ads to convince patients to run and ask their doctors for new “treatments.”
The whole racket business is protected from top to bottom. And it all starts with vaccines. Now the world’s leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin has admitted that there never were any safety studies so they can’t possibly assure anyone they are safe. So please, President Trump, start the investigation there!
Vaccine Fraud Receipts
Conspiracy Meme-A-Thon
Summarizing Covid Vax Insanities
And as long as President Trump is thinking about investigating Big pHarma maybe he could take a look at some of their practices in their labs. I guess it’s not surprising that people who work in labs don’t care about any safety studies. They don’t even care about abusing animals.
The Big Pharma Research Cover for Animal Cruelty
At the end of the day, I don’t think anything about Big pHarma is for good. They’ve gotten away with a world wide PsyOp for decades. I think know a lot of the products are based on fake science and the business is unfairly protected to the detriment of mankind.
In the end I think it will be known that Big pHarma has done far more harm than good in this world.
All that said, I’m a big believer in pain relievers and antibiotics. Don’t want to bite on a stick to endure the pain of surgery. Thank you Big pHarma, for opiates and anesthesia! And I don’t want to die from sepsis, so thank you, Big pHarma, for antibiotics!
And yes I hope that if President Trump is re-elected, he really does investigate Big pHarma but I’m not sure the chances are very good of either one happening. I hope there’s an investigation sometime though. Unless there is, the assault on all of us will continue.
But you don’t have to settle for inferior health care! Find yourself an Herbalist, a Chiropractor, and a Naturopathic doctor, or even an Osteopathic doctor. (Osteopaths typically resort to drugs last, not first, for treatment, so better than M.D.’s in my opinion.) And question any drug or treatment prescribed by anyone. Research, research, research! Get a second or even a third opinion. You really need to be your own advocate!
Pro tip: If necessary, you can fire your doctor and find a new one! It’s your body and your life, not anyone else’s.
For more information on FDA Big pHarma fraud that’s been going on for years and is actually codified in law, I recommend Katherine Watt’s brilliant reporting in her Substack, Bailiwick News.
Enjoy a pretty hilarious summary of a hypochondriac patient. This patient is Big pHarma’s wet dream. ❤️ Happy Friday! ❤️
Doctor, there's something wrong with me
My health is not all that it used to be
My heart is out of beat, I got chokers on my feet
My eyesight's getting dimmer, I can't see
Doctor thanks for seeing me today, I'm glad,
I've got every sickness there is to be had
I had whooping cough last month
And today I've got the mumps
And tomorrow I'll catch chicken pox as well.
Doctor doctor doctor make me well
I've not got long to go now I can tell
Doctor doctor doctor make me well
I've not got long to go I can tell
I've not got long to go I can tell
Those pills I took have no effect at all
Just the other day I had a nasty fall
And I think I broke my jaw when it hit the kitchen floor
And I'm shrinking last week I was five foot four
I've been getting shivers lately, is it flu?
I know the bug is going round, what can I do?
It's about to pick on me, I've still got the other three
Do you think I caught smallpox I'd get flu?
Doctor doctor doctor make me well
I've not got long to go now I can tell
Doctor doctor doctor make me well
I've not got long to go I can tell
I've not got long to go I can tell
Do you think it's time that I made out my will?
I'll leave everything to you to pay my bill
Just how long is there to go
Please tell me I want to know
But on second thoughts don't tell me, I'm too ill.
Songwriter: John Entwistle
Doctor, Doctor lyrics © Gowmonk, Inc
Why in the hell anyone with any ability left to reason would believe a single thing coming out of the mouth of The Snake Donald Trump is beyond me. Who has lied and betrayed everyone over and over.
This is the man who released the murderous bioweapon in OPERATION WARP SPEED and continually called himself The Father of the Vaccine, etc. Initiated lock downs, mandatory masks, social distancing, school, church and business closings...
Are memories so short they are now exceeded by the goldfish? People love to say they are "awake", "question everything", "don't believe the MSM". UNTIL it suits their precious and egotistically held "beliefs" and then...POOF. THE TRUTH IS THROWN OUT WITH THE GARBAGE.
If you think Trump is going to investigate the very industries that support him or that an extremely strategic phone call was "leaked", or that the so obviously staged "event" was real, you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
I in no way support ANY politician. The world is in the midst of a global take down and unless you realize anyone in the public eye is an enemy, you are an enemy as well.
If you support this man you are like a woman married to a man who abuses his family and keeps saying, "He promises to do better. I just know he will....he hasn't SAID he'll do better, but he will...I have faith in him. I LOVE him. He loves me..." While her children lay dying in a corner with black eyes and broken bodies.
Just like the children dead and dying from the injections Trump unleashed on them.
I am very close to being entirely over people. God Bless.
Wake up to DJT…I voted for him twice…never again. This is one of MANY rabbit hole documentaries I’ve watched…
I started connecting the dots. It’s not good. You can do your own research!