So clearly described. Easy for non-scientific me to understand. Many thanks.

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Thank you so much! ❤️

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It's just so sad. I used to think vaccines were wonderful, told so by doctors who I believed had our best interests at heart, not their bank balances. It's always about money. It has a phenomenal power over people. I would love to pin the perpetrators to a chair and jab them with every single vial of poison they want stuck into tiny, soft, velvety arms.

Yes it is a dystopian nightmare but it all needs revealing. We have been so conned! Who would have known before the plandemic just how bought the medical profession is, how disgustingly greedy Big Pharma is, and how sinister the cabal behind it all. They just hate little children being healthy little children.

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it used to be that there were only 2 mandatory jabs in Europe. Then the needle happy movement waved over the ocean, and now more and more people jab the kids. I had them orally, even. No jabs at all until I immigrated - then 7 at once. Without asking you had you had them before, had you had the illness, just bang. Disgusting. I already had something against doctors in Europe but I don't trust anyone here at all.

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I've lived in Europe for 7 years and liked the doctors there a lot more than the ones here. But they go along with our FDA and make some awful decisions too. I hate that you had to have 7 at once. My son who I never vaccinated had 17 in 3 days for a job, and never recovered really....it's definitely disgusting! Thank you for visiting! ❤️

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Oh, god Heather, and you never imposed one on him.


The whole damned system from a to z needs to come down, and soon. The only way to get these alien freaks off the planet is to not host them in any way. There's the rub. They are parasite, kill the host.

Down with this job BS. Schools are "jobs for kids", and eight hours a day ain't enough for them , no, they need to work at night, too.

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The "US' colony has always been "Europe's Bitch".

Steal it, use it, abuse it, and blame it.

Quite the agenda/program/pogrom.

Let's see who's left standing.

I've been listening to our conquerors bitch about the "US" colony for far too long.

I can only imagine how difficult it is to retain any sense of "superiority" while living in the US, but some have a talent for that anyway. Well inculcated through the generations. Beaver skin hats for the royals and all.

Well, you could always move to where there are more Euros than anyone, in the tourist destinations they favor . Thailand worships them. They have a lot of money. Spend a lot of it on booze. All good for the Thai. And the Euros too, they love it.

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That seems to be the silver lining of the Plandemic, that many are waking up to vax harms. Can't happen fast enough though! Thanks for reading! ❤️

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Great article, very informative. Thanks for posting! X

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Just wait until it's an "alien invasion virus".

Coming to your local theatre, soon.

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It’s not just the doctors, the pharmacists are also in on the action,

picked up my only Rx yesterday (for an autoimmune disease that was probably caused by a boatload of previous vaccinations) AND a list of new recommended vaccines was scotch taped to the Rx… wash-rinse-repeat.

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And if you listen to what's coming out of the speakers while you shop they're pushing them that way, as well as posters assaulting you visually every turn of the cart.

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It's relentless! I told one the other day at their little sign up table that I "just say no to vaccines." She was not amused! I love making friends, wherever I go! 😂 After that I went to the restroom and put up a bunch of anti vax memes all over the wall. 😂 ❤️

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My heroine!! Yes, the "restrooms". Great spot, I've done it.

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☝️💥I only take one Rx also, same experience. WTH? And they have a little table set up in the front of the store with their propaganda sheets to try and make an appointment at the pharmacy for the vax. NO, dammit! 😂 ❤️

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folding table + propaganda sheets = snipers targeting seniors

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Like my octogenarian parents. I can't believe they're still alive. Going on their 8th or 10th CV jabs. So sad.

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Talked to an old NYC college buddy about a year ago, I think he was on the verge of getting #7. Still see traces of him online, so he's still alive. But how??

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Well, seems to me the eldest amongst us have something going for them. They're the ones who lasted through all this crap.

I consider them the "strongest" in terms of health. They longevity is proof positive.

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Same reason they've made it so long. The eldest are the strongest in terms of longevity, and that requires general good health.

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Snipers targeting seniors > Like a hunting 'blind in plain sight, right out in the open'.

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These examples could allllllmost make ya wonder if they're really that bad. But then...

But seriously! How the HELL are these people still alive. Mind you, pops has dementia now(but he IS 80) , and my mom got a nasty bout of turbo lung cancer. Doesn't smoke

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Sorry to hear that.

We don't make it to 80 by being weak, eh? Been through a lot and lived through it. Strong.

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Ask them for the package insert.

Then read the list of 1200 "injuries", and ask them if the docs recommend that. YOu can actually sue a doc who "recommends" , as that is legally binding.

Ask 'em if they're willing to got to court over that "recommendation" . Watch them wilt.

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Another excellent article and collection of memes.

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Thank you so much! ❤️

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Why does a 6 month old baby today have more vaxxes than a 40 yr old?

Disgusting when you add up how many jabs they've had by the age of 3

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It's horrifying! Thanks for reading! ❤️

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The 40-year old will trample up the back stretch with Ozempic and Golf Course Sauces.

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Mmmmm. Isn't that what the Step Brothers mom made? Also known as "Yayyy!! Fancy Sauce!!"?


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It is about the money no doubt, but there is a larger more universal threat - transhumanism.

That is the goal. They will live forever as their own gods and we will be their fleshbots. It's insane.

I don't mean to be too cynical, though I wonder if that's possible anymore, but it doesn't matter if one hundred million doctors sign some "Accord" or another. They are speaking up way, way too late and it makes me wonder what's taken so long? If I have been able to see the damage and death and danger to all life for years now, what have these doctors been doing? AND why are they doing it now? AND why is MSM covering it? Poking the bear to ignite Civil War?

The nanotech has been/is being fully unleashed on all living things and everyone is infected to one degree or another. This has been proven many times by now.

I cry for the children. Do not vaccinate. Get away from al institutionalized medicine.

Thank you, Heather, for an excellent article.

Stand your ground and pray to God for protection.

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💥☝️🔥 Yes, the transhumanism push is everywhere and relentless. I hate it. Thank you so much. ❤️

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They also got grant funds to promote C-jabs through county & regional “health” departments directly to the public—with incentives! Ours has been advertising since late April for students to “get up to date on your vaccines for next school year,” by offering a free basketball for getting jabbed before August 1. 🤯🤯

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Wow! More insidious shitfuckery. Free basketballs with a side of lifelong problems, problems that might keep one from ever using the basketball. 🙃🤡Thanks for the info. ❤️

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Short-term the basketball give away makes sense because it gives the perps a little karmic sentencing offset from the crime of hooking them with Krispy Kremes & other treats, and from the longer perspective, a basketball must be a lot lower expense than paying the kids' pediatricians the big bonus for upping the vax rate.

Now, thinking like a Scorpion...I wonder where those health departments got the funds to buy alla them basketballs...are they subject to FOIA requests? Wouldn't it be interesting to find out that the money came from a local organization of pediatric physicians, who kicked in the dough as an investment based on the idea that the basketballs would increase the rate of kids getting vaxxed, leading to a knowable increase in the amount the docs would rake in?? Too conspiratorial? Really? Don't forget the Scorpion Queen's latest reminder memo: Donating funds to programs like this is almost certainly tax deductible, but be sure to double check with your cousins the tax attorney & the CPA. :-)

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🎯🔥 I've written a post about this very thing and will publish after I check a few more things. ❤️

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Bingo. Let's give 'em basketballs and see how quick they get heart attacks.

More "experimentation".

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Basketball dishing pediatricians creating long-term patients for the cousins & classmates, the cardiologists...a slick behind the back pass move that Pistol Pete would have made back in the day and Caitlyn Clark will probably use in her next WNBA game

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The dentists at a medical school in Boston did that to me. He called upstairs, and said "I've got one for you. "

The rest was a nightmare. I was warned , but couldn't imagine. I learned.

I had my satisfaction about a week later, when I attended a rally in Boston Common over the nuclear plant in Pennsylvania going down. (As I bled out in shock that day under the scalpel, I offered my blood to cover that one and keep everyone safe. )

The last speaker was a black lady who ended with a nice analogy.

She told of a woman in a dentist chair. who just as the doc was about to inject her, grabbed his balls firmly.

"Lady, what are you doing? " he demanded angrily.

"Don't hurt me, and I won't hurt you", she responded.

That helped. I had a strategy for the future.

I'm only recently learning to apply that as initiatory strategy, across the board. It's not in my "nature", but I am teachable.

I'm a disinterested yet surprising "actress", but I love "acting out". Particularly in public, where the audience is random and delightfully surprising.

Safe public environments, that is.

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Maybe the last western without postmodern versions of the good guys and the bad guys. If you saw the film, then you know...if not, it's on YT but for rent, not free...it would be like time traveling w/o gear or drugs... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks2SXmI4Njc

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I could not despise the cult of the medics anymore than I already do...they should all be in jail and we should see the rise and domination of holistic medicine...

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YES! ❤️💕❤️

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Great compilation of information.

I started following Dr. Paul's work early in the Plandemic

when he started putting out videos discussing the

available data.

He is an exemplary human being and I hope he is

able to open many more minds with his works.

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I agree about him! Yes I hope he gets more exposure. Thanks for reading. ❤️

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Apparently, this information is still verboten

over in Fascistbookland.

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For sure. I got kicked off twice for posting this kind of stuff. 🤡 No vax truth allowed. BTW, love your name. I have a son named Bryan. ❤️

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15 quotes from George Orwell’s ‘1984’ that are no longer fiction



These 15 Lines From “1984” Are No Longer Fiction


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Thank you! 💕

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I've read that it was originally titled "1948", the year of publication, but that was not allowed to go forth. He had to change it. So, he did.

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My d in law is 4 months pregnant. Going to send this to her. Thx Heather

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That's awesome! Thank you for reading! ❤️💕

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Wow, this was a lot of work, Thank you.

Yes, this information about the vaccine perks to docs was revealed in Vaxxed, and Paul was a part of that I believe.

Wow. Four million a year "practice". And all the while, masses of women and children shelterless all around him.

There's something about those who have no shame whatsoever. Just the fact that he c ontinued passing out those poisons if parents "chose" to poison their kids. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I guess money really is magical somehow. I see that having that much of it makes playing both sides of the death cult profitable.

No words for the discomfort of my soul. The "blow" with golden whistles, these white coats.

"They all play the PENNY WHISTLE, you can hear them blow

If you lean your head out far enough from desolation row. "

Desolation row done moved right onto center stage, and everyone wanted to be a star in it.

Jackson wrote "Doctor My Eyes" with his first wife's mother, together one day at the kitchen table.

For your next one on hospitals, I saved this recently. Good to review what went down. Not forget. From an interesting perspective.


A medical coder testifying for CHD. With Polly interviewing.

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Thanks for the link. I've seen her before. Brave soul. ❤️

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You know, maybe it took a lot of courage for each and every one of us to incarnate in this time.

The music sure was worth it , tho!! And the stunning power and beauty of the land.

Aloha Aina: I share with you the breath of the land

What makes us

Email me.please to keep in touch if you want to do so.

I may give up on SS. An alcoholic has it out for me, and I can't be bothered much longer. That post on the planets that included the NDAA got me nixed again, at least for posting, tho not commenting. Uhmmm, as I recently learned that two of the three owners of substack are from the wash post, well, they may be pissed that I published this before they do...if they ever do. Whatever. If I wanted to be involved with the Wash Post, I could have done that in my twenties.

I already saw a copy cat move made last week from one of my comments I believe!! Not sure, but for sure they can read every word we print or say. Evidently they have nothing better to do. Yawn.

So, yes , please. I have a few folks as want to keep going with astrology, so do ask if you want to examine that for yourself. Blessed Be

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"...why let ethics get in the way of profit?" There's the rub, eh? Ethics no longer matter. Profit is king. And... We can change that up. When We go for it.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

We Have to Do This Ourselves (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-have-to-do-this-ourselves

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

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Thank you!

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No wonder they push them so hard, exactly. I've often wondered if it's even possible for an MD to run a practice and NOT be well aware of this. It's hard to fathom, though many claim innocence. Dr. Paul lays it all out in a way that cannot be denied. Well DONE, Heather.

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Thank you Carolan! ❤️💕❤️

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The Jackson Browne lyrics are a perfect tribute!!! Today is another one of those days when I wonder... WHO would still believe media after THIS? What a circus!

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Insanity abounds. Nice to hear from you. ❤️

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